Play and inquiry based learning The Gateway to Emergent Literacy Lessons in Literacy Conference November 3, 2014 Dr. Diane Kashin, AECEO.C, RECE.

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Presentation on theme: "Play and inquiry based learning The Gateway to Emergent Literacy Lessons in Literacy Conference November 3, 2014 Dr. Diane Kashin, AECEO.C, RECE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Play and inquiry based learning The Gateway to Emergent Literacy Lessons in Literacy Conference November 3, 2014 Dr. Diane Kashin, AECEO.C, RECE

2 The Question

3 The Answer

4 BECAUSE OF WHO I AM As an adult educator As an RECE 0 I believe in self- learning and the power of the Internet to democratize professional learning 0 My philosophical orientation is constructivism particularly social (Vygotsky). I am Reggio inspired and influenced by the theories of David and Frances Hawkins Living in the postmodern era of the 21 st century

5 What does it means to be a 21 st century RECE in the postmodern era?




9 It is through others that we develop into ourselves Lev Vygotsky

10 A Philosophical Orientation

11 Contexts of Philosophy Adapted from Jones and Shelton, 2011

12 According to the OELF (2006) RECEs choose either: ConstructivismInstructivism 0 A theoretical perspective that refers to the gaining of knowledge through active involvement derived from progressivism 0 Learning that involves instruction delivered to the learner via an expert, with little active involvement – aligns with behaviourism

13 The Choice InstructivismConstructivism Dietze and Kashin (2015) unpublished – Empowering Pedagogy for Early Childhood Education

14 How Does Learning Happen? inquiry.html

15 In Practice


17 Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy With Reflection Questions Creating – What can we do next? Evaluating – How well did we do? Analyzing – Do we see patterns/themes/ideas emerging? Applying – Where else can we use this knowledge that we constructed? Understanding – What’s important in what we did? Remembering – What did we do?

18 Inquiry Based Learning 0 I see 0 I wonder 0 I think for-exploring-and-noticing.html

19 Play Based Learning

20 How Does Learning Happen?


22 emergent-curriculum-where-to-begin/



25 Invitation to Mess About 0 Play with ideas emerging from the BOOKS 0 Inquire and Collaborate 0 Record and Document 0 What you see? 0 What you wonder? 0 What you think? CONNECTIONS TO EMERGING LITERACY CONNECTIONS TO YOUR PRACTICE

26 Books, books and books!


28 Pick up a book, sharpies, “stickies”, and chart paper for a collaborative experience in professional learning and to create pedagogical documentation

29 #PlayInquiryLearn 0 Live Tweeting! 0 Documenting the Documenters! 0 Full Group Recap at 12:00 noon

30 Final Recap 0 Sharing documentation 0 Thoughts and reflections about the process 0 Outstanding questions THANK YOU AND STAY CONNECTED –, @DianeKashin1 on Twitter

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