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Understanding Business Communication Written and Non-Verbal Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Business Communication Written and Non-Verbal Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Business Communication Written and Non-Verbal Communication

2 Written Communication Reading makes a full man, writing an exact man, conference a ready man -Francis Bacon, English Writer 2

3 While speech comes to us naturally and spontaneously, writing comes after serious practice and careful organization of thought. The word ‘write’ has been derived from the old english word ‘writan’,that means to scratch,inscribe or draw. 3

4 Written Communication in an Organization Letters Memoranda Notices Minutes Circulars Agenda 4

5 Written Communication in an Organization…… Reports Orders Enquiries Complaints Quotation Forms 5

6 Example of Memoranda Tulip International 18 Motijheel, Guwahati Official Memo To : The Marketing Manager From : Mahmudul Hasan, General Manager Date : 15 October 2012 Subject : Carelessness of Marketing Officers This is to inform you with great anxiety that the rate of sale of our products has decreased tremendously due to the negligence of the Marketing Officers. In these circumstances, you are requested to take all necessary steps regarding the issue. 6

7 Example of Minutes Attendance Meeting location  Conference Room  Building etc…. Meeting headed/chaired by Meeting start  Meeting schedule start  Meeting actual start Meeting scribe Agenda Meeting End Post meeting action Next meeting 7

8 Characteristics of Written Communication Most formal type of communication Used for documentation Used for circulation of information A creative activity Time factor It has fewer cycle 8

9 Advantage of written communication Ready reference Legal defence Promotes uniformity Mass access Suitable for distance communication Image building Accurate and Unambiguous Permanent in nature Facilitates in order to assign responsibility Permits substitution and revision 9

10 Disadvantage of written communication Limited to literate world Time consuming Lot of paper work Needs expertise in expression Lack of immediate feedback Costly More man hours needed No immediate clarification 10

11 Non Verbal Communication Mr.Puri woke up at 06.00am on hearing the alarm of his clock. He woke up and bowed down in front of the picture of God in his room. Then he went to his son’s room and kissed on his forehead. His dog came running to him and he patted on it’s back. On hearing the doorbell Mr.puri understood this would be the milkman. He opened the door and collected the milk and waved to Mr.Singh,his neighbor who was going for a walk. After following his morning routine,Mr.Puri got ready for the office and started his car. Then he honked for Mr.Sharma,who used to go with him in the car. On the way to the office, he had to stop twice on the red light signal. He also gave lift to Mr.Kumar,whose scooter had broken down and he was standing and waiving to people for help a lift. He entered in office and looked at the wall clock in the office. His boss Mr.Srinath was standing in the office lobby and as soon as he entered,Mr.Srinath looked in to his eyes and then on clock.Mr.Puri was five minute late. 11

12 Mr.Puri woke up at 06.00am on hearing the alarm of his clock. He woke up and bowed down in front of the picture of God in his room. Then he went to his son’s room and kissed on his forehead. His dog came running to him and he patted on it’s back. On hearing the doorbell Mr.puri understood this would be the milkman. He opened the door and collected the milk and waved to Mr.Singh,his neighbor who was going for a walk. After following his morning routine,Mr.Puri got ready for the office and started his car. Then he honked for Mr.Sharma,who used to go with him in the car. On the way to the office, he had to stop twice on the red light signal. He also gave lift to Mr.Kumar,whose scooter had broken down and he was standing and waving to people for help a lift. He entered in office and looked at the wall clock in the office. His boss Mr.Srinath was standing in the office lobby and as soon as he entered,Mr.Srinath looked in to his eyes and then on clock.Mr.Puri was five minute late. 12

13 Non Verbal Communication Non -Verbal Communication is the message or response not expressed or sent in words - hints, suggestions, indications. ♦ Actions speak louder than words. ♦ There is a distinction between the meanings we ‘give’ in words and the meanings we ‘give –off ’ in NV signals. 13

14 ♦ Non -Verbal signals are unconscious parts of our behavior which is a deeply rooted part in our entire makeup. ♦ In fact, it is the most basic part of our personality. ♦ Behavior has no opposite, i.e. there is no such thing as non-behavior 14

15 NVC is the unspoken communication that goes on in every Face-to-Face encounter with another human being. It is recognized as the route to discover what the other side wants, without them ever saying it, like a secret way into their soul. NVC stands for the innermost, instinctual form of human communication 15

16 Characteristics of Non Verbal Communication Instinctive Less Conscious Subtle Complementary to verbal communication Forms the larger part of the overall communication activity. 16

17 Non Verbal communication Nonverbal communication is present in most interpersonal conversations, including cyberspace communication with the use of emoticons. 17

18 Relationship of Non-Verbal Messages with Verbal messages A non verbal message can compliment a verbal one. It can emphasise a verbal one. It can repeat a verbal one. A non verbal message can regulate a verbal one. It can substitute a verbal one A non verbal message can contradict a verbal one. 18

19 Body Language As per management consultant Nancy Austin “when people don’t know whether to believe what they are hearing or what they are seeing, then try to follow the body language which often tells the truth.” You can play fast and get loose with the words, but it’s much more difficult to loose with gestures. “we talk with our vocal cords, but we communicate with our facial expression, tone of voice and our entire body. When we meet someone for the first time, their body language, on conscious and unconscious levels, largely determines our initial impression of them. In turn when someone meets us for the first time, they form their initial impression of us largely from our body language and non-verbal signals. 19

