Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 1 International Workshop on a Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescope for.

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1 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 1 International Workshop on a Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescope for the Mediterranean Sea On line monitoring of the power control and engineering parameters systems of the NEMO Phase-2 tower Angelo Orlando INFN-LNS 22-24 April 2008, Toulon Palais Neptune Conference Centre

2 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 2 System Overview 1.Power control system Electrical parameter display of the 10KVdc – 400Vdc Alcatel MVCElectrical parameter display of the 10KVdc – 400Vdc Alcatel MVC Floors and base tower voltage and current monitoringFloors and base tower voltage and current monitoring Power feeding switches control and checkPower feeding switches control and check Overcurrent and overvoltage protectionOvercurrent and overvoltage protection 2.Tower engineering parameters Depth of each floor (pressure sensors)Depth of each floor (pressure sensors) Roll, pitch and heading angle (accelerometer and magnetometer sensors fusion)Roll, pitch and heading angle (accelerometer and magnetometer sensors fusion) Accelerometers and magnetometers sensors raw dataAccelerometers and magnetometers sensors raw data

3 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 3 Subsystems:  Power control system 1.Data transmission 2.Control and power supply  Tower engineering parameters 1.Roll, pitch and heading 2.Tri-axial accelerometers raw data 3.Floors depth Outline

4 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 4 Data transmission architecture Ethernet-Copper Ethernet-Fiber Ethernet Copper RS485 Copper System Overview System Overview On Shore - Ethernet – Copper from PC - Ethernet – Copper from PC - Copper-Fiber media converter - Copper-Fiber media converter Off Shore - Copper-Fiber media converter - Copper-Fiber media converter - E2S Eth to RS485 Half Duplex - E2S Eth to RS485 Half Duplex

5 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 1200m Twisted pair Master request Slave Answer TaskBytesms Request + Answer7112 (Request + Answer)*161136192 (1 ms/div) 5 #0 - - - - - - - #16 Data transmission performance Test procedure Test procedure 1.Oscilloscope probe at tower base 2.Master PC data request 3.Answer received from slave board

6 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 6 Subsystems:  Power control system 1.Data transmission 2.Control and power supply  Tower engineering parameters 1.Roll, pitch and heading 2.Tri-axial accelerometers raw data 3.Floors depth Outline

7 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 Power Feed Equipment PFE 10KVdc MVC - Alcatel DC/DC 10KVdc to 400Vdc NEMO Tower Base NEMO Tower Power feeding and control system Power feeding and control system 1.Tower base electronic boards 2.Power supply and data bus along the backbone 3.Floor Power Control System (FPCS) 4.Floor Power Module System (FPMS) 7 10KVdc 1A PFE Provided with: all necessary safety requirements a dummy load for operational testing Cable Architecture overview

8 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 Power Feed Equipment PFE 10KVdc Cable MVC - Alcatel DC/DC 10KVdc to 400Vdc NEMO Tower Base NEMO Tower 8 AOLC4 The OALC4 cable can be used at any sea depth between 0 and 7000 meters (1.0 ohm/km version) Architecture overview Power feeding and control system Power feeding and control system 1.Tower base electronic boards 2.Power supply and data bus along the backbone 3.Floor Power Control System (FPCS) 4.Floor Power Module System (FPMS)

9 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 Power Feed Equipment PFE 10KVdc Cable MVC - Alcatel DC/DC 10KVdc to 400Vdc NEMO Tower Base NEMO Tower 9 MVC – Alcatel Input: up to 10 kV DC Output: 400 VDC/25 A Estimated efficiency: > 90% at full load Power feeding and control system Power feeding and control system 1.Tower base electronic boards 2.Power supply and data bus along the backbone 3.Floor Power Control System (FPCS) 4.Floor Power Module System (FPMS) Architecture overview

10 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 NEMO TOWER Power Feed Equipment PFE 10KVdc Cable MVC - Alcatel DC/DC 10KVdc to 400Vdc NEMO Tower Base NEMO Tower 10 Power feeding and control system Power feeding and control system 1.Tower base electronic boards 2.Power supply and data bus along the backbone 3.Floor Power Control System (FPCS) 4.Floor Power Module System (FPMS) Architecture overview

