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Self Care & Psychological Support Senior Constable Ian Dale Staff Welfare Officer Southern.

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Presentation on theme: "Self Care & Psychological Support Senior Constable Ian Dale Staff Welfare Officer Southern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self Care & Psychological Support Senior Constable Ian Dale Staff Welfare Officer Southern

2 Covering Four Areas – What is it? Stress – What is it? Trauma – What is it? Self Care – What is it? Psychological Support – What is available?

3 Stress The normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened. When you sense Danger Real or Imaginary

4 Your body defenses kick into Top Gear Heart Rate increases Muscles tighten Blood Pressure rises Breathing rate increases Senses become sharper And……..

5 These Physical changes increase Strength and Stamina Speed and reaction time Enhance your focus

6 Instantly Ready For Action! FightOrFlight

7 These Physical changes increase Strength and Stamina Speed and reaction time Enhance your focus Problem! Enhanced Focus can have another meaning Tunnel Vision

8 Coping With Stress What simple thing can we do to cope with the affects of stress?


10 What is Trauma? A Trauma is a shattering event that rocks our underlying trust in the world and confidence in ourselves!

11 Causes of Trauma Relating to Police Staff Death or serious injury of an Officer on duty Death or serious injury to a Member of Public resulting from Police Action Attending Fatal and Serious injury motor accidents Advising/Dealing with the NOK

12 Assaults on Police Attending Sudden Deaths Attending Sudden Deaths involving children (Particularly when the Officer has children of the same or similar age) Failed interventions resulting in death or serious injury (PNT) Domestic Disputes – Family Violence Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) involvement

13 Effects of Trauma The incident is still popping into your mind regularly Not sleeping well Over sleeping Nightmares about the incident or other similar situations Flashbacks Lack of appetite Over eating Irritable at home and at work Mood swings for no apparent reason Lacking motivation AnxietyDepression Excessive use of alcohol Numbing of emotions Intimacy and Relationship Difficulties Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

14 Community Patrols and Trauma What sort of situations Are likely to cause TraumaFor Community Patrol Members?

15 Coming across a homicide scene Serious or fatal motor accident Serious assault, in progress Dealing with victims of serious crimes Becoming victims of crimes Plus……

16 SELF CARE Have a Plan Remember “Tunnel Vision”

17 Self Care # 2 or Psychological First Aid Minimize Exposure Acknowledge the Event Normalize the Experience Educate as Required Review, Restore or Refer Self Care

18 So, What Help is Available? Peer Support Police Trauma Policy Instep EAP Victim Support ACC Public Health System Private Medical Insurance

19 The End

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