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Vision, Mission and Values Presented by Sam Davis & Nicola Blake.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision, Mission and Values Presented by Sam Davis & Nicola Blake."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision, Mission and Values Presented by Sam Davis & Nicola Blake

2 What is a Vision statement ? Vision Long term view Looking ahead into the future What do we want to be What we want to accomplish This will help us to achieve sustainability, quality & growth Eg. A charity working with poor people might have a vision statement that says “A world without poverty”

3 What is a Mission Statement? Mission Defines our purpose Why we exist Why we get up each day and do what we do This is the standard which we weigh our actions & decisions against Eg. A charity working with poor people might have a mission statement that says “Providing jobs for the homeless or unemployed”

4 What are Values? Values Beliefs of the organisation What we stand for Our core rules Goals & targets are created from values This will drive the organisation’s culture, make sure it keeps on track & motivate the team

5 How it fits together Create our Strategic Plan Understanding our Mission Understanding our Vision Setting out our Values

6 Starting point. Strapline starting point Making a difference. Challenging ourselves. Changing lives. Mission statement A confident and competent staff owned social enterprise, making a visible difference to the community we serve and providing equal access to the best possible oral health care.” Vision statement The recognised market leader in our field, reaching out into ever more communities to make life better”

7 Staff Engagement Staff comments: Challenging – you felt this may come across as the patients may be a problem. Do patient’s or commissioners care if we are challenging ourselves! Wording removed No mention of what we actually do – where was a reference to dental apart from the acronym? This is now included Changing lives – questions were asked are we changing lives or just improving, and some times how ever hard we try the patient doesn’t want their lives changed. Items reworded Nurturing – some people didn’t like this word. It was felt best to keep this wording, as it shows we look after our patient’s. Learning – staff liked this word, as it showed we as staff and a business were always improving and learning. It was felt we hadn’t mentioned we had a leadership within the service so the L stands for leadership.

8 Final Strapline and statements Strapline CDS making a difference Mission statement “A confident and compassionate social enterprise, making a visible difference to the communities we serve and ensuring that the best possible oral healthcare is accessible to all” Vision statement “To be the recognised market leader in our field, seeking to improve oral health in ever more communities”

9 Values Delivering excellence ensuring the very best possible care for every patient, every time Engaging with the communities we serve making a real difference by achieving our social purpose Nurturing an organisation in which we all have enormous pride & are eager to learn and improve Trustworthy creating an organisation which acts ethically & treats everyone with respect, integrity and dignity Accountable & clear in all we do with people we care for & those who commission us, always focusing on the outcomes Leadership that inspires a culture of innovation, committed to adopting, creating and sharing best practices & ensuring that everyone’s ideas are considered Key outcomes, measures and milestones have been recorded against all of these values.

10 What next! The board accepted the final strapline, vision, mission and values in December 13. The outcomes and measures for each dental acronym is in the final stages with the executive team. These items will then be included in the strategic plan. This will then be fed back to staff and agreed by the board in March 14.

11 Any Questions We are hoping not so we can then sit and relax!! Thank you for listening.

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