MORE KIDS, MORE KIDS, MORE KIDS!  Enrollment Management Strategies for Success Advancement Services – OCS/OSD Archdiocese of Chicago Foley Consulting,

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Presentation on theme: "MORE KIDS, MORE KIDS, MORE KIDS!  Enrollment Management Strategies for Success Advancement Services – OCS/OSD Archdiocese of Chicago Foley Consulting,"— Presentation transcript:


2 MORE KIDS, MORE KIDS, MORE KIDS!  Enrollment Management Strategies for Success Advancement Services – OCS/OSD Archdiocese of Chicago Foley Consulting, Inc.

3 ADVANCEMENT SERVICES Fundraising ▲ Development ▲ Alumni ▲ Endowment Consultations In-Services Work Product Training Programs Publications

4 ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Define Target Audience Define/Refine Compelling Value Proposition Create & Execute Communication Strategy to Reach Target Audience Create & Execute Retention Strategy Determine Pricing Strategy Call Handling & Registration Procedure Lead Follow-Up Procedure Objection Handling Financial Aid Ongoing Communications to School Families Enlist Students in Retention Strategy Enlist Faculty in Retention Strategy Financial Aid Objection Handling Academic Product, Environmental, and Programs Marketing i.e., Building interest in enrolling in the schools New Family Sales i.e., Getting new families to enroll Retention Sales i.e., Getting existing families to re-enroll Assessment i.e., How did our plans and activities work? Did we meet our goals?

5 Marketing i.e., Building interest in enrolling in the schools Define/Refine Compelling Value Proposition Why would our target market choose to enroll? What differentiates our school, what are our proof points? What ’ s our pricing strategy? How do we most effectively make our case (text, images, video, pulpit, etc.)? Who is most effective? What ’ s actual today and what ’ s aspirational? What do our best advocates say? Our worst critics? Define Target Audience Who are we trying to attract? What do they want? How do we target our RE/CCD families? Is our Parish enough? Other Parishes without schools? What about non-Catholics? What ’ s our admission policy? Create & Execute Communication Strategy to Reach Target Audience How can we most effectively reach our targets? When? How does our web site play into the strategy? What other marketing deliverables do we need? What role do teachers, parents, etc. play? How can we get everyone to stay on message with our value proposition? Create & Execute Retention Strategy In reality this requires many of the same actions as described above, but directed at existing parents Need to continually reinforce why they made the right decision and are receiving value Teachers play a big role in retention Determine Pricing Strategy What is our target market ’ s ability to pay? What is the willingness to pay for our product? How do we handle tuition assistance? How do we incent new families and retention? “ CATHOLIC AND SAFE” ISN’T ENOUGH ANY MORE; MAY NEED TO MARKET BEYOND JUST THE PARISH “ Why should I spend my (precious) money to send my precious child to your school? ”

6 “ Will I enroll my child? ” We spend so much energy on marketing; can we really count on making a one- call close? New Family Sales i.e., Getting new families to enroll Collect prospective family information Ensure that we stay on message with value proposition Ensure that we have a call to action (e.g., visit) Ensure that family has clear and supportive way to progress through registration process Call Handling & Registration Procedure Families need to hear multiple times that they are wanted – from multiple people – Principal, teacher, other family member, potentially another student Follow-up communications need to be purposeful – 1 st call says X, 2 nd call says Y, etc. Ideally, follow up occurs within 1 day Every inquiry is a relationship building opportunity, not just a phone call Lead Follow-Up Procedure What objections do we expect to receive and how should we handle them? Ensure that communicators have a good answer that ’ s consistent with the value proposition How do we answer the tuition question in such a way as to get to the next conversation? Objection Handling Follows from our tuition strategy We need an objective, confidential process We need to communicate to families that we will work with them – the alternative is that they assume that we ’ re unaffordable Every family should be treated individually, based on their individual circumstances Financial Aid FAMILIES ARE CUSTOMERS – WE NEED TO TREAT THEM THAT WAY

7 “ Was our experience good enough to re-enroll my child? ” Retention Sales i.e., Getting existing families to re-enroll Families need to hear multiple times about all the good things going on Every communication is a chance to reinforce the value of Catholic education and your school Ongoing Communications to School Families Families respond to what their children want Students can have a very important role in parents ’ decisions to return or not Vibrant schools have students excited to return each day Enlist Students in Retention Strategy Similar to objection handling for new families, with two important differences Some objections may be family-specific based on the specific experience of that family Some objections may require a degree of specificity and frankness appropriate as family knows the “ dirt ” Requires leadership to know family situations Objection Handling Similar to financial aid for new families Knowledge of family situations gives schools an opportunity to be proactive … being proactive can significantly and positively impact the relationship Financial Aid Enlist Faculty in Retention Strategy Faculty also plays an important role – in general and with regard to retention at specific grades School leadership needs to enlist staff in the retention effort to both act as early warning systems and to take specific actions IF WE CAN ’ T RE-ENROLL EXISTING FAMILIES AT A HIGH RATE, WHY WOULD NEW AT A HIGH RATE, WHY WOULD NEW FAMILIES ENROLL AT ALL?

