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Solubility How much of a solute will dissolve in a solvent at a given temperature  High solubility – soluble more solute dissolves  Low solubility –

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1 Solubility How much of a solute will dissolve in a solvent at a given temperature  High solubility – soluble more solute dissolves  Low solubility – insoluble Less solute dissolves Saturated Solution  Contains as much solute as can possibly be dissolved under the existing conditions of T and P

2 Solubility (Table G and F) Unsaturated Solution  Contains less than the max amount of solute that can be dissolved Supersaturated Solution  Contains a greater amount of solute than is needed to form saturated solution Very unstable Solute will recrystallize

3 Factors that Affect Solubility Nature of solute and solvent  “ like dissolves like” Polar solvents dissolve polar solutes (and ionic solutes)  Water, alcohol, and ammonia dissolve salt Nonpolar solvents dissolve nonpolar solutes  Oil, hexane, and benzene are nonpolar solvents Temperature  Solutions of solids dissolved in liquids (salt in water) Increase T, increase solubility Decrease T, decrease solubility  Solutions of gases dissolved in liquids (CO 2 in soda) Increase T, decrease solubility Decrease T, increase solubility

4 Factors that Affect Solubility Pressure  Only affects gases in liquids  Increase P, increase solubility of gas

5 Rate of a Substance Dissolving Surface Area  Increase surface area, increase rate of dissolving  Powered form produces greatest rate Stirring  Increases the rate of dissolving Temperature  See previous notes

6 Table G


8 Colligative Properties Properties that are based on the amount of a substance present When a solute is added to water (such as salt)  it interferes with the water’s ability to freeze or boil  FP/MP is lowered which means that ice will melt at a lower T than normal  BP is raised above normal boiling point

9 Colligative Properties Molecular vs. Ionic Solutes  Molecular substances (like sugar) do not produce ions when dissolved in water Therefore they do not have as great of an effect on MP/FP/BP as ionic solutes do  Ionic solutes will dissolve into ions therefore they produce more particles in solution And will have a greater effect on MP/FP/BP The more ions produced the greater the effect  MgCl 2 has a greater effect than NaCl because it makes more ions in solution  The more concentrated a solution is, the greater the effect on MP/FP/BP A 2M solution has a greater effect than a 1M solution

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