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Unit 8A Awesome Etymology Roots and Words! Let’s get it started in here…

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1 Unit 8A Awesome Etymology Roots and Words! Let’s get it started in here…

2 TERM - to limit or bound She was terminated from her position on Thursday.

3 Term/in/al - fatal; relating to an end pointadj./noun A high dose of the medicine may be terminal. Uncle John is suffering from a terminal illness, so Aunt Joan will pick me up from the bus terminal.

4 In/de/term/in/ate --- not able to be known, vagueadj. The “de” is used as an intensifier in this word. It does not add meaning. It intensifies the meaning, so, “in” means NOT and “term” means bound or limit (have a fixed boundary) and together they mean not capable of being determined ie. controlled, fixed, within limits or precise. Think of the verb determine. When you determine something, you know it. The adjective indeterminate modifies something as unknowable or not knowable. At first glance, the sculpture appeared to be indeterminate, but after studying it, I believe it to be a broken spring.


6 Geo/stat/ion/ary – pertaining to an orbit that is fixed about the Earth adj.

7 Geo/therm/al Of, relating to, or using the natural heat produced inside of the Earth

8 SPHER - BALL What is the difference between a sphere and a circle? Answer: 3D

9 Spher/ic/al - relating to a sphere shape The spherical cheese curds tasted delicious with ketchup! Yum!

10 Bio/spher/e - The sphere where life exists.

11 Hemi/spher/e- half of a sphere The equator separates the northern hemisphere from the southern hemisphere.

12 VERT- to turn

13 Di/vert- verb Con/vert/er - noun A/vert- verb Re/vert- verb Divert- to turn from one purpose to another Converter – a device used for changing something from one form to another Avert- to turn your eyes away in order to avoid looking at something Revert- to turn to an earlier state of being or condition

14 MORPH – shape

15 A/morph/ous - shapeless

16 Morph/ology – the study of things that morph such as plants and animals and words

17 FORM - shape or form

18 Con/form – (1.) to be in agreement or harmony (2.) to follow ordinary standards or customs Verb

19 Formative- (1.) giving shape to something else (2.) having to do with growth or development We can attribute the formative power of water to the formation of the Grand Canyon. Teachers give formative assessments during the development stage of learning.

20 Doc/Doct – to teach She earned a PhD in Physics. (Doctor of Philosophy)

21 Doct/rine - something taught; official belief or principle noun

22 Doct/rin/aire : tending to apply principles or theories without regard for practical difficulties or individual circumstances People who are doctrinaire do NOT have an open mind. They are typically rigid and inflexible.

23 In/doct/rin/ate : to teach, especially basics or fundamentals; to fill someone with a particular opinion or point of view

24 TUT/TUI“to look after” guide, guard, teach

25 Tut/ori/al : (1.) a class for one student or a small group of students (2.) an instructional program that gives information about a specific subject The craft store’s website offers a tutorial on how to decorate a cake.

26 In/tuit/ion : the power of knowing something immediately without mental effort; quick insight Literally- a guide from within

27 Tut/el/age : instruction or guidance of an individual; guardianship Pronounced: t(oo)telage Under the tutelage of Professor James, the young man was able to achieve great academic success.

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