Digestive Simulation. Numbers At your table number off 1-8, if you have more than 8 the extras will all be number 6’s. Write you number on the sheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Digestive Simulation. Numbers At your table number off 1-8, if you have more than 8 the extras will all be number 6’s. Write you number on the sheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestive Simulation

2 Numbers At your table number off 1-8, if you have more than 8 the extras will all be number 6’s. Write you number on the sheet.

3 Person 1 You are the mouth You are responsible for mechanically digesting the food, please break up the graham crackers into smaller pieces.

4 Person 2 and Person 3 You are the saliva Person 2 grab a banana Person 3 grab some water You will both place your items in the stomach

5 Person 4 You are the stomach Grab a ziplock bag, you will be responsible for holding the bag open for the mouth and the saliva to put their contents in.

6 Person 5 You are the stomach acid (cocoa powder) Put the stomach acid in the stomach after the saliva and food are in.

7 Mechanical Digestion As a group, have each person squeeze the bag for 30 seconds, we will mechanically digest for 4 minutes. Return the bag to the stomach

8 Person 6 and 7 You are the small intestine Grab a panty hose, cut the end off. You will be responsible for holding the panty hose over the large intestine while your group squeezes the contents down.


10 Person 8 You are the large intestine. You are responsible for grabbing a paper towel and cup. You will also make sure the contents from the small intestine land in the large intestine.

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