Zack Lane ReCAP Coordinator September 16, 2013 ReCAP Columbia University.

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1 Zack Lane ReCAP Coordinator September 16, 2013 ReCAP Columbia University

2  Review of ReCAP operations ◦ Physical plant and new modules  Data ◦ Basic analysis: accession, requests and circulation ◦ Language ◦ High-use titles ◦ EDD ◦ System-wide trends  Feedback! ReCAP Columbia University

3  10.2 million books  CUL 4.2, NYPL 3.6, PUL 1.4  7 Modules complete  CUL manages transfers with quotasquotas  Tours conducted once or twice every year ReCAP Columbia University

4  What is Area Studies?  Language/subject based selection  Focus on two CLIO locations: ◦ “Area Studies Collection” = off,glx and off,leh  Pamela helped focus topic: language, high- use titles and request rate  New challenge: language codes ReCAP Columbia University

5  Four basic categories of data ◦ Accessions ◦ Requests ◦ Delivery ◦ Circulation  Detailed information can be found at the ReCAP Data Center website ReCAP Data Center website  Website now includes introductory presentations for all basic categories AND analysis ReCAP Columbia University

6  Chart of accessions by fiscal year  Transfer began as soon as ReCAP opened  Load-in period during first few years  Transfers from Lehman Library are project- focused ReCAP Columbia University

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10  TOTAL : 1,640,366 / 225,586 (Request Rate 1.58%)  off,glx : 1,411,660 / 190,818 (1.84%)  off,leh : 228,706 / 34,768 (2.28%) ReCAP Columbia University “Libraries” consist of multiple CLIO locations (collections)

11 ReCAP Columbia University  Request typically begins immediately after transfer  Volume has leveled off system-wide in past three years  May be explained by charge/renewal trend and effect of mass digitization  Monthly request volume in phase with academic calendar  50% more requests in Fall and Spring than Summer system-wide  Data for small and low-use collections is noisy

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16  Charge activity at Lehman Circulation desk  Steady decline in total charge volume  Patron base is graduate student majority  About one third of circ transactions are for Reserve collections ReCAP Columbia University

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20  A high-use title is any title that has been requested 5 or more times since accession  Includes both physical delivery and EDD  Desire by staff to study high-use titles  Initial purpose of ReCAP was to shelve low- use collections  Due to space need, selector decision and patron trends, some titles may be considered higher- or high-use  Excludes: eng, fre, ger and ita ReCAP Columbia University

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22  More information about data sets can be found on the ReCAP Data Center websiteReCAP Data Center website  Primary data categories include: accession, retrieval, delivery and circulation  Tailored data sets and analysis will be provided to staff via the ReCAP Coordinator  Please see the main ReCAP website for general information about CUL procedures and systemsReCAP website ReCAP Columbia University

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