Municipal Utility Presentation. Municipal Utilities will experience significant cost increases that pressure rate payer price hikes 2 CAGR growth in capacity.

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Presentation on theme: "Municipal Utility Presentation. Municipal Utilities will experience significant cost increases that pressure rate payer price hikes 2 CAGR growth in capacity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Municipal Utility Presentation

2 Municipal Utilities will experience significant cost increases that pressure rate payer price hikes 2 CAGR growth in capacity prices. 30 % Increase in total energy costs vs. base year 2012 26 % source(s): ISO-NE auction feb2014; select municipality budgets, Tangent analysis indexed cost structure illustration for ISO-NE cost index (2012 = 100)

3 indexed cost structure illustration for NEMA source(s): ISO-NE auction feb2014; select municipality budgets, Tangent analysis Municipal Utilities will experience significant cost increases that pressure rate payer price hikes 3 CAGR growth in capacity prices. 60 % Increase in total energy costs vs. base year 2012 54 %

4 Customer energy systems were designed to support business operations and maintain building comfort. Technology and expertise is needed to capitalize on energy grid opportunities in a way that ensures all parties benefit. Tangent understands the operational challenges and economic opportunities on the energy grid. By optimizing customer supply and demand energy resources to capitalize on these opportunities, Tangent is able to realize better economic results with less disruption than other solutions. 1

5 Demand Management Renewables Gas and CHP UTILITY CUSTOMER Bike Image Source: Creative Commons Keithonearth Tangent provides the technology platform and energy expertise needed to integrate customer-side assets into energy market opportunities.

6 Predict ICAPP Hours Alert Our technology Your branding Support Experienced energy managers Customer involved Active Management Optimize Generation economic analysis Facilitated asset development Holistic solution Accurate Maximum participation Minimum Disruption Timely Day before and day of notifications Convenient Management strategies – not just curtailment requirements Profitable Recurring energy savings and revenue opportunities What we do… How utilities benefit…

7 Tangent AMP™ technology is delivered to customers as Demand Design™ or Demand Design PLUS™.

8 Utility logo here Grid status (hourly projection of price and load) Weather (current and forecast) Facility load (building and process) Accurately predicts grid demand peaks and other economic opportunities Alerts customers and takes appropriate action Actively manages the response and follow-up Integrates into existing energy management systems Tangent AMP™ is a technology platform that predicts and alerts high value energy hours. Tangent AMP™

9 C&I Customers New York City RMLD Energy Service Providers PJM MISO ISO NE Utilities and Energy Service Providers Partners

10 Implement Build, own and operate co-gen system Commit Letter of Intent (LOI) Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Assess Site walk through Feasibility analysis Opportunity assessment Evaluate Gather customer energy data Understand energy use Tangent has a simple, proven process for enlisting customers and exceeding expectations.

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