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CPD 5 part 2: Drama in the Modern Language Classroom MLPSI 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "CPD 5 part 2: Drama in the Modern Language Classroom MLPSI 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPD 5 part 2: Drama in the Modern Language Classroom MLPSI 2011

2 Programme for the day 9:30 – 9: 45Welcome and introduction 9:45 – 11:00Drama games 11:00 – 11:20 Break 11: 20 – 1:00 Role plays in the ML Classroom 1:00 – 1: 45Lunch 1: 45 – 2: 45Script writing and dramatisation 2: 45 – 3:00 Conclusion and administration MLPSI 2011

3 Aims for the day At the end of the day teachers will be able to: Use a variety of drama techniques in any ML lesson/topic Help pupils enrich the quality of role-plays/ performances Use drama to develop cultural awareness and language awareness Maximise opportunities for cross-curricular integration in relation to drama, in particular the areas of Modern Languages, Literacy and ICT MLPSI 2011

4 CPD Modules 1. Active learning Use of flashcards Games Group work PE ↑ Cross- curricular integration ELP ICT Use of target language Exploring various topics ↓ 2. Progression Integration Classroom language Planning Whole school approach 3. Cultural awareness SESE SPHE 4. ML and Literacy ML and Numeracy Language Awareness 5. Drama Roleplay Storytelling 6. ML and Music ML and Visual Arts

5 Drama Curriculum MLPSI 2011 Strand Drama to explore feelings, knowledge and ideas, leading to understanding Strand units Exploring and making Drama Reflecting on drama Cooperating and communicating in making drama Prerequisites for making drama Content The fictional lens Creating a safe environment Elements of Drama Belief Time Role and character Tension Action Significance Place Genre

6 Drama and the ML Active Learning Relevance Learning Styles Differentiation Integration of Language Skills Motivation Confidence Literacy Integration of 3 strands MLPSI 2011

7 Process Drama and the ML ‘Process drama’ = ‘Educational drama’ Process drama: Spontaneity, negotiable role, open communication, group-oriented, fluency in communication Performance drama: Scripted, fixed role, controlled/closed communication, teacher-oriented, accuracy in performance Process drama – an educational tool to 1.increase individual awareness, spontaneity, self expression, creativity, confidence and personal growth 2.foster involvement, acceptance, sense of belonging and trust 3.promote an insight into subject matter 4.facilitate language development MLPSI 2011

8 Drama and Literacy Drama can develop... Communication strategies and fluency across languages Writing skills Language awareness Creative process Thinking skills MLPSI 2011

9 Cr Creating a safe space Classroom organisation Safe environment Inclusiveness Drama Contract MLPSI 2011

10 The Drama Contract During our Drama class we agree to: Work together Listen to each other Respect each other Try to take part Have fun without hurting each other

11 Siamo in d’accordo che durante questa lezione…. Lavoriamo insieme Ci ascoltiamo l’un l’altro Respettiamo l’insegnante e i compagni Ci divertiamo senza farsi male l’un l’altro Proviamo a partecipare MLPSI 2011

12 Key Messages Drama... As process Is for all teachers and all pupils Enhances the ML learning experience Enhances literacy skills Develops confidence and language skills

13 Drama Games Body Warm-ups: Relaxation/TPR - Energizer/running on the spot - All manner of walks/TPR or mime - Cross the circle – Fruit Salad Voice Warm-ups: Pass the sound.. (+ 1-10 volume variation) Pass the letter, Pass the rhythm (while saying word/phrase), Emotional chart Language Warm-ups: Pass the word – Pass the phrase – pass the dialogue –Just words - Gibberish – Tongue-twister conversations MLPSI 2011


15 Drama Games Action games, TPR & Mime Voice Games Language games Where? When ? Why? MLPSI 2011

16 Using masks and puppets Increases motivation Helps develop listening skills Creates a “real” reason for communication Can be a teacher tool or a pupil tool Develops cultural awareness and language awareness Can be used at different stages in the lesson Widens the range of language used

17 MLPSI 2011 Everyday objects, music, clothes, accessories, masks and puppets, fantasy objects Telephones, microphones, walkie-talkies... Culture-specific objects Organise according to topic or theme Use as stimuli or props Creating and using a drama box

18 MLPSI 2011 ICT and Drama Record using Audacity Video dramatisations Create photostories Use IWB to work on scripts Use Word to draft and redraft Create or download sound effects Take photos and insert captions ICT and Drama

19 Role Plays in the ML Allow pupils to develop, and practise and reinforce new language Facilitate development of strands and strand units Help develop literacy skills Increase motivation and are enjoyable Promote inclusion and differentiation Allow pupils to explore culturally-specific situations MLPSI 2011

20 Preparing for Role Play Consider the type of role play: transaction v. interaction Pre-teach the language necessary Keep role plays brief Give clear instructions Consider the level of ability of the pupils Have realistic expectations MLPSI 2011

21 Engaging in Role Play Introduce an element of tension and/or comedy Encourage the use of facial expressions, body language and voice inflections Circulate around the room and give help Give time for practice Offer and invite feedback Record role plays for increased motivation MLPSI 2011

22 Performance Drama and the ML Process drama and performance drama are not mutually exclusive Benefits: motivation, progression, fluency and confidence in using the ML Involving the whole school community Adapt, amend, develop scripts from role play Involves all children Use simple language with a high entertainment factor Include elements of tension and/or comedy Include languages of the class Be consistent in production standards Record productions/performances MLPSI 2011

23 WorkstationWorkstation Activities:



26 Weblinks for Italian Resources Websites for scripts in Italian: Wedsites for masks: bambini-idee-dal-web/ bambini-idee-dal-web/ MLPSI 2011

27 Key Messages Drama as process Drama is for all teachers and all pupils Drama enhances the ML learning experience Drama can assist in developing literacy skills Drama develops confidence and skills

28 MLPSI 2011

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