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Dear Mother!!!. A mother is as the North Star: everything is at its place, goes round of her; all the other family members are within her framework and.

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Presentation on theme: "Dear Mother!!!. A mother is as the North Star: everything is at its place, goes round of her; all the other family members are within her framework and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dear Mother!!!

2 A mother is as the North Star: everything is at its place, goes round of her; all the other family members are within her framework and go towards their aims under her protection.

3 Before creation of a woman, Adam was lonely, the ecological system was cold. When she was created, one more voice appeared and joined the already existing one, creation reached its completion and a person became the most important being on the Earth.

4 A mother always remains a unique and indispensable person in everybody’s life. Therefore many of us will never be able to change the hot soup cooked by our mother for the most exquisite meals of the richest palaces and restaurants of the world.

5 As for me various sweeties of the most modern confectioner’s shops can not be tastier than the pies made by my mum. I will never be able to find anywhere the taste of her soups and pies because they have my mother’s smell. There is not any being on the Earth, who is dearer and more sacred than mother. Therefore I will never call her bread stale: everything what has her smell is wonderful.

6 When mother cries, she cries with her heart and at the moment her heart is burnt by bitterness.

7 Her son goes to school-mother cries.

8 He goes to the Army-mother cries.

9 He falls ill-mother cries.

10 Her daughter gets married-she cries.

11 There is not a single moment without mother’s tears. Even if all the seas turn into tears- they will dry up. Dear mother! What can one make up the price of your tears with?

12 A young man who was blind since his birth told about his feelings in the following: “I heard that the world is very nice: there is the Sun, which illuminates daytime; there are blue seas, sky and mountains; there are flowers in springtime, which please the eyes in all the colors: tulips, roses, violets; meadows are fabulously nice, you want to have a good look at everything more and more. I hear that the world is extremely wonderful at sunrise and at sunset and that this beauty is accompanied by the symphony of the singing birds.

13 But I lived all the time in my dark world and saw nothing of these wonderful things. I am not upset and I don’t complain.

14 But my heart is burnt by the one pain: I wish I could see my mother with these eyes. What does it matter that I can see nothing, but my mother…mother …

15 My most cherished wish is to see her, to see as much as I wanted. To see my mother only once, who bore me for nine months, on whose knees I fell asleep, who lulled me in the cot with lullabies, who cried and laughed for me”.

16 What a great shame to offend the parents, to hurt their delicate hearts, not to care about them, taking them under protection.

17 Dear mother! I kiss your hands with love and respect and wait for your prayers which smell of your tears...

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