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Achieving Two Year Olds Marcella McHugh, Head of EYFS and Childcare Michelle Caesar, Early Learning Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Achieving Two Year Olds Marcella McHugh, Head of EYFS and Childcare Michelle Caesar, Early Learning Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Achieving Two Year Olds Marcella McHugh, Head of EYFS and Childcare Michelle Caesar, Early Learning Officer

2 Coldharbour ward Largest ward population in the borough and one of the most deprived Three large self contained estates Free School Meals eligibility is 49% compared to the Lambeth average of 35.4%. Teenage conceptions are significantly higher than the Lambeth average Highest number of children subject to protection plans One in two children live in workless households According to the Metropolitan Police Crime Map Coldharbour ward has: –above average levels of anti-social behaviour and personal violence –high levels of personal robbery and serious violence

3 Aspects Offer –15 hours of early learning to 146 eligible children Capacity building –tendering of vacant nursery to high quality provider –school based children’s centre providing additional capacity –increasing childminders as part of LA network from 4-10 – training excellent childminding to mentor and support quality of other childminder in ward Co-production –developing 10 parent champions

4 Opportunities Excellent engagement from both internal and external partners e.g. social care, schools, health, children’s centres and voluntary organisations, Jobcentre Plus Opportunities to link with other community projects and initiatives Fit with co-operative approach e.g. parent champions Excellent engagement from childminders and willingness to become mentors to support quality improvement

5 Challenges Recruiting parent champions that are representative of the local population Overcoming barriers to take up –stigma of a targeted offer – think about language –effectively reaching families not engaged with services –need good outreach Real understanding of what support parents need and will use especially for families not currently engaged with services

6 Moving forward – ready for 2013

7 Capacity - places Estimate 1538 eligible for FSM borough-wide –significant challenges if take up of childcare increases –pressure on school places – land/buildings used for expansion –impact of benefit cap 659 families Need to ensure –effective use of resources – allocation/rental of council buildings –improved parental perception of use of childminders

8 Funding issues Cost of delivery significantly higher in London, need to consider increasing rate to bring high quality providers on board Funded through DSG – allocation needs to be able to meet cost and maintain quality Need capital to develop capacity in some areas may require building provision refurbishment of existing buildings adaptation for 2 yr olds – facilities e.g. changing/toilets attract new high quality providers to expand or set up

9 Sustaining improvement in quality In Lambeth: –72% of PVI’s judged good or better by Ofsted June 2012 –79% of PVI’s have a graduate leading practice Recognise that maintaining quality is challenging and the leadership requires considerable support from the LA –supporting leaders –supporting practitioners Co-production approach to training and support for sector

10 Delivering the offer Local delivery that meets the needs of parents –co-production with parent champions Support from key partners –Children Centre’s and outreach –Health and integrated assessment –Social care and integrated support for vulnerable families –JCP to support identification and offer Efficient process –referral –allocation –payment

11 Any Questions ?

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