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Westward Expansion (1850-1890). SOL Objectives SOL Objectives: 3a & 3b The students will demonstrate knowledge of how life changed after the Civil War.

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Presentation on theme: "Westward Expansion (1850-1890). SOL Objectives SOL Objectives: 3a & 3b The students will demonstrate knowledge of how life changed after the Civil War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Westward Expansion (1850-1890)

2 SOL Objectives SOL Objectives: 3a & 3b The students will demonstrate knowledge of how life changed after the Civil War by … –identifying the reasons for westward expansion –explaining the challenges of westward expansion


4 Essential Knowledge Vocabulary Words –Opportunities –Transcontinental Railroad –Immigration – Reservations – Chief Joseph – George Custer –Little Bighorn – Sod Houses – Dry Farming Essential Questions –Why did westward expansion occur? –How did different cultures interact with one another? American Indian Settler Immigrants (Chinese and Irish) –Which inventions and adaptations helped farmers settle in the West?

5 How did different cultures interact with one another?

6 Settlers Why were people moving to the West? What challenges did they face? How did they adapt? What inventions helped the pioneers settle in the West?

7 Why were people moving to the West? Chance at Getting Rich: Gold/Silver A New Beginning for Former Slaves Opportunity to own land Technological Advances: Ex. Railroad Adventure

8 Settlers How did they adapt? Dry Farming Raised Beef Cattle Sod Houses What inventions helped the pioneers settle in the West? Barbed Wire Steel Plow Windmill Transcontinental Railroad

9 Adapting to the Environment Sod Houses- Homes were made out of Sod (Packed Dirt) due to a lack of Trees Texas Long Horns needed little water and could survive harsh climates Dry Farming- Grew Crops that were less dependent on rain (Ex. Wheat) and plowed deeper.

10 Inventions Windmill- helped pump water from the ground Barbed Wire- Kept animals from eating the crops Steel Plow- Broke the tough sod (allowed crops to grow) Railroad- Transported People, Information, and Items quickly

11 What challenges did they face? Extreme Temperatures Extreme Temperatures Very Cold in Winter Very Hot in Summer Little Rainfall- Drought Little Rainfall- Drought Tornadoes & Dust Storms Tornadoes & Dust Storms

12 Native American Indians What was life like before the Settlers? How did it change when the settlers arrived? How did the Native Americans react?

13 Native American Indians What was life like before the Settlers? –Many tribes were Nomadic –Followed the Buffalo Herds (used the animal for food, tools, clothing, and making homes) –Used Horses How did the settlers change their world? –Killed Millions of Buffalo – Took land away from the Native Americans to make farms, homes, railroads, mines, etc.

14 How did the Native Americans React? Some made treaties with the United States –Many treaties recognized the land belonged to the Native American Indians Discovery of Gold and Thousands moving to the Great Plains led to new Agreements. –Reservations: Areas of land set aside for Native Americans. The government thought the American Indians would stay on the land but most were nomadic. It didn’t work. When reservations had natural resources such as gold, the U.S. tried to re-negotiate and give the Native Americans other lands. They refused which led to… War! –Many wars between the Native Americans and the United States occurred. Many American Indians were killed (Ex. –Battle of Little Big Horn- Sioux Indians defeated and killed all the American Soldiers led by Colonel George Custer. –Chief Joseph, leader of the Nez Perce, did not want to fight but didn’t want to go to a reservation in Idaho either. He tried to take his people to Canada but was unsuccessful. He is famous for saying, “I will fight no more forever.”

15 Immigrants- Many came to the U.S. looking for economic opportunity (jobs) How did immigrants contribute to Westward Expansion? How were they treated by others?

16 Immigrants  How did immigrants contribute to Westward Expansion? Helped build the Transcontinental Railroad Mining Farming  How were they treated by others? Discrimination- Chinese Immigrants were paid less than other workers Were not allowed to become citizens or own property

17 Transcontinental Railroad The United States wanted to connect the western and eastern parts of the U.S. The U.S. hired two companies (Union Pacific and Central Pacific) to complete the job. The two companies met in Utah. A team of Chinese immigrants finished the last track.

18 Transcontinental Railroad

19 Immigration Some immigrants became farmers. Many came from Northern and Eastern Europe Ex. Mennonites from Russia began growing Wheat.

20 Different Points of View Native Americans Their Homeland Nomadic way of Life threatened by the slaughter of Buffalo & Reservations Settlers, Miners & Adventurers Open Space Opportunity to get rich $$$$$ View Native Americans as Savages in the way of Progress Immigrants Came to U.S. looking for work Found Jobs but we’re paid less (Discrimination) Some are denied Citizenship

21 Collage

22 Songs were written about the Westward Expansion. JOE BOWERS I used to court a girl there, her name was Sally Black, I asked her if she'd marry me, she said it was a whack; She says to me, "Joe Bowers, before we've hitched for life, I used to court a girl there, her name was Sally Black, I asked her if she'd marry me, she said it was a whack; She says to me, "Joe Bowers, before we've hitched for life, You ought to get a little home to keep your little wife." At last I went to mining, put in my biggest licks, Came down upon the boulders just like a thousand bricks; I worked both late and early, in rain, in sun and snow, I was working for my Sally, 'twas all the same to Joe. One day I got a letter from my dear brother Ike, It came from old Missouri, all the way from Pike. It brought me the darndest news that ever you did hear, My heart it is a?breaking, so please excuse this tear. It said my Sal was false to me, that her love for me had fled, That she had got married to a butcher whose hair was red; It told me more than that--it's enough to make me swear-- That Sal had had a baby and the baby had red hair.

23 Song excerpt: SWEET BETSY FROM PIKE Oh don't you remember sweet Betsy from Pike, Who crossed the big mountains with her lover Ike, With two yoke of oxen, a big yellow dog, A tall Shanghai rooster, and one spotted hog? Chorus: Singing dang fol dee dido, Singing dang fol dee day. The Shanghai ran off, and their cattle all died; That morning the last piece of bacon was fried; Poor Ike was discouraged and Betsy got mad, The dog drooped his tail and looked wondrously sad. The Injuns came down in a wild yelling horde, And Betsy was scared they would scalp her adored; Behind the front wagon wheel Betsy did crawl, And there fought the Injuns with musket and ball.

24 Sources displayimage.php?imgId=271

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