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2010 Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey Malaria & HIV Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour.

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Presentation on theme: "2010 Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey Malaria & HIV Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey Malaria & HIV Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour

2 Ownership and Use of Mosquito Nets Malaria Prevention in Pregnancy and Treatment of Fever © 2007 Eliza Barclay, Courtesy of Photoshare Malaria

3 Ownership of Mosquito Nets Percent of households ITN is insecticide-treated net, LLIN is long-lasting insecticidal net

4 ITN Ownership by Region Tanzania 64% Percent of households with at least one insecticide-treated net Kagera 68% Mwanza 79% Mara 84% Arusha 51% Manyara 73% Tanga 60% Kilimanjaro 49% Pwani 69% Morogoro 37% Dodoma 72% Singida 34% Tabora 73% Shinyanga 85% Kigoma 58% Rukwa 67% Mbeya 58% Iringa 53% Ruvuma 70% Mtwara 64% Lindi 64% Dar es Salaam 62% Pemba North 88% Pemba South 73% Town West 61% Unguja North 87% Unguja South 90%

5 How does Tanzania Compare? Percent of households with at least one ITN

6 Trends in Ownership of ITNs Percent of households

7 Use of Mosquito Nets Percent who slept under a mosquito net the night before the survey

8 Trends in Use of ITNs Percent who slept under an ITN the night before the survey

9 Ownership and Use of Mosquito Nets Malaria Prevention in Pregnancy and Treatment of Fever © 2007 Eliza Barclay, Courtesy of Photoshare Malaria

10 Intermittent Preventive Treatment for Pregnant Women Percent of women age 15-49 with a live birth in the past 2 years

11 Treatment of Fever in Children Percent of children under age 5 Among those with fever

12 Key Findings 64% of households own at least one insecticide-treated net (ITN) compared with 39% of households in 2003. 64% of children and 57% of pregnant women slept under an ITN the night before the survey. 66% of pregnant women took any antimalarial drug; 26% took the recommend 2+ doses of SP/Fansidar during ANC visits. 23% of children had a fever in the two weeks before the survey—59% of these children took antimalarial drugs.

13 HIV Knowledge HIV-related Attitudes HIV-related Behaviour HIV Testing HIV and Youth HIV/AIDS activists display a message about HIV transmission during a rally on World AIDS Day held at CCM Kirumba Stadium in Mwanza, Tanzania. © 2006 Moses Ringo, Courtesy of Photoshare HIV Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviour

14 Knowledge of HIV Prevention Methods Percent who know HIV can be prevented by:

15 Understanding Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV Percent who know that:

16 Trends in Knowledge of Mother-to-Child Transmission Percent who know that HIV can be transmitted by breastfeeding and that the risk can be reduced by mother taking special drugs during pregnancy

17 HIV Knowledge HIV-related Attitudes HIV-related Behaviour HIV Testing HIV and Youth HIV/AIDS activists display a message about HIV transmission during a rally on World AIDS Day held at CCM Kirumba Stadium in Mwanza, Tanzania. © 2006 Moses Ringo, Courtesy of Photoshare HIV Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviour

18 Beliefs About HIV & AIDS Percent of women and men age 15-49 who say that: *Comprehensive knowledge means knowing that the risk of getting HIV can be reduced by using condoms and limiting sex to one uninfected partner, knowing that a healthy looking person can have HIV, and rejecting the two most common local misconceptions about HIV prevention and transmission.

19 Accepting Attitudes Towards Those Living With HIV Among women and men age 15-49 who have heard of HIV/AIDS, percentage expressing specific attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS

20 HIV Knowledge HIV-related Attitudes HIV-related Behaviour HIV Testing HIV and Youth HIV/AIDS activists display a message about HIV transmission during a rally on World AIDS Day held at CCM Kirumba Stadium in Mwanza, Tanzania. © 2006 Moses Ringo, Courtesy of Photoshare HIV Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviour

21 Multiple Sexual Partners 4% of women and 21% of men had 2 or more sexual partners in the past 12 months Over the course of their lifetimes: – Women had an average of 2.3 sexual partners – Men had an average of 6.7 sexual partners

22 Multiple Partners and Condom Use Percent of women and men 15-49 who: Among women and men 15-49 who had 2+ sexual partners in the past 12 months:

23 HIV Knowledge HIV-related Attitudes HIV-related Behaviour HIV Testing HIV and Youth HIV/AIDS activists display a message about HIV transmission during a rally on World AIDS Day held at CCM Kirumba Stadium in Mwanza, Tanzania. © 2006 Moses Ringo, Courtesy of Photoshare HIV Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviour

24 Prior HIV Testing Percent of women and men 15-49

25 Trends in HIV Testing Percent of women and men age 15-49 who were tested and received results in the 12 months before the survey

26 HIV Knowledge HIV-related Attitudes HIV-related Behaviour HIV Testing HIV and Youth HIV/AIDS activists display a message about HIV transmission during a rally on World AIDS Day held at CCM Kirumba Stadium in Mwanza, Tanzania. © 2006 Moses Ringo, Courtesy of Photoshare HIV Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviour

27 Age at First Sex 58% of women 18-24 had sex before age 18 and 13% of women 15-24 had sex before age 15 44% of men 18-24 had sex before age 18 and 7% of men 15-24 had sex before age 15

28 Premarital Sex and Condom Use Among never-married people 15-24, percentage

29 Prior HIV Testing Percent of women and men 15-24 who have had sex in the past year and who had an HIV test and received the results in the past year

30 Key Findings: HIV 71% of women and 70% of men know that the risk of getting HIV can be reduced by using condoms and limiting sex to one uninfected partner. 4% of women and 21% of men had 2+ partners in the past 12 months. Among these, 27% of women and 24% of men used a condom at last higher-risk sexual intercourse. 55% of women and 38% of men have ever been tested for HIV and received the results.

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