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Presentation on theme: "BOFINET NETWORK PRESENTATION"— Presentation transcript:

SATA Meeting October 2015, HARARE

2 Contents International Connectivity National Network Infrastructure
Connectivity to Submarine cables Global Points of Presence (PoPs) National Network Infrastructure National Fibre routes Transmission Networks Last Mile Connectivity Fibre To The Building Broadband Wireless Access Radio WiFi Future Networks expansions Backbone (2015/16 and future) Last mile network infrastructure

3 Current and Future Challenges
Minimal last mile network coverage to customers, hence high connectivity costs, degraded services and limited bandwidth Network disruptions due to vandalism and Power outages Huge CAPEX outlay on network development due to vast geographical coverage and sparsely populated areas High connectivity costs for accessing submarine cable due to Botswana being landlocked Lack of local content

4 International Connectivity cont.
Connectivity to West Africa Cable System (WACS) Backhaul: BoFiNet has completed connectivity to WACS through both South Africa and Namibia for diversity purposes as follows; South Africa: Tlokweng & Ramatlabama to Yzerfontein CLS Namibia: Connectivity through Mamuno and Ngoma to Swakopmund CLS Capacity utilization: Capacity entitlement: 132 STM-1s (20.46Gb/s) Activated capacity: 68 STM-1s (10.54Gb/s) Capacity Upgrade: There is an ongoing capacity upgrade project which will be completed in November 2015 BoFiNet has signed the upgrade contract in partnership with Telecom Namibia. The upgrade will provide additional approximately 500 STM-1s (77.5Gb/s). This is huge capacity and is due to a change in the technology used which has more than quadrupled the initial capacity.

5 International Connectivity cont.
2. Connectivity to Eastern Africa Submarine Cable System (EASSy) Backhaul: BoFiNet is still connecting to EASSy through Mtunzini in South Africa. Exploration of accessing through a diverse route to either Maputo or Dar-es- Salaam is an ongoing exercise as currently prices are inhibitive. Capacity upgrade and utilization: The second EASSy upgrade was completed in December 2014 Capacity entitlement: 143 STM-1s (22.165Gb/s) Activated capacity: 28 STM-1s (4.340 Gb/s) Accessed through Mthunzini in South Africa

6 International Connectivity
Africa continues to land submarine cables connecting it to the rest of the world. BoFiNet has direct investments and connectivity to EASSy and WACS landing on the East and West coast of Africa. Direct access to other various cables is also possible through collaborations with other operators where the cables share Landing Stations.

7 Global Points of Presence (PoPs).
Points of Presence (PoPs) Established PoPs are located in: South Africa (peering with NAP Africa, Microsoft, AKAMAI & Google at Teraco - Johannesburg) Djibouti (peer with East Africa, breakaway to Asia & India) London (peering with Europian operators & breakaway to the Americas) These PoPs are currently routing traffic efficiently. PoPs under planning & feasibility studies in progress USA (Americas) Kenya (East Africa) Zambia (Part of Southern Africa)

8 International connectivity map

9 National Backbone Network
Fibre deployment BoFiNet has national fibre coverage in excess of 7,000 Km countrywide covering Cities, major Towns and villages. Planned fibre deployment for is about 500km

10 National Backbone Network cont
Active equipment The BoFiNet transport backbone networks is built on DDM and SDH networks. Currently there are 55 DWDM sites with 40 Wavelengths operating at 10Gb/s per wavelength 106 sites equipped with SDH equipment. IP Core Network in three places around the country Carrier Ethernet network in all cities, towns and villages.

11 IP Core & Carrier Ethernet Network
Active equipment

12 Last Mile connectivity: FTTx
FTTx scope for BoFiNet? Consideration for FTTX by BoFiNet are; FTTH: Fibre To The Home FTTC: Fibre To The Curb/Cab FTTB: Fibre To The Business FTTT: Fibre To The Tower, Traffic light, Security Camera etc BoFiNet has embarked on deploying FTTx technology starting with Fibre to The Building (Offices) in in four (4) cites/towns. In FYI it is being extended to seven (7) other towns. Our target is 36 towns and villages within 5 years.

13 Last Mile connectivity: FTTx
FTTx architecture Advantages of the FTTx are: Facilitate Open Access Provide Unlimited Broadband capacity Affordable Connectivity & Scalability

14 Last Mile connectivity: FTTx
FTTx coverage sites Target areas of coverage; All Government Offices All Industrial/Commercial Centres All Health Facilities (public & private) All Tourism Facilities (Hotels) All Education Facilities (public and private) All Commercial Retail Centres Mobile backhaul Target completion date for Phase 1: Sep 2015

15 Last Mile connectivity: FTTx
Detailed network connectivity and architecture Kasane MSU F/Town Exchange Maun MSU National Carrier Ethernet Access FTTx network Gaborone sites Maun sites Francistown sites Kasane sites Orapa Palapye Mahalapye Gabs MSU2 Gabs MSU1 F/Town MSU Town MSU National DWDM/SDH backbone Ghanzi Metro IP/MPLS network Transmission SDH & DWDM network

16 Last Mile connectivity: Broadband Wireless Radio
BoFiNet has deployed Broadband Wireless Radio base stations in 34 towns and villages around the country. These provides broadband access to Service providers to reach their customers The network compliments FTTx and Carrier Ethernet, providing smaller granular services from 2 to 10 Mbps per end user/site. Spectrum remains a challenge for this network solution BoFiNet is also engaging the Regulator on spectrum for eLTE

17 Last mile Connectivity: BoFiNet Wholesale Wi-Fi solution

18 BoFiNet Wholesale Wi-Fi solution
BOFINET is rolling out Wi-Fi access points in strategic public areas around the country. The network shall be open access allowing all licensed telecommunications service providers to provide services to consumers on the shared infrastructure. The project shall be implemented over a three year period. Phase-1 network deployment has recently been commissioned and launched in September 2015.

19 Wholesale Wi-Fi products & Services
Below is the product portfolio under consideration: Voucher based public Wi-Fi service A fully managed service by BOFINET (inclusive of Authentication, Authorization, Accounting services) Fully managed by Service provider (except network operations) Product pricing still under development. Roaming capability between access points and regional controllers is being considered Consideration for roaming interworking with other wholesale Wi-Fi providers in the region Consultation with customers (i.e. licensed operators) on-going regarding using Wi-Fi as backhaul network. This may be a future product

20 Planned network expansions beyond 2015
Fibre expansions



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