11 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 Power Module FPMS SPI & 5.5 VDC 12V 5.5V 4.2V Redundant Control system FPCS Main Control System FPCS 11 SPI & 5.5VDC Twisted Pair A-RS485 Redundancy Twisted Pair B-RS485 Normal Twisted Pair C-400VDC Odd Floor Twisted Pair D-400VDC Even Floor Tower Base PCS + FPMS TOWER BASE ARCHITECTURE Floor wiring

12 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 Floor 1 Floor 16 Media Converter Ethernet2SPI Microcontroller A/D RS485 … IRQ Temp Current Voltage sensors Power supply for Control system DC/DC 400V-5V CK Cmd 400Vdc From DC/DC 400Vdc Fiber From Frame RS485 Twisted Pair Base tower power control system 12

13 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 Media Converter Ethernet2SPI Microcontroller A/D RS485 … IRQ Temp Current Voltage sensors Power supply for Control system DC/DC 400V-5V CK Cmd 400Vdc From DC/DC 400Vdc Fiber From Frame RS485 Twisted Pair Base tower power control system 13 Power supply for power control system Floor 1 Floor 16

14 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 Media Converter Ethernet2SPI Microcontroller A/D RS485 … IRQ Temp Current Voltage sensors Power supply for Control system DC/DC 400V-5V CK Cmd 400Vdc From DC/DC 400Vdc Fiber From Frame RS485 Twisted Pair Base tower power control system 14 Voltage and current sensors Floor 1 Floor 16

15 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 Media Converter Ethernet2SPI Microcontroller A/D RS485 … IRQ Temp Current Voltage sensors Power supply for Control system DC/DC 400V-5V CK Cmd 400Vdc From DC/DC 400Vdc Fiber From Frame RS485 Twisted Pair Base tower power control system 15 Data transmission: Fiber/Ethernet TO Copper/RS485 Floor 1 Floor 16

16 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 Power Module FPMS SPI & 5.5 VDC 12V 5.5V 4.2V Redundant Control system FPCS Main Control system FPCS SPI & 5.5VDC Twisted Pair A-RS485 Redundancy Twisted Pair B-RS485 Normal Twisted Pair C-400VDC Odd Floor Twisted Pair D-400VDC Even Floor Tower Base PCS + FPMS 16 FLOOR POWER SUPPLY Floor wiring

17 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 FPMS - Floor Power Module System 17 +5.5V +12V +4.2 V +400V RTN SPI +5.5V I/O SPI I/O Main control Redundant control Input Circuit protection Input filter DC-DC Converter Output filter DC-DC Converter Dissipative Regulator V I I I +5.5V V V Control Circuit Connector ON-OFF DC-DC Status ON-OFF Main switch ON-OFF Redundant switch GND Main specifications Soft Start and over voltage protection Input output filter noise reduction Output current and voltage sensors Optocoupled insulated high voltage sensor n°2 switches for power on and off, main and redundant 100mm 160mm V

18 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 FPMS - Floor Power Module System 18 +5.5V +12V +4.2 V +400V RTN SPI +5.5V I/O SPI I/O Main control Redundant control Input Circuit protection Input filterOutput filter Dissipative Regulator V I I I +5.5V V V Control Circuit Connector ON-OFF DC-DC Status ON-OFF Main switch ON-OFF Redundant switch GND 100mm 160mm V DC-DC Converter DC-DC Converter Main specifications Soft Start and over voltage protection Input output filter noise reduction Output current and voltage sensors Optocoupled insulated high voltage sensor n°2 switches for power on and off, main and redundant

19 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 FPMS - Floor Power Module System 19 +5.5V +12V +4.2 V +400V RTN SPI +5.5V I/O SPI I/O Main control Redundant control Input Circuit protection Input filterOutput filter Dissipative Regulator V I I I +5.5V V V Control Circuit Connector ON-OFF DC-DC Status ON-OFF Main switch ON-OFF Redundant switch GND 100mm 160mm V DC-DC Converter DC-DC Converter Main specifications Soft Start and over voltage protection Input output filter noise reduction Output current and voltage sensors Optocoupled insulated high voltage sensor n°2 switches for power on and off, main and redundant

