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Cell Membranes By Emily and Everrah. Diagram and electron micrograph.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Membranes By Emily and Everrah. Diagram and electron micrograph."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Membranes By Emily and Everrah

2 Diagram and electron micrograph

3 Description and location  is a thin, semi-permeable membrane.  surrounds the cytoplasm  Phospholipids are the basic structure and are called the lipid bilayer  Scattered in the lipid bilayer are protein and cholesterol molecules

4 Function  limits what can come and go from the cell.  It also helps support and maintain the cells shape.  It protects the cell form its surroundings.

5 Cell Wall

6 Description and location  the outermost organelle found in a plant cell.  Surrounds the cell membrane  consists of the carbohydrate cellulose

7 Function  structural support and protection  Prevents over-expansion when water enters the cell  Assists the cell membrane as a filtering mechanism

8 Mitochondria

9 Location  Mitochondria are found in most body cells  Located in cytoplasm

10 Location and Description  Mitochondria are found in most body cells  Located in cytoplasm  double membrane-bound organelle  Powerhouse of the cell  matrix-enzymes, ribosomes and mitochondrial DNA  Many folds called cristae

11 Function  cellular respiration  Takes nutrients in from cell, breaks it down turns it into energy and forms ATP

12 Chloroplast By: Karen and Hayden

13 Description Location  In Plants and algal cells.  Contains chlorophyll  Contain their own DNA  Contains stacks of thylakoids They circulate around within the plant cell Present in tissue of leaves

14 Function  Chlorophyll captures the energy from sunlight and converts it and stores it as ATP and NADPH.  Makes carbohydrates using photosynthesis

15 Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Jon Shaw, Zoe Kore, Mackenzie Van Spengen

16 Description and Location  Attached to the smooth ER  Flatter in shape compared to the tube- like smooth ER  Found in the cytoplasm of cells  Studded with many ribosomes, making it “rough”

17 Function  Specializes in protein synthesis  Attached ribosomes produce proteins  Produced proteins go to the lumen (interior) of the rough ER to be processed and modified.  Small vacuoles carry these processed proteins to the Golgi apparatus for further processing

18 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum By: Zoe Kore, Jon Shaw, Mackenzie Van Spengen

19 Description & Location  Attached to the rough ER  Found in the cytoplasm  Tubular in shape  Consists of a network of long tube-like structures

20 Function  Produces different molecules in different types of cells  Makes cellular products (eg. hormones and lipids)  helps process toxins  Distributes products throughout the cell

21 Lysosomes By. Alissia & Leanne.

22 Description and Location  Found in most eukaryotic cell.  Hold enzymes.  Are single membrane organelles.  Located in the cytoplasm Lysosome

23 Functions  Used to digest food or break down the cell when it dies.

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