20 Aspects of Body Language Facial Expression Eye contact Gestures Heads, Body shape and postures Appearance 20

21 Facial Expressions….. TypeManner of PortrayalConnotations Felt Smilea)Upturned mouth with lips closed. b)Upper set of teeth exposed with simultaneous eye contact c)Broad smile which exposes both sets of teeth Appreciative of the interaction and happy Miserable SmileOnly half of the mouth is smiling dissatisfied False smileSlight turn at the end of the mouth Dangerous, which also does not reaches to eyes 21

22 Facial Expressions The face is an important source of information. Since the face cannot be easily hidden, it is an important source of nonverbal information and communicates a variety of emotions. In addition, eye contact, pupil size, and the smile provide additional cues to informed observers 22

23 Face Expressions….. Forehead Wrinkles Anger Eyebrows Outer edges upAnger Nose Upward Contempt 23

24 Eyes Centered Focused Gazing Up Thinking Gazing Down Shame Gaze on the Side Guilty Wandering Disinterested, Bored Looking right and up visual imagining looking right sideways imagining sounds direct eye contact (Speaking) honesty or faked honesty direct eye contact (listening) attentiveness, interest, attraction rubbing eye or eyes disbelief, upset, or tiredness 24

25 LIPS/Mouth Parted Relaxed, Happy Together Possibly Concerned Wide Open Very Happy / Very Angry hand clamped over mouth suppression, holding back, shock nail biting frustration, suppression smile - head tilted, looking up playfulness, teasing forced laughter nervousness, cooperation 25

26 Arms/Hands Arms Crossed Angry, Disapproving Open Honest, Accepting arms held behind body with hands clasped confidence, authority handbag held in front of body(female) nervousness, protective adjusting cuff, watchstrap, tie, etc (male) nervousness, protective touching or scratching shoulder nervousness, protective 26

27 Fingers/Hands Fingers Interlocked Tense Pointing at you Angry OK Signal Fine V Sign Peace finger pointing (in the air) emphasis finger wagging (side to side) warning, refusal clenched fist(s) resistance, aggression, determination finger tips and thumbs touching each other on opposite hands thoughtfulness, looking for or explaining connections or engagement palms down moving up and down, fingers spread seeking or asking for calm, loss of control of a group or situation rubbing hands together anticipation, relish hand stroking chin thoughtfulness hand supporting chin or side of face evaluation, tiredness or boredom neck scratching doubt, disbelief removing spectacles alerting wish to speak 27

28 Interpreting Body Language 28

29 Responsive ENGAGED leaning forward Open Body Open Arms Open Hands EAGER (sprint position) Open Legs Feet under Chair On Toes Leaning Forward 29

30 Reflective LISTENING with head tilted Lots of Eye Contact Nodding High Blink Rate EVALUATING : sucking glasses / pencil Stroking Chin Looking Up and Right Legs crossed in 4 pos. Ankle on Knee 30

31 Reflective ATTENTIVE (standing) Arms behind Back Smile Open Feet Fugitive BORED staring into space Slumped Posture Doodling Foot Tapping 31

32 Fugitive LET ME GO feet towards door Looking Around Buttoning Jacket REJECTION sitting/moving back Arms Folded Head Down Frown 32

33 Combative LET ME SPEAK finger tapping Foot Tapping Staring AGGRESSIVE leaning forwards Finger Pointing Fists Clenched DEFIANT (standing) Hands on Hips Frown 33

34 PROXEMICS-Space language and surroundings Featured Fixed Space-Refers to building and other fairly permanent structures. Semi Fixed Feature Space-Arrangement of moveable objects such as desk chairs Personal space-Our interaction with the people around us. 34

35 Personal space….. Intimate Zone-Physical contact/touch to 18 inches Personal Zone-18 inches to 4 feet Social Zone-4 feet to 12 feet Public Zone-12 feet to as far as visible General space- As how and where one sits Layout and design 35





40 What if some one lie via body language Physical expression will be limited and stiff, with few arm and hand movements. A person who is lying to you will avoid making eye contact. Hands touching their face, throat & mouth. Touching or scratching the nose or behind their ear. 40

41 A guilty person gets fugitive. An innocent person will often go on combative. A liar is uncomfortable facing the questions and may turn his head or body away. A liar might unconsciously place objects (book, coffee cup, etc.) between themselves and you. 41

42 Verbal Content (lying…..) A liar will use your words to make answer a question. When asked, “Did you eat the last cookie?” The liar answers, “No, I did not eat the last cookie.” The guilty person may speak more than natural, adding unnecessary details to convince you... they are not comfortable with silence or pauses in the conversation. 42

43 If you believe someone is lying, then change subject of a conversation quickly, a liar follows along willingly and becomes more relaxed. The guilty wants the subject changed; an innocent person may be confused by the sudden change in topics and will want to back to the previous subject. 43

44 Advantages of Body Language Most easily visible aspect of communication. Complements verbal communication. Adds intensity to the process of communication. Goes a long way to improve the overall atmosphere and look of the organization. 44

45 Limitations of Body Language Can not completely be relied on facial expression. Cultural background issues, hence can be misinterpreted. Body language becomes ineffective if the listener is inattentive. Use of body language is not very effective in large gathering. 45

46 Eye Contact Eyebrows and eyelid raised and combined with dilated pupils tells us that the person is excited, surprised or frightened. Eyebrow with upper and lower eyelids and combined with constricted pupils tells us that the person is in anger or in pain. Looking at somebody for a long time shows the intensity of our interest in him. If the eye contact is brief it indicates nervousness or an embarrassment on our part. Prolonged eye contact can signal admiration. Direct eye contact of more than 10 seconds can create discomfort and anxiety. People generally maintain more eye gaze and mutual eye gaze with those whose approval they want, those to whom they bring good news. They also do with people towards whom they feel positive and whom they know and trust. 46

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