20 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 FPMS - Floor Power Module System 20 +5.5V +12V +4.2V +400V RTN SPI +5.5V I/O SPI I/O Main control Redundant control Input Circuit protection Input filterOutput filter Dissipative Regulator +5.5V Control Circuit Connector ON-OFF DC-DC Status ON-OFF Main switch ON-OFF Redundant switch GND 100mm 160mm V DC-DC Converter DC-DC Converter Main specifications Soft Start and over voltage protection Input output filter noise reduction Output current and voltage sensors Optocoupled insulated high voltage sensor n°2 switches for power on and off, main and redundant

21 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 FPMS - Floor Power Module System 21 +5.5V +12V +4.2 V +400V RTN SPI +5.5V I/O SPI I/O Main control Redundant control Input Circuit protection Input filterOutput filter Dissipative Regulator V I I I +5.5V V V Control Circuit Connector ON-OFF DC-DC Status ON-OFF Main switch ON-OFF Redundant switch GND 100mm 160mm DC-DC Converter DC-DC Converter Main specifications Soft Start and over voltage protection Input output filter noise reduction Output current and voltage sensors Optocoupled insulated high voltage sensor n°2 switches for power on and off, main and redundant

22 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 FPMS - Floor Power Module System 22 +5.5V +12V +4.2 V +400V RTN SPI +5.5V I/O SPI I/O Main control Redundant control Input Circuit protection Input filterOutput filter Dissipative Regulator V I I I +5.5V V V Control Circuit Connector ON-OFF DC-DC Status ON-OFF Main switch ON-OFF Redundant switch GND 100mm 160mm V DC-DC Converter DC-DC Converter Main specifications Soft Start and over voltage protection Input output filter noise reduction Output current and voltage sensors Optocoupled insulated high voltage sensor n°2 switches for power on and off, main and redundant

23 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 Power Module FPMS SPI & 5.5 VDC 12V 5.5V 4.2V Redundant Control system FPCS Main Control system FPCS SPI & 5.5VDC Twisted Pair A-RS485 Redundancy Twisted Pair B-RS485 Normal Twisted Pair C-400VDC Odd Floor Twisted Pair D-400VDC Even Floor Tower Base PCS + FPMS 23 POWER CONTROL SYSTEM BOARD Floor wiring

24 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 Ax Ay Az Pres μC PIC18F4523 SPI Opto coupled RS485 Driver Tx Rx En Backbone Bus SPI for FPMS - Connector Temperature Connector (DS18S20) Micromag 3 PCS - Power Control System 24 130mm 55mm Main features: Power consumption: 150 mA @ 5.5Vdc RS485 optocoupled interface FPMS SPI interface Over current and voltage protection n°1 tri-axial magnetometer n°3 MEMS accelerometers n°2 Temp. and pressure interfaces

25 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 PCS - Power Control System 25 130mm 55mm Ax Ay Az Pres μC PIC18F4523 SPI Opto coupled RS485 Driver Tx Rx En Backbone Bus SPI for FPMS - Connector Temperature Connector (DS18S20) Micromag 3 Main features: Power consumption: 150 mA @ 5.5Vdc RS485 optocoupled interface FPMS SPI interface Over current and voltage protection n°1 tri-axial magnetometer n°3 MEMS accelerometers n°2 Temp. and pressure interfaces

26 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 PCS - Power Control System 26 130mm 55mm Ax Ay Az Pres μC PIC18F4523 SPI Opto coupled RS485 Driver Tx Rx En Backbone Bus SPI for FPMS - Connector Temperature Connector (DS18S20) Micromag 3 Main features: Power consumption: 150 mA @ 5.5Vdc RS485 optocoupled interface FPMS SPI interface Over current and voltage protection n°1 tri-axial magnetometer n°3 MEMS accelerometers n°2 Temp. and pressure interfaces

27 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 PCS - Power Control System 27 130mm 55mm Ax Ay Az Pres μC PIC18F4523 SPI Opto coupled RS485 Driver Tx Rx En Backbone Bus SPI for FPMS - Connector Temperature Connector (DS18S20) Micromag 3 Main features: Power consumption: 150 mA @ 5.5Vdc RS485 optocoupled interface FPMS SPI interface Over current and voltage protection n°1 tri-axial magnetometer n°3 MEMS accelerometers n°2 Temp. and pressure interfaces

