A woman named Soon-Ae Hong lived in the same province in North Korea as where True Father was born. She was pregnant and nearing her due date. One night.

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2 A woman named Soon-Ae Hong lived in the same province in North Korea as where True Father was born. She was pregnant and nearing her due date. One night she sat at home making mandoo for dinner.

3 Her mother was a good Christian and had always told her to watch for the coming of the second Jesus, so she had a feeling something special was happening.

4 She had belonged to a church called the Holy Lord Order owned by Mrs. Sung So Kim, who was known as Kamsa Halmoni because people would always thank her in Korean after they had wonderful spiritual experiences at her church. Soon-Ae Hong joined the church when she was just 15 years old.

5 Mrs. Hong was excited about how Kamsa Halmoni always had revelations of the second Jesus being a man born in Korea and she started to wonder: “Where is he? How long will we have to wait for him?”

6 The answers were written on scrolls, but they were burned so that the Japanese controlling Korea at the time would not use it as evidence against her, since she had prophesized that Japan would be overcome soon.

7 When Kim Halmoni was taken away to be questioned for 100 days, they beat the 62 year old lady and let her go because they couldn’t prove anything, but she became so weak that she died soon after. That was the end of her church.

8 Soon-Ae Hong’s sadness at remembering this led to thinking of Mr. Lee, one of Kim Halmoni’s disciples. His wife, Mrs. Ho started having the same visions as Kim Halmoni after she died. One difference that her adbomen would start shaking, which was a sign that the second Jesus would be born from a woman’s womb like Jesus, not sent down like an angel. She started the Bogjoong-gyo, Inside Belly Church.

9 One day when Soon-Ae was praying with the Inside Belly Church, Jesus appeared before her and asked her to cut her hair and knit socks with them to prove her love for him. She did immediately, even though people though that was weird since women in Korea wore their hair long.

10 People started preparing for the Second Jesus to come by making clothes for him until he was 33. Soon- Ae was helping, but she had to stop a bit because her baby was to arrive soon. She was thankful that she could understand everything because she had good ancestors, which no one told her, but she just knew.

11 Soon-Ae thought of when she met a man who was looking for the second coming. His name was Mr.Han and he was told to marry the daughter of Yoo-Il Hong, which was Soon-Ae Hong, and that his child will either be the king or queen of the universe. They had a daughter on January 6 th, 2014.

12 Soon-Ae named the child Hak Ja, meaning “white Crane” so that she may be beautiful and graceful. Then, she saw a vision of Satan telling her to kill the child, but she refused. A week later, she was visited by Kamsa Halmoni from the spirit world telling her that the child was God’s and she would be the queen of the universe. And this, was the birth of Hak Ja Han Moon, True Mother, God’s princess.

13 Questions How did God prepare for Mother’s birth? Why did Satan want to kill the baby? Do you see ways that God protects your life?

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