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Cold War Timeline Events Remember… The Cold War was an “indirect” war b/w Soviet Union and United States The Cold War was an “indirect” war.

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7 Cold War Timeline Events

8 Remember… The Cold War was an “indirect” war b/w Soviet Union and United States The Cold War was an “indirect” war b/w Soviet Union and United States War of threats, arms race, power over other countries War of threats, arms race, power over other countries United States goals: STOP the spread of communism through “Containment”. United States goals: STOP the spread of communism through “Containment”. This was based on the idea of the “Domino Theory”- If one country fall then the next will fall like dominos. This was based on the idea of the “Domino Theory”- If one country fall then the next will fall like dominos.

9 1945: Formation of the United Nations Promote world peace and avoid war.

10 1947: The Marshall Plan Getting European countries back on track. “We must be prepared to pay the price of peace, or assuredly we shall pay the price of war.” –Harry S. Truman

11 1947: Truman Doctrine Truman declares that U.S. foreign policy will be that of “containment”-sending U.S. aid to countries resisting the spread of communism Truman declares that U.S. foreign policy will be that of “containment”-sending U.S. aid to countries resisting the spread of communism

12 1948-1949: Berlin Airlift Response to Soviet blockade

13 1949: Communist Revolution in China Mao ZeDong aligns with Soviets

14 1949: NATO created Western European countries and others form a military alliance-to protect each other from Communist aggression. Western European countries and others form a military alliance-to protect each other from Communist aggression.

15 1949: Soviet Union develops nuclear weapons


17 1950-1953: Korean War Communist vs. Anti-Communist

18 Korean War-a “Proxy War” After WWII, Korea divided at the 38 th parallel (north and south) After WWII, Korea divided at the 38 th parallel (north and south) N. Korea  supported by the Soviet Union N. Korea  supported by the Soviet Union S. Korea  supported by the U.S. and U.N. S. Korea  supported by the U.S. and U.N. North invades South, Soviet, U.S., and U.N. troops help Korean troops fight North invades South, Soviet, U.S., and U.N. troops help Korean troops fight China aids North Korea China aids North Korea Ends in a stalemate- July, 1953 Ends in a stalemate- July, 1953

19 1953: The Rosenbergs executed Executed on espionage charges

20 1955: Warsaw Pact Soviet Union and other Eastern European countries create their own military alliance Soviet Union and other Eastern European countries create their own military alliance

21 1957: Sputnik launched 1 st satellite in orbit by Soviets

22 1961: Berlin Wall built by Soviet Union Soviet Union builds wall to keep people from escaping to the west. Soviet Union builds wall to keep people from escaping to the west.

23 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis 1959 the Cuban Revolution occurred where Fidel Castro gained power and becomes an ally of the Soviet Union. The Soviets attempt to deliver nuclear weapons to Cuba- The U.S. creates a blockade forcing the U.S.S.R. to turn back

24 1964: Vietnam War Gulf of Tonkin incident – Alleged attack on a U.S. ship gives President Johnson power to escalate U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war. Assisting French allies fight the communist North Vietnamese Gulf of Tonkin incident – Alleged attack on a U.S. ship gives President Johnson power to escalate U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war. Assisting French allies fight the communist North Vietnamese 1965-73 U.S. fights and leaves with a stalemate. 1965-73 U.S. fights and leaves with a stalemate. North Vietnam invades the South and gains complete control North Vietnam invades the South and gains complete control

25 1979: Soviets Invade Afghanistan U.S.S.R attempts to gain control of Afghanistan to get closer to oil reserves. U.S.S.R attempts to gain control of Afghanistan to get closer to oil reserves. “The Soviet Vietnam”- U.S. secretly helps the anti-communist Afghans – “freedom fighter” “The Soviet Vietnam”- U.S. secretly helps the anti-communist Afghans – “freedom fighter” Osama bin Laden is supported by the U.S. to fight against the Soviets Osama bin Laden is supported by the U.S. to fight against the Soviets

26 1989: Collapse of the Soviet Union Berlin wall torn down to unite Germany- symbolic end of the cold war Berlin wall torn down to unite Germany- symbolic end of the cold war Soviet Union collapse- Economy has failed the currency is overly inflated. Soviet Union collapse- Economy has failed the currency is overly inflated. Soviets replace the government with a more democratic reform. Soviets replace the government with a more democratic reform.

27 Reading Questions for Discussion Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. You must answer in complete sentences in order to receive credit. Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. You must answer in complete sentences in order to receive credit. 1. What did the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan both have in common? 2. Why did Stalin hold West Berlin hostage? 3. How did the U.S. and allies respond to the blockade around West Berlin? 4. What was the purpose of NATO?

28 Exit Assignment This needs to be a full paragraph-topic sentence, at least 6-8 sentences. This needs to be a full paragraph-topic sentence, at least 6-8 sentences. Look at the events covered today in class. Choose one of those events and explain how that event helped escalate (increase) the tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. Look at the events covered today in class. Choose one of those events and explain how that event helped escalate (increase) the tension between the United States and the Soviet Union.

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