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Transitional Spaces Dr Colleen Harding ODHE, Windermere Friday 7 February 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Transitional Spaces Dr Colleen Harding ODHE, Windermere Friday 7 February 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitional Spaces Dr Colleen Harding ODHE, Windermere Friday 7 February 2014

2 Agenda Background to the study that explored the role of coaching and mentoring in supporting the alignment of academic staff and organisational strategy Summary of the findings Three questions for you to think about relevant to role of an OD Practitioner Highlights from one of the findings: A model of the Transitional Space Provided by Coaching and Mentoring

3 Background to the Research

4 Extract from Conceptual Map Challenges for People and Organisations Changes in Higher Education Coaching and Mentoring Literature Alignment focus on structure and process (Kaplan and Norton, 2006) (Holbeche, 2009) OD Developers and academic dev. needs; be theoretical about own practice (Blackmore and Blackwell, 2006) Need to explore implications of achieving bottom line and individual identity (Montuori and Purser, 2001) Gaps in the Literature Theoretical Underpinning Coaching and mentoring definitions are often blurred; lack of in-depth studies Research Questions Alignment, Coaching and Mentoring (Clutterbuck and Megginson, 2007, p. 6)

5 Alignment Coaching and Mentoring Clutterbuck and Megginson, 2007, p. 6 ‘The process of strategic alignment ultimately leads to the alignment of individual and organisational ambitions and drives to succeed. Coaching and mentoring are two of the most powerful ways of helping people undertake the inner dialogue that brings these potentially conflicting dynamics together.’

6 The Research Questions How do participants conceptualise alignment? How do participants experience coaching and mentoring? What is the role of coaching and mentoring in supporting the alignment of academic staff and organisational strategy?

7 The Research Design Fig 3.1

8 The Findings

9 A model for improving credibility in insider research A definition of emerging academics and the need to support their development A new understanding of the individual within an organisational context A model of the transitional space provided by coaching and mentoring

10 Doctoral Findings and ‘Transitional Spaces’

11 Transitional Space The issue of transition during organisational change is described by Bridges and Mitchell (2000) where change is manifested as an external process, but transition is an internal process whereby an individual needs to undergo a psychological reorientation before change can take place, with the need to let go of the old and to move through a ‘neutral’ space before being able to move forward.

12 Three Types of Transitional Space The ‘transitional spaces’ for an insider- researcher The ‘transitional space’ for ‘emerging academics’ A Model of the Transitional Space Provided by Coaching and Mentoring

13 The transitional space for an insider-researcher

14 Employee Researcher Reflector

15 The Challenges for an Insider-Researcher What do you think are the challenges for an insider-researcher?

16 Issues for the Insider-Researcher Knowledge of the People Pre-Existing Knowledge Pre-Existing Assumptions Experience of the Phenomenon Making Sense of the Data and Findings Transferability

17 The transitional space for an emerging academic

18 The ‘transitional space’ for ‘emerging academics’ What is your definition of an ‘emerging academic’? What are the development needs of an ‘emerging academic’?

19 The Transitional Space Provided by Coaching and Mentoring

20 How Participants Conceptualised Alignment: Alignment to clear vision and direction Alignment of support - organisational level - individual level Expectations on academic staff Challenges for academic staff

21 Alignment as a Focus on a Gap Alignment was about a focus on a gap: what it means to be an academic In striving to deliver on University goals, Academics in turn developed their careers In striving to develop their careers, academics generated outputs that helped to deliver on University goals

22 The Transitional Space Provided by Coaching and Mentoring ‘I’m really interested in helping a person to develop into an academic...I’m interested in transformation...I’m in this middle represent transitional space in which I can translate between these two worlds, between their inner world and their outer world.’ (M17)

23 The Coach and Mentor as Translator ‘I can translate between these two worlds, between their inner world and their outer world, especially in a culture and context where their inner world is under-represented and they don’t have a voice for that.’ (M17) ‘Someone looking in, rather than someone being in’ (M21)

24 Time Challenges Career Challenges Psychological Challenges Coaching And Mentoring Support for Outer Focus Coaching And Mentoring Support for Inner Focus Role Challenges Outer World of the Individual Academic Inner World of the Individual Academic Having the Will Finding the Way The Transitional Space Provided by Coaching and Mentoring © Colleen Harding Tailored Support for Individual Needs (C) Reflection (C ) Reinforcement(C ) Nurture (M) Support (M) Vision ( C ) Inspiration (M) Support for Career Challenges: Future Focus Support for Role Challenges: Implementation Advice (C&M) Exploration (C&M) Performance (C&M) Support for Time Challenges: Forward Momentum Focus ( C ) Motivation (M) Support for Psychological Challenges: Psychological Support Harding, C. (2013) The Transitional Space Provided by Coaching and Mentoring, International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, Special Issue No 7, pp. 56 - 72

25 Transformation over time

26 OD Practitioner as Translator In what ways do you see the role of OD Practitioner as a ‘translator’ in the ‘transitional space’ between the inner and outer worlds of an organisation?

27 References Blackmore, P., Blackwell, R. (2006) Strategic leadership in academic development, Studies in Higher Education, 31(3),373-387 Bridges, W., Mitchell, S. (2000) Leading Transition: A New Model for Change, Leader to Leader, No. 16 [Accessed21/08/11] Clutterbuck, D., Megginson, D. (2007) Making Coaching Work, London: CIPD Harding, C. (2013) The Transitional Space Provided by Coaching and Mentoring, International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, Special Issue No 7, pp. 56 - 72 Holbeche, L. (2009) Aligning Human Resources and Business Strategy, Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann Kaplan, R. S., Norton, D. P. (2006) Alignment: Using the Balanced Scorecard to Create Corporate Synergies, Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press Montuori, A., Purser, R. (2001) Humanistic Psychology in the Workplace in Schneider, K., Bugental, J.F.T. & Pierson, J.F. (eds) The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology, London: Sage

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