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Lawrence Epstein (Larry) Teaching Professor/Interim Dept. Head Westphal College of Media Arts & Design.

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Presentation on theme: "Lawrence Epstein (Larry) Teaching Professor/Interim Dept. Head Westphal College of Media Arts & Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lawrence Epstein (Larry) Teaching Professor/Interim Dept. Head Westphal College of Media Arts & Design

2  Know The Enemy  Assess the Situation

3 Enemies of learning:Enemies of teaching:  Boredom  Distractions ◦ In class ◦ Extracurricular  Exhaustion  Laziness  Bad habits  Lack of feedback  Boredom  Distractions ◦ In class ◦ Extracurricular  Exhaustion  Laziness  Bad habits  Lack of feedback

4  Peer Assessment  Student Feedback  Reading Assignments  In-class Discussion  Quizzes and Exams  Case Studies  Computer Games/Simulations

5  Start slow!  Observe an admired colleague – steal strategies from their playbook!  Invite a colleague to observe you: ◦ A peer ◦ A peer you admire ◦ Your Program Director ◦ Your Department Chair ◦ If they give you positive feedback, get it in writing ◦ If they give you negative feedback, get it verbally and weigh it against your own self-assessment

6  What do they come in knowing? ◦ Assessing Basic Expertise ◦ Collecting Data Anonymously via polling devices  Student course evaluations ◦ Encourage 100% participation  Scantron Forms  Qualtrics Survey  Polling devices ◦ Emphasize the importance of the results ◦ Go beyond the standard questions – include course specific info – field trips, reading assignments, exams, course website, guest speakers ◦ Get open-ended comments ◦ If possible, survey more often than just at the end of the term when the stakes are high and its too late to fix anything!

7  Take an honest look at whether the reading assignments matter, and whether students have an incentive to do the reading, because they have plenty of reasons not to: ◦ Cost of textbooks or course packets ◦ Aversion to online reading materials ◦ The likelihood that they won’t be called on ◦ A perceived disconnect between the reading and the graded work ◦ A perception that they can just flip open the reading when they get to class and you will tell them what the important parts are  Create incentives: ◦ Low impact quizzes ◦ Written Assignments based on reading ◦ In class discussion of reading where participation is part of their grade  These techniques will both enable you to assess student comprehension of the reading and incentivize the students to do the reading.

8  A great way to assess learning  Make participation part of the grading rubric! - you will quickly learn whether students:  Prepared for the class  Comprehend the subject matter  Tip: The larger the class, the less participation should count in the rubric.

9  Tip: If everyone (or almost everyone) gets a question wrong, maybe you didn’t teach it.  Turn a tough exam or question into an opportunity for self-assessment of your teaching methods

10  An excellent way to assess students’: ◦ Critical Thinking Skills ◦ Analytical Writing ◦ Ability to think (and speak) spontaneously  Tip: Many case studies also come with teacher’s notes that include recommended questions to assign, as well as a teaching (and whiteboard) plan.  It’s also an opportunity to get 100% participation in class discussion (in smaller classes)

11  Use in class, asking students to take turns  Assign as homework, having students compete for best results  Assesses students’ understanding of the interplay of factors in outcomes

12  Assessment is not a document, it’s a continuous improvement process  Embrace the failed strategies – they each help you find the next successful strategy  Walk before you run  Seek mentors! Steal their best ideas!  Thanks!

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