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The Tundra Biome. Northern Most Land Biome The Tundra Biome- Abiotic Coldest Biome on Earth: Located far north “top of the world” Less than ten inches.

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Presentation on theme: "The Tundra Biome. Northern Most Land Biome The Tundra Biome- Abiotic Coldest Biome on Earth: Located far north “top of the world” Less than ten inches."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Tundra Biome

2 Northern Most Land Biome

3 The Tundra Biome- Abiotic Coldest Biome on Earth: Located far north “top of the world” Less than ten inches of Rain each Year Soil is permanently frozen- Permafrost Soil is Nutrient- poor Summer Season is under 10 degrees Fahrenheit Winter Season averages –30 degrees Fahrenheit Strong Winds- make temperatures very cold and low diversity of life

4 Cotton Grass Field in Tundra

5 Plant Life Arctic Moss Lichen Arctic Willow Cotton Grass

6 Plant Adaptations Most of the plants are small, grow close together and close to the ground. This protects them from the cold temperatures and the strong winds

7 Some flowering plants have fuzzy coverings on the stems, leaves and buds to provide protection from the wind. Some have woolly seed covers.

8 Other Plant Adaptations Others are dark colored so the plants can absorb more solar heat. Only the top layer of soil thaws out so plants have shallow roots. Small leaves help the plants retain moisture. Lichen and some mosses can survive on bare rock

9 Plant Life Artic Moss Lichen Artic Willow Cotton Grass

10 Animals Arctic Fox Caribou Polar Bear Musk Ox Snowy Owl

11 Animal Adaptations Long Thick Fur Migration- Caribou, birds, and others Short Legs- (Many Rodents in the Tundra) Small activity during the winter Camouflage- Artic fox and snowy owl Store up food Large amounts of Fat to stay warm Underground Tunnels- Under Snow to stay warm

12 Forests that contain conifer trees. Conifer trees are trees that produce cone shaped seeds and have needle shaped leaves. long cold winters, - 40° to 68°, average summer temperature is 50°

13 Canada, Alaska, Northern Europe, and Russia

14 Coniferous Forest- Abiotic Factors Long cold winters, short mild summers. Moderate amount of Rainfall Frozen Soil for several months keeps plants from getting water. Artic Winds create temperatures that stay under 50 degrees for most of the year.

15 Plant life in the Coniferous Forest- Biotic Factors Conifer–ous Forest - “Cone –bearing plants” Plants include- Pines, evergreens, spruce, etc. Adaptations- Cone shape of tree and long thin needles prevent snow accumulation Don’t lose leaves and have to grow new ones (use less energy) Less rainfall than the deciduous forest- long thin needles means less surface area to lose water Thick Bark that conserves water loss.

16 Picture taken by Ms. B yellowhead_hwy/photos/terrace/cedar_tre e_01_640.jpg ogs/strollerderby/2008/01/08- 15/redwood-forest.jpg Usually only one or two types of conifers, evergreen trees. Pine, Cedar, Red-wood, spruce.


18 Animals Black Bears, Wolves, Foxes, Eagles, Bobcats Adaptations: ?

19 Animals Black Bears, Wolves, Foxes, Eagles, Bobcats Adaptations: Thick fur Hibernation Birds migrate where food is more available and climate is warmer. Store up food during warmer seasons

20 Elk, brown bear, beaver, deer, lynx, wolf, woodpeckers, hawks, shrews

21 Tundra Taiga Amount of Precipitation

22 Tundra Taiga Yearly Temperatures in Celsius.

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