28 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 PCS - Power Control System 28 130mm 55mm Ax Ay Az Pres μC PIC18F4523 SPI Opto coupled RS485 Driver Tx Rx En Backbone Bus SPI for FPMS - Connector Temperature Connector (DS18S20) Micromag 3 Main features: Power consumption: 150 mA @ 5.5Vdc RS485 optocoupled interface FPMS SPI interface Over current and voltage protection n°1 tri-axial magnetometer n°3 MEMS accelerometers n°2 Temp. and pressure interfaces

29 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 PCS - Power Control System 29 130mm 55mm Ax Ay Az Pres μC PIC18F4523 SPI Opto coupled RS485 Driver Tx Rx En Backbone Bus SPI for FPMS - Connector Temperature Connector (DS18S20) Micromag 3 Main features: Power consumption: 150 mA @ 5.5Vdc RS485 optocoupled interface FPMS SPI interface Over current and voltage protection n°1 tri-axial magnetometer n°3 MEMS accelerometers n°2 Temp. and pressure interfaces

30 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 PCS - Power Control System 30 130mm 55mm Ax Ay Az Pres μC PIC18F4523 SPI Opto coupled RS485 Driver Tx Rx En Backbone Bus SPI for FPMS - Connector Temperature Connector (DS18S20) Micromag 3 Main features: Power consumption: 150 mA @ 5.5Vdc RS485 optocoupled interface FPMS SPI interface Over current and voltage protection n°1 tri-axial magnetometer n°3 MEMS accelerometers n°2 Temp. and pressure interfaces

31 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 Backbone PCS - Power Control System 31 130mm 55mm Ax Ay Az Pres μC PIC18F4523 SPI Opto coupled RS485 Driver Tx Rx En Backbone Bus SPI for FPMS - Connector Temperature Connector (DS18S20) Micromag 3 Main features: Power consumption: 150 mA @ 5.5Vdc RS485 optocoupled interface FPMS SPI interface Over current and voltage protection n°1 tri-axial magnetometer n°3 MEMS accelerometers n°2 Temp. and pressure interfaces

32 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 32Outline Subsystems:  Power control system 1.Data transmission 2.Control and power supply  Tower engineering parameters 1.Roll, pitch and heading 2.Tri-axial accelerometers raw data 3.Floors depth

33 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 Attitude System – Sensor Fusion Algorithm 33 Implemented algorithm Roll and pitch angles can be calculated in almost static condition through accelerometers measures. Roll and pitch angles can be calculated in almost static condition through accelerometers measures. Roll and pitch angles are used to project the tri-axial magnetic measurements on the level plane surface. Roll and pitch angles are used to project the tri-axial magnetic measurements on the level plane surface. Applying the rotational equations the heading angle is computed. Applying the rotational equations the heading angle is computed.

34 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 MTi by XSens PCS by INFN-LNS 34 Test: Roll – Pitch comparison and validation Test results: PCS Vs MTi Dynamic condition: Error Roll ≤ 2° Error Pitch ≤ 1.5° Static condition: Error Roll ≤ 0.2° Error Pitch ≤ 0.1°

35 Angelo Orlando for the NEMO collaboration VLV T08, Toulon, France 22-24 April 2008 Data transmission Fiber copper converter (100Km fiber length) → OKFiber copper converter (100Km fiber length) → OK Bus RS485 tested (1200m backbone length)→ OKBus RS485 tested (1200m backbone length)→ OK Control system and power supply Power Control System Board → OKPower Control System Board → OK Floor Power Module System Board → OKFloor Power Module System Board → OK PCS - FPMS Integration → OKPCS - FPMS Integration → OK Current and voltage measures validation → OKCurrent and voltage measures validation → OK Over current monitor → OKOver current monitor → OK Overcurrent protection→ OKOvercurrent protection→ OK Full system under pressure working @350Atm → OKFull system under pressure working @350Atm → OK Tower engineering parameters Roll, pitch and heading validation → OKRoll, pitch and heading validation → OK Pressure sensor validation @350Atm → OKPressure sensor validation @350Atm → OK MEMS accelerometers under pressure working@350Atm → OKMEMS accelerometers under pressure working@350Atm → OK 35 Performed tests


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