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Chapter 5 Frameworks List reasons why travelers will or will not visit the area of Tanzania S. Ashby 4th hour.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 Frameworks List reasons why travelers will or will not visit the area of Tanzania S. Ashby 4th hour."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 Frameworks List reasons why travelers will or will not visit the area of Tanzania S. Ashby 4th hour

2 Reasons to Visit Tanzania Wildlife and birdlife: Tanzania has the largest population of animals in Africa. There are 1,100 bird species to spot in the country. Tanzania has some of the most treasured National Parks and Game Reserves. Selous Game Reserve is the world’s largest home to more than 160,000 Buffaloes, 120,000 Elephants and about 2,000 Rhinos. It also has the greatest concentration of Crocodiles, Wild Dogs and Hippos.

3 Best Places to Visit Serengeti National Park Ngorongoro Crater Zanzibar Mount Kilimanjaro Lake Manyara Tarangire National Park Ruaha National Park Selous Game Reserve

4 Reasons why you should not visit I was not able to find anything about this topic.

5 Different Wild Animals in Tanzania Elephant Giraffe Hippo Buffalo Zebra Wildebeest White Rhino ●Cheetah ●Hyena ●Wild Dog

6 Different Wild Animals in Tanzania - Continued Black Rhino Lion Leopard

7 Pictures of the wild animals

8 Different Wild Birds Fischer’s lovebird Red-and-Yellow Barbet Black Crake Hartlaub’s Turaco Ashy Starling White-Headed Buffalo-Weaver

9 Pictures of wild Birds

10 Sources 8&safe=active&ssui=on#q=tanzania%20population&safe=active&ssui=on

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