4 R’s in Recycling City of Santa Fe Springs. REDUCE What is it? –Waste reduction (or prevention) is the preferred approach to waste management. If it.

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1 4 R’s in Recycling City of Santa Fe Springs

2 REDUCE What is it? –Waste reduction (or prevention) is the preferred approach to waste management. If it is not created, it does not have to be discarded. –An example of waste reduction is reducing unnecessary packaging from manufactured products and produce.

3 How to REDUCE ? Print double sided copies. Carry a canvas bag when you shop. Reuse envelopes Donate magazines or journals to charity. Compost grass clippings & veggies. Use durable towels, tablecloths & napkins. Buy products that are DURABLE & REUSEABLE. Use reusable beverage containers; glass, plastic, or aluminum bottles. Don’t discard clothes or household items; hold a yard sale or donate to charities. Reuse gift bags or gift boxes. Wrap gifts in the funny pages of your newspaper.

4 REUSE What is it? –Many items we throw away have the potential to be reused. Reusing allows you to get the most out of the products you buy and saves you money.

5 Tips to REUSE Bring your reusable bag whenever you go shopping Reuse shopping bags as small trash can liners, in your car for litter, as a lunch bag, take disposables when walking your dog, etc. Reuse food jars for extra sauces or liquids. Reuse food jars as picnic jugs to drink out of. Wash plastic bottles and reuse them for liquids. Reuse newspaper for packing or storing fragile items. Reuse toothbrushes for polishing your shoes or for cleaning tile. Cut up greeting cards for book marks, gift tags, or for scrapbooks.

6 RECYCLE What is it? –It’s the process of collecting, sorting, cleaning, treating, restoring, and then converting materials that would otherwise become solid waste, into raw material for new, reused or restored products.

7 RECYCLING Tips Only purchase items from recycled materials. Buy local products; you cut down in fuel & you support your community. Recycle your old magazines to doctor offices, friends or libraries. Don’t buy styrofoam containers because it doesn’t degrade. Donate clothes or household items to be used. Donate art supplies or office supplies to local schools. Inform yourself & friends where to dispose of Household Hazardous Waste and E-Waste.

8 RETHINK What is it? –You can rethink about the waste you produce by using alternative products and considering how you can further reduce your environmental footprint. Rethink before throwing away an item you think is broken, worn out, or is no longer wanted. –Before discarding any item, first ask yourself the following questions: Can it be reused? Is it repairable? Is it recyclable?

9 Tips on RETHINKING Carpool, ride your bike or take public transportation. Switch your light bulbs to LED lights. Drive within the speed limit to reduce gas emissions. Buy recycled products. Take your own plastic containers when dining out to pack up leftovers. Use your own bag to the store to avoid receiving a single use plastic bag when you shop. When you purchase paper towels, look for towels made with recycled content. Or when purchasing paper, look for paper containing post- consumer recycled content.

10 Remember the 4 R’s

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