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Learning Through Earning: SAM and Digital Badging Melinda White & Sandy Keeter Seminole State College of Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Through Earning: SAM and Digital Badging Melinda White & Sandy Keeter Seminole State College of Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Through Earning: SAM and Digital Badging Melinda White & Sandy Keeter Seminole State College of Florida

2 We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ BADGES! 2 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference Everyone needs to be on board and supportive to make this work….

3 What are Badges?  A way to make credit for an achievement more visible  Each credit has an image or “badge” that represents it  Badges can change the way employers spot talent  Successfully used for motivation and goal-setting 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference3 MOZILLA - What is a Badge MOZILLA - What is a Badge (3:34) EDUCAUSE - Badging EDUCAUSE - Badging (1:18)

4 Digital Badges  Online representation of a skill or achievement  Motivate behavior, recognize achievement and establish credibility  Capture knowledge, skills and accomplishments  Transfers learning across different industries to find talent  Support connected learning environments  Motivate learning and signal achievement  Share on social media 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference4 Starbucks Badges are a symbolic form of acknowledgement for a specific achievement

5 Badging Movement is “Open”  Many contribute to the badge process  Organizing information to determine credentials  Economical way to acknowledge achievement  Everyone has access to earn and display badges 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference5

6 6 How Do Open Badges Work?

7 Challenging our traditional system of learning  University of California - A Future Full of Badges University of California - A Future Full of Badges  Some see digital badges as a potential challenger to the dominant paradigm of diplomas in higher education.  Using Badges to Quantify Learning at UC Davis Using Badges to Quantify Learning at UC Davis  The badge movement is based on the idea that people should be able to gather useful, verifiable evidence of everything they learn, not just everything they learn while attending an accredited postsecondary institution.  Badging at University of Illinois Badging at University of Illinois  University of Illinois has a grassroots group that has formed over the interest of finding new and exciting ways to utilize digital badges at the University. 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference7

8 Purpose of Badges  “Gamification” is a fun way to encourage and engage  Hidden challenges, like “Easter Eggs”  Motivate and reward students for accomplishments  Recognize task completion 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference8

9 Skill (I can _____, I know ____)  Mini skill (I can create a hyperlink)  Can be granular recognizing incremental skill development  Formative assessment/motivation  Cumulative (I know Word 2013 basic)  Summative assessment Skills get Rewarded 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference9

10 Achievements get Rewarded Achievement (I made a ______)  Mini (I created a flyer)  Project level badges recognize completion of making a project  Cumulative (I am a Microsoft Office expert)  Based on the accumulation of the mini achievement badges 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference10

11 Participation gets Rewarded Participation (I attended a special event)  Badges for attendance and general participation in activities 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference11

12 How did Seminole State get here?  SACS accreditation - Quality Enhancement Program  “Read to Succeed” - Rewarding Students for Reading  Digital Badging Committee formed to investigate badges  CGS2100c (Office Applications) was identified as a “pilot” 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference12

13 Rewarding Students for Competencies  Earning an average of 90% on each application  Receive all 4 App badges to earn Office badge 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference13

14 How we use SAM to determine Badge earners  SAM is like “Gaming”; multiple attempts to get best score  Average the assignment grades for each application  Export SAM or LMS gradebook; upload csv to Credly 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference14

15 SAM Assignments and Gradebook 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference15

16 Where to Begin?  Identify goals, instructions on how to earn badges  Create digital badges that represent accomplishments  Choose a badging delivery system  Credly, Mozilla, Basno  We started with Mozilla and moved to Credly 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference16

17 – Our Delivery Choice  Universal tool to recognize, store, and share achievements  Badges include evidence, criteria and issuer  Credly account acts as digital badge backpack  Allows you to manage and share badges 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference17

18 Getting Started  Create an account on  Use a generic or department email address as “issuer” ie: 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference18

19 Add Badges to Credly  Choose to make your own badges and upload them, OR  Credly provides a badge creating WYSIWYG 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference19

20 Giving Credit  Three pieces of information are required, two are optional :  Student’s first name, last name and email (required)  Testimonial, Evidence (optional)  Badges can be awarded individually or in bulk (csv upload) 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference20

21 LMS Message 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference21

22 Metrics and Success  Accepted badges are listed in your account  Students can choose to add photos, make visible, etc.  Our pilot was successful  Many students accepted and shared badges 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference22

23 More About Credly – Getting Verified  Digital credentials have the greatest meaning when their source is known, trusted and verified  Verified icon means Credly has verified that the account  “Free” members can apply to be Verified with annual fee 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference23

24 Things to Consider  Once you issue a badge, it cannot be revoked  The badge belongs to the recipient  Think carefully about who you issue badges to  Be sure the badge description is accurate  Test badge delivery before full implementation 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference24

25 Student’s Congratulation Email 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference25

26 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference26 Badge Acceptance Options

27 Badge Details 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference27

28 Share on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference28

29 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference29 View of Student’s Credly Account

30 Badge Summary Report 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference30

31 Student Feedback  I'm not sure if I ever gave my feedback on the badges, but I love them! I've posted each one to my Facebook page and my friends and family love to see what I'm doing. Thanks for including this "perk.“  As I've told everyone already, I found that this class was SO useful. So many college classes are necessary, but none of them have had the ability to turn the knowledge gained into such a usable tool! I really miss playing in SAM and earning badges...:).  I just added my award badges to my Linkedin profile. Thank you for issuing these! The main question I am asked in interviews is about how well I know Microsoft Excel. Now I finally have something to prove it in my profile. Thank you for a great class! 31 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference

32 Go to 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference32  Login or Create Account  Create Badge (sample badge for presentation)  Review live features *SEND us your first and last name and email for attendance badge

33 Additional Resources the-classroom#sthash.PzAiE8t9.dpbs 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference33

34 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference Melinda White WHITEMC @ SEMINOLESTATE. EDU Sandy Keeter KEETERS @ SEMINOLESTATE. EDU


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