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The PiXL Club - PiXL EDGE

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2 The PiXL Club - PiXL EDGE

3 So what is ? The scheme focusses on 5 key attributes: Leadership
Organisation Resilience Initiative Communication

4 PiXL Apprentice (Secondary) PiXL Graduate (Secondary)
Having completed activity programmes related to the key attributes and accredited through the examination board students will qualify at three levels; PiXL Apprentice (Secondary) PiXL Graduate (Secondary) PiXL Master (Secondary)

5 Activities can take place in or out of school, be curricular or extra-curricular, but must be selected from our PiXL activities database. Students set their own pace and record their progress using a specially designed online secure platform.  


7 So how will it work? YEAR 7 to start with. In tutor time – 1 morning per week Activities during tutor time, in lessons or extra curricular. Upload it – user names and passwords Checked by administrators 18 months to complete this level (Apprentice): 10 challenges 2 per attribute

8 What are the challenges?
Examples of LEADERSHIP challenges: MFL – captain a competition in a foreign language PE- captain a sports team / lead a coaching session RLI – take part in a small-scale discussion on a current topic in an RE lesson Technology – demonstrate how to use a piece of classroom equipment Academy production – take responsibility for one small element

9 What are the challenges?
Examples of ORGANISATION challenges: Form – assist with gathering participants for sports day/ Help collect/count merits Organise a fund raising activity

10 What are the challenges?
Examples of INITIATIVE challenges: Science – create a poster to show the facts on alcohol English – establish a personal vocabulary list and consult it during lessons Help at open evening Run a tutor time activity

11 What is next? Train up 2 students per form to be ‘PiXL leaders’ Each department will select ONE activity that students can try to complete during Y7 (from a set list!) which fits in with current curriculum. Y7 tutors will deliver PiXL during tutor time. Students will begin to complete and record their challenges.

12 Create an anti-litter poster
Challenge 1 Attribute: COMMUNICATION Create an anti-litter poster By end of January 2016



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