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战略性人力资源管理 Strategic Human Resource Management. 每个单位都有理念:任务、目标、结果的评价、 顾客、顾客的期望 战略就是要把这套理念转化为效益 使一个组织在一个不可预测的环境中去取得他 所希望的结果 对理念加以测试.

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Presentation on theme: "战略性人力资源管理 Strategic Human Resource Management. 每个单位都有理念:任务、目标、结果的评价、 顾客、顾客的期望 战略就是要把这套理念转化为效益 使一个组织在一个不可预测的环境中去取得他 所希望的结果 对理念加以测试."— Presentation transcript:

1 战略性人力资源管理 Strategic Human Resource Management

2 每个单位都有理念:任务、目标、结果的评价、 顾客、顾客的期望 战略就是要把这套理念转化为效益 使一个组织在一个不可预测的环境中去取得他 所希望的结果 对理念加以测试

3  战略性人力资源管理是指组织在员工的帮助下 赢得和保持竞争优势。  Strategic HR management refers to organizational use of employees to gain or keep a competitive advantage against competitors.

4 1. Who am I? 我是谁? 2. Where to go? 到哪里去? 3. How to go? 怎么去?

5  First, find consumers 找到需求  Second, defeat the competitor 与对手竞争  Third, improve myself 不断提高自己

6 1. 经济环境 2. 政治法律环境 3. 社会文化环境 4. 劳动力市场状况

7 1. 组织内部资源 2. 组织战略与文化 3. 员工期望

8  核心竞争力是组织区别于竞争对手并能产生较 高价值的独有能力。  A core competency is a unique capability that creates high value and differentiates the organization from its competition.

9  Attracting and retaining employees with unique professional and technical capabilities  Investing in training and development of employees  Compensating in ways that retain and keep them competitive with their counterparts in other organization.

10  员工共同拥有的价值观和信念被称为企业文化。  The shared values and beliefs of a workforce is called organizational culture.

11  生产率常常用来衡量已完成产品的数量和质 量,也可以用来衡量价值方面的投入产出比。  Productivity is a measure of the quantity and quality of work done, considering the cost of the resource used. It is also useful to view productivity as a ratio between inputs and outputs that indicates the value added by an organization or in an economy.

12  Unit labor cost is computed by dividing the average cost of workers by their average levels of output.  用来衡量组织人员生产率的有效方法

13  外包 Outsourcing  通过投资设备使得员工的工作效率更高 Making workers more efficient with capital equipment  用设备代替人力 Replacing workers with equipment  帮助工人更好的工作 Helping workers work better  重新进行工作设计 Redesigning the work

14  成本领先战略, 适用于较稳定的商业环境, 沃 尔玛是代表 Cost-leadership,appropriate in a relatively stable business environment, such as Wal-Mart  差异化战略, 适用于迅速变化而动荡的商业 环境, 英特尔, 微软为代表 Differentiation, appropriate in a more dynamic environment characterized by rapid changes and requires continually finding new products and new markets. Such as Intel and Microsoft

15 Organizational strategy Strategic focus HR strategyHR activities Cost leadershipEfficiencyLong HR planning horizon Promote from within stabilityBuild skills in existing employee Extensive training Cost control Job and employee specialization efficiency Hire and train for specific capabilities differentiationgrowthShorter HR planning horizon External staffing innovationHire the HR capabilities needed Less training decentrali zation Broader, more flexible jobs and employees Hire and train for broad competencies

16  人力资源规划是一个分析和确认人力资源供求 状况以满足组织目标的过程。  Human resource planning, which is the process of analyzing and identifying the need for and availability of human resources so that the organization can meet its objectives.

17  考虑组织目标战略  Considering the organizational objectives and strategies  内外部人力资源供求状况进行评估  External and internal assessment of HR needs and supply sources  预测  Forecasting (HRIS)  人力资源供求关系的确认  Identify the relationship between supply and demand of human resource  制定人力资源战略和规划  HR strategies and plans

18  政府影响 Government influences  经济条件 Economics conditions  地理和竞争因素 Geographic and competitive concerns  劳动力构成和工作模式 Workforce composition

19  分析工作岗位与技能 Auditing jobs and skills  组织能力清单 Organizational capabilities inventory 1 、员工个人的人口统计特征 Individual employee demographics 2 、员工的职业发展 Individual career progression 3 、个人绩效信息 Individual performance data

20  自然损耗和停止聘用  Attrition and hiring freezes  提前退休措施 Early retirement buyouts  临时解雇 layoffs

21  A stakeholder is any person or organization likely to be affected directly or indirectly by a change in an organization. 1. Shareholders-institution and individuals who own a stake in a company. 2. Employees-those who work for an organisation 3. Directors and managers-those who lead organizations 4. Communities-those who are affected by the organization, e.g. by living the near the workplace

22 5. Government-which imposes regulations and collects taxes. 6. Customers-who buy the products or services 7. Suppliers-who provide raw materials and services 8. Financiers-for example banks who lend organizations money 9. Unions-who provide support to employees.

23  Vision statement would indicate where the company wants to be in the future-they should be framed in a way that gives a clear direction to the organization.  Includes: 1. What the company wants to do 2. Where it wants to do it 3. With whom it wishes to work

24  A mission statement often states the purpose for the organization’s continued existence.  It is a description of the culture of an organization and defines the assumption, values and beliefs regards as important by those managing the organization.  It is a strategic tool, a discipline that forces managers to think carefully about the goals they should be pursuing. It helps them to formulate plans for achieving them.

25 Wycliffe Bible Translators Hong Kong Vision  By 2025, a Bible translation program will be in progress in every language needing one.2025 Mission  Through spreading the vision of and providing training, enable the churches in Hong Kong participating in Bible Translation by prayer, donation and services to all the needed areas.

26  In analysing the situation an organization finds itself in, sometimes carry out a SWOT analysis.  The organization’s strengths and weaknesses and opportunities and threats  Weaknesses generally from an analysis of its internal resources and capabilities along with a comparison with competitors  Threats are often highlighted from PEST(political factors, economic factors, social factors and technology factors)

27  Please do the SWOT analysis for the CUEB

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