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Prejudice and Discrimination Year 11 Is it Fair?.

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Presentation on theme: "Prejudice and Discrimination Year 11 Is it Fair?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prejudice and Discrimination Year 11 Is it Fair?

2 Learning Objectives To know and understand the terms prejudice and discrimination.To know and understand the terms prejudice and discrimination. To reflect on certain cases where prejudice is apparent.To reflect on certain cases where prejudice is apparent.

3 PREJUDICE Prejudice means forming an opinion and judging a person or group of people based on an assumption, incorrect or incomplete information. DISCRIMINATION Discrimination means putting that prejudice into action. It is when an individual or group is treated unfairly because of assumptions.

4 What types of discrimination are there? Sexism Ageism Racism ReligionDisability

5 Is the media to blame? There are many causes of prejudice. Some would argue that one of these is the media, because it is often accused of reinforcing stereotypes. Films and television programmes are designed to entertain people.

6 In order to do this, producers often create characters to fit in with certain stereotypes. Doing this also means that characters will establish themselves quickly during the programme and the audience will form opinions of, and ‘relationships’ with, a character.

7 What about people in the public eye? Many stories have been in the press recently to do with racism. Three high profile cases that have come to light are from the sport of Foot ball. WHATS YOUR OPINION? 1.Sepp Blatter 2.John Terry 3.Luis Suarez news/video/16134537

8 Discuss in partners which of these are example of prejudice and why? Wanted- A QUALIFIED MECHANIC. Must be aged 18-40, male and physically fit. I am sorry; you are not suitable for this job, as your qualifications aren't good enough. Only 2 school children allowed in the shop at one time I don’t like the look of that gang, they must be trouble. Because you are a woman, you will be paid less that the men in the office.

9 TASK Which of the following teachings on your handout relate to Islam and which relate to Christian teachings. Either colour code the Christian and Muslim teachings, or write Christianity or Islam next to the appropriate quote.

10 Exam questions 1.State two reasons why people may be prejudice?(2) 2.What is mean by discrimination?(2) 3.Discrimination is ok sometimes. Do you agree?(8)

11 Plenary – Match up the reasons as to why people are prejudice to their explanation Stereotyping Ignorance Fear Upbringing Many people can become threatened by people that they are not familiar with. Prejudice can often appear due to a lack of knowledge of another group or individual, Where they may not understand other backgrounds or beliefs. Some are influenced by the opinions of their parents. school or friends. Children can grow up believing that certain opinions are normal We might base our opinions and attitudes to someone else or a group based on what we THINK they are like. This can often involve generalisation

12 Homework In your homework booklets complete the worksheets on prejudice and Christian attitudes to racism

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