The COMP Essay. What is it? “ In Part C students are asked to answer a comparative question that will focus on broad issues or themes in world history.

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Presentation on theme: "The COMP Essay. What is it? “ In Part C students are asked to answer a comparative question that will focus on broad issues or themes in world history."— Presentation transcript:

1 The COMP Essay

2 What is it?

3 “ In Part C students are asked to answer a comparative question that will focus on broad issues or themes in world history and deal with at least two societies. Students will have 40 minutes to answer this question, 5 minutes of which should be spent planning [ and ] outlining the answer.” -- AP Central, The AP World History Exam

4 How is it graded ? Know the rubric !

5 The Rubric 0 COMPARISON : what is the same and what is different. 0 AT LEAST ONE : No, not one. You will have at least three. 0 ANALYZE : Why? Why is there a similarity or a difference present?

6 Example Question (2006)

7 Brainstorm ( quickly )

8 Essay Format Consider the following… Where are you going to compare and contras t?

9 Essay Format Consider the following…

10 Essay Format Best format to get most points ! Require s a lot of prewrit ing, but is worth it in the end !

11 The Outline Thesis – follow same rules as always – answer the question, be specific, use groups and give hints. Remember, simply regurgitating the question will not be enough to earn the point! POLITICAL: Goals and Outcomes ECONOMIC: Goals and Outcomes MILITARY: Goals and Outcomes EVIDENCE CONCLUSION

12 Now use your outline to finish a beautiful essay…

13 Common Mistakes ( AP College Board ) 0 Separate descriptions 0 great evidence 0 no comparison 0 no comparison = no points 0 Confusing content 0 Running out of time

14 Common Mistakes ( yous guys ) 0 Thesis Statements : Varied 0 All Parts : Generally Successful 0 Evidence : Varied 0 Direct Comparisons : Generally Successful 0 Analysis : Barely Attempted 0 Expanded Core : Not Quite

15 What to expect : 0 Time 0 40 Minutes Total 0 Planning : 5 Minutes 0 Writing : 35 Minutes 0 Question 0 AP Format 0 Question Unknown 0 Materials : Pencil / Pen 0 Afterwards : Study Hall You may also work with a partne r if you so choose !


17 COMP Essay Work Session Analyze and compare the differing responses of China and Japan to western penetration in the nineteenth century.

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