Scotland’s Colleges Operational Group Update 27 th May 2015 David Watt

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2 Scotland’s Colleges Operational Group Update 27 th May 2015 David Watt

3 New Qualifications PDA in Perioperative Practice at SCQF level 8 -Validated and now live -3 HN Units, 40 SCQF credits -Understanding Personal and Professional Development 1 credit -Pre- & Post-operative Care 2 credit -Intraoperative Care 2 credit

4 New Qualifications cont RNIB Sight Loss and Learning Disability Workbook –RNIB’s Visual Impairment Learning Disability and Complex Needs service has recognised a need to develop a range of flexible learning opportunities for staff within social care, to gain essential knowledge of sight loss and ‘hidden’ sight loss for people with learning disabilities. –One of these learning opportunities includes a workbook that staff can complete as part of their induction or as ongoing professional development. –SQA has mapped this workbook to SVQ Social Services and Healthcare level 2 and 3, enabling it to be used as evidence for candidates working towards completing this qualification.

5 Qualifications Revisions/Review SVQ 4 Leadership and Management for Care Services –With the development of the revised National Occupational Standards (NOS), SQA submitted a re-accreditation paper to be able to continue to offer this qualification. –SQA was successful in gaining re- accreditation for the award. The new award is now live and is called SVQ 4 Care Services Leadership and Management at SCQF level 10.

6 Qualifications Revisions/Review HNC in Social Services and HNC in Early Education –The mandatory Units are now complete and have been validated. As both the new HNCs will have the same mandatory core Units, this is a significant milestone in the development. –SQA has decided that both awards will go to a validation panel in June 2015. The awards should be available for centres to offer from August 2015.

7 Qualifications Revisions/Review PDA Practice Learning (SS) at SCQF level 10 –A QDT was formed to look at revising the PLQ level 10 award. –On reviewing the award it was found there was a lot of duplication across units. The Units have now been revised and validation of the revised award is planned for summer 2015.

8 Qualifications Revisions/Review HNC Care and Administrative Practice –Work will start in the summer 2015 to revise this qualification. –A QDT will be formed to look at what revisions are required.

9 Qualifications Under Development  PDA Health and Social Care: Promoting Enhanced Professional Practice at SCQF level 8 — award near completion and will be live soon  PDA Working with Carers and Young Carers — award near completion and will be live soon  PDA Care Certificate (working title) — award in development  PDA in HIV — award in development  PDA in Sexual Health — award in development  PDA Residential Child Care — award in development  PDA Children’s Hearings in Scotland: Area Support Team — award in planning stage  PDA Foster Carers – award in planning stage

10 Support Materials PDA in Commissioning, Procurement and Contracting at SCQF level 8 -Five assessment support packs (ASPs) are now available -The ASPs cover the five mandatory HN Units in the structure and are available from SQA's secure site.

11 Maintenance of Qualifications It is our intention to begin a review of the SVQ Health Care Support (Clinical and Non-Clinical) all levels. The NOS is not being reviewed but the structures will be. Work to start late summer 2015.  Qualification Support Team set up for PDA Commissioning, Procurement and Contracting of Care Services. This is due to legislation changes and NOS review.

12 Forthcoming Events Launch Event for the HNC Social Services and HNC Childhood Practice – Aug/Sept 2015 Network Update events for HN and SVQs in November 2015.

13 SQA Care News SQA Care E-zine continues and has been well received by the sector. New Health and Social Care blog live,

14 Questions?

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