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Training module Managing community deaths due to cholera.

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1 Training module Managing community deaths due to cholera

2 Managing corpses of people dead from cholera in community  Step 1: Washing, preparation and burial of the body  Step 2: Disinfection of the household  Step 3: Sensitization of the affected household and shouseholds living in the came compound  Step 4: Involvement of local and religious authorities to control funeral rituals and ceremonies

3 3 People in charge of preparing the corpse should: Wear gloves, an apron and a nose mask Disinfect the body with a solution of 2% of active chlorine Insert cotton soaked in 2% solution in the mouth and in the anus of the dead person Put a bandage around the head of the dead person to maintain the mouth shut Put the corpse in a dead body bag Burry the corpse 1. Wasing, preparation and burial of the corpse

4 4 2. Household disinfection of a patient sick with cholera The person disinfecting the household should wear proper shoes, long trousers, long sleeves shirt, gloves and a nose mask  Utensils used to disinfect the body and to bury the corpse should be disinfected with a 2% solution  The slab and the floor of the latrines should be disinfected with a 2% solution  Vomit and faeces of the dead person should be disinfected with 2% chlorine solution for 2 hours.

5 5  Faeces and vomit on the floor should be disinfected with 2% solution and covered.  The kettle, the dishes and items used by the dead person should be disinfected with 0.2% solution.  The beddings and clothes used by the dead person should be soaked into 0.2% solution for 2 hours  The household of the dead person should be sprayed with 0.2% solution  Drinking water should be treated with bleach (Chlorox, Cloral, Javel de Paris  one tablespoon for 5 galons of drinking water - or Aquatab  four tablets into 5 galons of drinking water) 2. Household disinfection of a patient sick with cholera

6 6 Hand - SkinFloor, clothes, beddings, shoes, plastic items… Latrines, vomit, faeces, corpses Concentration of active chlorine 0.05%0.2%2% HTH (65 to 70% of active chlorine) Add 1 tablespoon of HTH in 20 Litres = 5 galons of water Add 4 tablespoons of HTH in 20 Litres = 5 galons of water Add 40 tablespoons of HTH in 20 Litres = 5 galons of water

7 7 Cholera Transmission Vibrio cholerae is usually ingested through:  Dirty hands  Contaminated Water and food  Cholera patients corpses  Handling of items contaminated by a sick person (kettle, clothes, dishes…) 3. Key messages

8 8 Where and when can you get affected by cholera?  During funeral ceremonies or in washing the corpse of a person who died from cholera and not respecting key hygiene practises.  By visiting a cholera treatment centre without respecting key hygiene practises  By being in contact with a sick person or with his/her family before his admission without respecting key hygiene practises  By being in contact with a sick person or with his/her family in the two weeks following his discharge without respecting key hygiene practises  In gathering places, mainly at market places, street restaurants, churches, mosques, ceremonies, stations… 3. Key messages

9 9 How can you protect yourself from cholera?  By washing your hands with water and soap: Before handling food Before eating or putting anything in your mouth After using the latrines  By treating drinking water: Use bleach or aquatab to chlorinate your drinking water Boil your drinking water during 20 minutes 3. Key messages

10 10 How can you protect yourself from cholera?  By cooking well food, especially seafood. By keeping all food covered, and by avoiding the consumtion of uncooked fruits or vegetables.  By washing all items used to prepare fish with soap  By not touching corpses of people dead from cholera without wearing protective equipment 3. Key messages

11 4. Involvement of local and religious authorities  The volunteers should meet the local chief and the local religious leader (depending on the beliefs of the dead person)  Local authorities should be informed of the death and sensitize people about the risks of funeral rituals  The volunteers should convince leaders to delay the ceremony by a month. The less preferred solution is to ensure that basic hygiene practises are respected

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