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Planning for Sustainability 1 Susan Ramsey Pearls of Wisdom Consulting 253-606-0956 Lia Katz ASTHO (202) 371-9090.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning for Sustainability 1 Susan Ramsey Pearls of Wisdom Consulting 253-606-0956 Lia Katz ASTHO (202) 371-9090."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning for Sustainability 1 Susan Ramsey Pearls of Wisdom Consulting 253-606-0956 Lia Katz ASTHO (202) 371-9090

2 Accreditation ImproveRe-AccreditationImprove 2

3 1.Clear focus 2.Right people in the room 3.Clear roles 4.Method keeps people on track 5.Steady progress 6.Organizational support during and after project … holding the gains emphasized 7.Teams recognized and progress celebrated 3

4  Why agency pursued accreditation  Accreditation team charter, or  Something which defines (at a minimum)…  Problem/opportunity  Measures of success (targets and goals as appropriate)  Team 4

5  Leadership on board and participating  Representatives across the agency  Accreditation Coordinator/Champion  Community Partners  Governing Entity  Other stakeholders 5

6  Leaders - who is responsible for participating and advocating for accreditation  Managers – who brings tools/methods knowledge and meetings/group dynamic management skills and resourcing this effort?  Accreditation Coordinator – who is managing this effort?  Community Partners – who is responsible for helping us do our day to day work? 6

7  PDCA/PDSA, or  Business Process Analysis, or  Public Health Model, or  6Sigma-Lean, or  Some kind of recipe(s) which …  Guides team  Helps them be efficient and productive  Sets up process for continuous improvement 7

8  Plan for PHAB Annual Report  Meeting regularly, for defined period of time  Manage team timeline 8

9  Team members and their managers understand importance of project  Sponsor is clear on expectations, resources and constraints  Sponsor understands the project is just the beginning  Process owner(s) will need to be determined  On-going management of the process is necessary 9

10  Receiving accredited status may be the easy part  Are measures being maintained?  Who is accountable for controlling and improving from here? 10

11  Staff pay attention to what leaders pay attention to  Greatest incentive to participate in future efforts is management appreciation  Spread value and learning through attention  “Failure” may still be a success 11

12  What has changed in the department?  Address any measures, identified by the Accreditation Committee for further action  What QI has been accomplished?  What QI is being planned for the next year? 12

13  Build documentation into regular processes: ◦ Use summary formats for regular reporting ◦ Minutes of working committees ◦ Case write-ups, logs, and progress reports ◦ Emphasize conclusions, actions and results ◦ Maintain prior versions of reports and documents 13

14  Policy or procedure needs to be written and implemented  A different agency, division or program may have documentation, just need to identify and collect it  Documentation needs to be approved, updated, reviewed or revised (is not timely or is in draft form)  Other examples? 14

15  More systemic or wide spread gap; e.g. need for quantifiable outcome measures in all programs  New work process needed  Staff evaluation or training processes need improvement  Consistent application of activity needed across programs, e.g. review of data analysis and making conclusions from the data 15

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