8 AS WITH ANY OTHER KEY PRIORITY, WE MUST ASSESS THE IMPACT OF OUR ACTIONS & IMPROVE OVER TIME Assessment i.e., How did our plans and activities work? Did we meet our goals? New Family Sales  Lead count, leads by source, etc.  Survey results, focus groups, etc.  Positive “ buzz ” in the community  Number of new families enrolled  Lead conversion rate, i.e., % of leads enrolling  Follow-on interviews with enrolling & non-enrolling families  Retention rate for existing families  Exit interviews with enrolling & non-enrolling families Retention SalesMarketing

9 INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT People Support What They Know, Understand and Believe RelationshipBuilding Leadership Alumni Relations Enrollment Management Fundraising/Development Marketing

10 GOAL SETTING  Acquisition  Retention  Awareness/Reputation Repair  Ideal Student

11 SITUATION ANALYSIS/ MARKET RESEARCH SWOT Self-Evaluation Surveys Walk-Through External Observers Focus Groups Event Evaluations Admissions Tracking Current Activity Results School Change / Enhancement

12 What do you offer? What do they value? Where do they match? KEY QUESTIONS


14 MISSION STATEMENT Portrait of the Graduate Characteristics of Professional Excellence

15 Perception  Reality

16 “Your customer’s perception is your reality…”

17 Initial Inquiry by Family School Office Talks w. Parents, Sends Application Packet Principal Meets w. Family, Qualifies Student to Apply Approved Family Given Registration Packet Bus. Manager Discusses Tuition Plans w. Family Family Registers TYPICAL APPLICATION/REGISTRATION PROCESS This is the school ’ s view of the current registration process

18 Principal Meets w. Family, Qualifies Student to Apply Approved Family Given Registration Packet Bus. Manager Discusses Tuition Plans w. Family Family Registers TYPICAL APPLICATION/REGISTRATION PROCESS Family Agrees to Meet w. Principal This view incorporates more of the prospective families ’ view of the current process … note that there are several key decision points School Office Talks w. Parents, Sends Application Packet Yes Family Pursues Registration NO Yes NO Family Decides to Inquire Yes NO Family Pursues Registration

19 NEED TO GROW PIPELINE OF INTERESTED FAMILIES OF INTERESTED FAMILIES Significant effort has been and will be put into increasing the number of families who are aware of and decide to inquire about the school  Flyers being distributed in community  New web site being completed with emphasis on “Why Attend?”  Various outreach activities through local businesses, medical community, etc. Family Decides to Inquire NO YES!!

20 Principal Meets w. Family, Qualifies Student to Apply Approved Family Given Registration Packet Bus. Manager Discusses Tuition Plans w. Family Family Registers NEED TO MAXIMIZE SUCCESS RATE WITH INTERESTED FAMILIES Family Agrees to Meet w. Principal Yes Family Pursues Registration NO Yes NO Yes We are inserting several new touch points to maximize “close rate”…may consider additional touch points in future Personal Call from Principal Personal Letter from Current Parent Personal Call from Current Parent School Office Talks w. Parents, Sends Application Packet Family Decides to Inquire No Family Pursues Registration

21 TARGET MARKETING Ideal vs. Most Likely Common Characteristics Influencers – People, Places Decision Making Timetable

22 STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT Audience Key Message Vehicle(s) Timing/Frequency

23 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Acquisition Retention Awareness/Reputation Repair Ideal Student

24 SAMPLE OBJECTIVES Inquiry Packet Personal Contact Plan Media Relations Parish Bulletin Direct Mail Newsletter

25 MEDIA LISTS Community Media Workshop or Call OCS Marketing 312-534-5334

26 A Word About… WEBSITES

27 OPTIONS, IDEAS, POSSIBLITIES, SUGGESTIONS Advertising Baptism Follow-Up Blast Communication Buddy Family System Camps, Pre Pre-K Classes Catholic Schools Week Class Masses Communications Audit Community Relations /Presence Customer Service Email Blasts/E-Newsletter Famous Alumni/Students Flash Drive History of Note Interest Area Follow-Up Non-School Parishes Open House, Tours, Visits

28 Parent Programming Parking Lot Brigade Partnerships – HS, College, Politicians, Etc. Pastries with the Principal, Padre Phone Tree/Telemarketing Premiums Referral Programs/Incentives Signage Speakers Bureau St. Cecelia Sunday Student Ambassadors Student Programming Testimonials Track Record Unique Characteristics Word of Mouth Others OPTIONS, IDEAS, POSSIBLITIES, SUGGESTIONS

29 MATERIALS Creation Test Marketing Management Photo/Shot List Testimonial Gathering

30 MANAGEMENT Faculty/Staff/Administration Board Members Current Parents Volunteers/Work Study Students Alumni Whose Job Is It?

31 RESOURCES Mary J. Foley, Director of Advancement Services  or 312-534-5243 Ryan Blackburn, Director of School Marketing  or 312-534-5334 OCS Resource Portal -  Under ‘School Vitality’ Tab  ‘Marketing & Enrollment’ webpage  ‘Advancement Services’ webpage Archdiocesan Development Council (ADC)  Archdiocesan Marketing and Enrollment Network (AMEN)  ‘Marketing & Enrollment’ webpage

32 WHEW! Budget Beneficiaries WHY?

33 WRAP UP Next Steps Assignments Follow Up Final Discussion Closing Prayer

34 “Go in peace. The mission you are on is under the eye of the Lord.” 18:16 Judges 18:16

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