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Ministry Vs Money ? Christian to the core AND making the dollars work.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministry Vs Money ? Christian to the core AND making the dollars work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministry Vs Money ? Christian to the core AND making the dollars work.

2  Focus on money and we will make money. Focus on impact and we will make an impact. Ephesians 2 8 -10. I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did not save yourselves; it was a gift from God. You are not saved by the things you have done, so there is nothing to boast about. God made us new people so that we would spend our lives doing the good things he had already planned for us to do. Last night…

3  At Luther Heights we RARELY talk about money.  What does MONEY measure?  Find measures that are not MONEY. From 10mins ago

4  How did you camp come to be in existence?  How many people were involved?  How rich is the history of you camp? Your History

5  Is the infrastructure at your camp in good condition?  Are you happy with how you camp presents?  Have you had the founding Fathers / Mothers visit? Your camp





10  God calls us to  Keep our eyes on him.  Use what we have been given.  Make Disciples. You are in Ministry

11 Cheapest new car in NZ

12 Best selling new car in NZ

13  You have a choice – SPIN UP or SPIN DOWN.  Sorry we only offer Lasagne on Mondays.  We’ve only got bunk beds.  Our dinning hall is often too small for our groups. Presenting your product

14  You’ll probably want an extra room for the bus driver.  Leadership Camp: So you’ll be looking for dates in 4 th term  We have a shared dinning hall; I’m not sure that will suit you.  We could squash you into venue X, but you probably won’t like that. Ask! Don’t tell.

15  Our job is present our camp, our food, our activities and our service in the best truthful light for our customers to evaluate. Let them decide

16  How does that sound?  Add this question to the end of every statement when presenting your camp.  Let’s practice this now! How does that sound?

17  Please organise yourselves in order of what you charge for 1 night accommodation.  Lowest priced meal  Lowest priced activity. Activity Time

18  What is great about your camp?  Short  Memorable  Accurate  Leave some mystery  The most amazing location, a team with a servant heart and food that you would sell your mother for. Your answer…

19  How much revenue could you make if you simply added 50cents what you charge for  a bed?  Per meal?  Per activity?  Really work it out – I invite you to share the answers. Small Change to LARGE numbers

20  Gross Profit = Profit after expenses associated with making the revenue.  Eg –  Meal GP = Revenue – (food cost+ staff cost)  Activities GP = Revenue – staff cost Gross Profit

21  Gross Profit measured in dollars NOT as a percentage.  Eg  $16.50 per meal  Expenses = $5.50 food cost + $5.oo Wages  GP $ = 16.50 – 10.50 = $5.00.  GP % = 30% Gross Profit Dollars

22  Assuming your GM is normally 15%  If you offered a 6% discount  You would need to increase your sales by 167% to make the same GP $.  Discount = 10%. Sales ^ = 300%  Discount = 12%. Sales ^ = 500% Impact of Discounting

23  Assuming your GM is normally 15%  Increase your pricing by 5%  You could loose 25% of your sales and still achieve the same GP $.  Increase 8% = v 35% of sales.  Increase 10% = v 40% of sales. Impact of Price increase

24  Discount with knowledge and caution.  Disclaimer  Economies of scale. Discounting

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