高职高专版 英 语 English book two. Unit 2 Your Resume Warm-up how to write a resume New words & expressions Grammar Focus Merry Learning.

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1 高职高专版 英 语 English book two

2 Unit 2 Your Resume Warm-up how to write a resume New words & expressions Grammar Focus Merry Learning

3 Warm-up how to write a resume What is a resume anyway? Remember: a Resume is a self- promotional document that presents you in the best possible light, for the purpose of getting inv ited to a job interview. It's not an official person nel document. It's not a job application. It's not a "career obituary"! And it's not a confessional.

4 What is the most common resume mistake mad e by job hunters? Leaving out their Job Objective! If you don't sho w a sense of direction, employers won't be inter ested. Having a clearly stated goal doesn't have to confine you if it's stated well.

5 What's the first step in writing a resume? Decide on a job target (or "job objective") that can be stated in about 5 or 6 words. Anything beyond that is probably "fluff" and indicates a l ack of clarity and direction

6 New words & expressions. 1. attend v. e.g. He left quickly to attend a meeting not school. 2. data n. e.g. The computer can store many data.

7 3. encouragement n. e.g. My teacher gave me many encouragements on my poor English. 4. factor n. e.g. There many factors that affect the weather. 5. include v. e.g. Some leaders attended the meeting, including our president of college.

8 6. major adj. e.g. What ’ s your major when you studied in college? 7. objectively adv. e.g. We should judge a thing objectively, not by what he think. 8. part-time adj. e.g. Many students find a part-time job to earn extra money.

9 9. start from e.g. When we learn we start from ABC. When we sing we begin from do rui mi. 10. have … in mind e.g. We must have it in mind that it was Japan that invaded China. 11. go over e.g. Before we begin new lessons let ’ s go over what we learn last class.

10 12. make a change e.g. The situation became severe and we had to make a change to survive fierce competition. 13. upon request e.g. Chairman Hu paid a visit to that country upon their president ’ s request. 14. put in e.g. Now you need put in your hobbies and any other social experience in this table.

11 15. stand: v. keep or stay in a particular station or state e.g. The room stands idle. They stood ready to move at short notice. 16. still: adj. e.g. Still waters run deep. still v. e.g. The food stilled the baby's cries.

12 17.fall behind: ~ in science ,~ one's competitors ,~ with the rent Note: fall behind and lag behind 18. result in e.g Acting before thinking always results in failing. The accident result in the death of two people. 19. Result from e.g His failure result from his not working hard.

13 20. whereas: conj. But, in contrast; while e.g. They want a house, whereas we would rather live in a flat. Their country has plenty of oil, while (whereas) ours has none. 21. fulfill: vt. e.g. Do or perform supply or satisfy (a need, demand or requirement) They fulfilled their work ahead of time as we did ours.

14 Grammar Focus Present Perfect Tense 1. 基本构成形式 1 )肯定式 I have written lots of articles this year. They have written lots of articles recently. She/He has written lots of articles in the past years.

15 注意: 1) 在现在完成时中做助动词,他们本身没有 实际的含义。 2) 主要谓语动词应使用动词的过去分时。 3) 动词的过去分词形式有规则和不规则两种。 4) 规则动词的变化形式应注意词尾变化,如: helped, studied, stopped 等。 5) 不规则动词的变化形式应经常查对 “ 不规则 动词表 ” 或辞典。

16 2 )否定式 I haven ’ t written any story this year. We haven ’ t written any story since 1995. They haven ’ t written any story recently. She/He hasn ’ t written any story in the past years.

17 Merry Learning Knowledge advances by steps, not by leaps.


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