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Transforming care in Hampshire Our multi-specialty community provider.

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1 Transforming care in Hampshire Our multi-specialty community provider

2 “This is our best hope to transform the way we deliver care in Hampshire so people get the right care, at the right place and time.” Your health, in your hands, with our help. Katrina Percy, CEO, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

3 Overview NHS Five Year Forward View set out new models of care needed for sustainable future Initially 29 ‘Vanguards’ across England to pilot them South Hampshire Vanguard is a Multi-specialty Community Provider (MCP) Another Vanguard in North East Hants and Farnham is ‘Primary Acute Care System’ (PACS) NOT one size fits all: Local variation MCP is about transforming how care is organised and delivered to improve out-of-hospital care. Your health, in your hands, with our help.

4 What is a Multi-specialty Community Provider? An extended team of GPs and specialists offering more straightforward access to a wider range of health and care closer to people’s homes. Centred around GP practices and primary care hubs. Supporting a population based around a natural community of care. Enhanced support and promotion of self-care and prevention. Your health, in your hands, with our help.

5 Our MCP in South Hampshire Around 30 GP practices working in partnership with Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. Supporting population of 220,000 in three initial localities (Gosport, East Hants and South West New Forest) Supported by 16 local health providers, commissioners, local authority and third sector partners. Significant growth across Hampshire anticipated… Your health, in your hands, with our help.

6 Our MCP in South Hampshire Your health, in your hands, with our help. East Hampshire  10 practices / 70k patients  Semi-rural “new town” Gosport  11 practices / 80k patients  Urban deprived New Forest  7 practices / 70k patients  Rural – older demographic

7 Three levels of transformation Your health, in your hands, with our help. Commissioner reform Provider reform A new model of care Pooling the combined resources for the local population and commissioning services using long term outcome and capitation based contracts Primary Care and Southern Health coming together to deliver the new model of care that has been co-designed with local people, is seamless across health and social care services and is cost effective A new care model with better access to care, extended primary care team proactively managing need, and specialist advice and support in the community.

8 A new model of care Your health, in your hands, with our help.

9 A new model, built around natural communities of care Your health, in your hands, with our help. Wider primary care at scale Improved access to care An extended primary care team Fewer steps to access specialist support

10 Improved access to care Your health, in your hands, with our help. Example of new model: Primary Care Access Centre  Co-located with MIU in local hospital  Open 8-8 for walk-in or pre- booked appointments  Staffed by GPs, physiotherapists, clinical pharmacists, nurse practitioner, paramedic, paediatric nurses  Able to read and write to a single shared clinical record  Going live from late summer 2015 multiple points of access that are not integrated Current model of care: Multiple, disjointed access points

11 Extended primary care team Your health, in your hands, with our help. + Bringing primary, community and adult social care together, with specialists from local hospitals and third sector organisations, to work as a single extended primary care team: the MCP

12 Fewer steps to specialist support Your health, in your hands, with our help. See GP Planned Skype conversation: GP, consultant and patient. Management plan agreed. Respiratory team review investigations. Patient sees GP, investigations on site. Investigation Referral Seen in OPD to review results GP sees patient Letter to GP Example of traditional respiratory care Example of new model of respiratory care

13 Provider reform Your health, in your hands, with our help.

14 New structures to deliver the transformation Your health, in your hands, with our help. Locality Clinical Delivery Groups‘Fast Follower’ Localities LCDG EH MCP Sponsor Board

15 Enabling workstreams Your health, in your hands, with our help. Design and implementation of extended primary care team Putting in place the leadership team and development support Creating a single health record and shared information Getting the right estate for the MCP Developing governance arrangements for the MCP Ensuring the MCP represents good value for money Building a social movement for change via effective communications and engagement Evaluating the impact of the MCP

16 Strengthening leadership and building new teams Working in new ways across traditional barriers requires a new, shared culture Development programme will build this through: Senior leadership development Developing emerging leaders and teams Developing the extended primary care teams Your health, in your hands, with our help.

17 New paradigm = new organisation For the MCP to succeed, a new type of organisation is needed. Our current organisations have come together to determine how this will look. Southern Health’s Board clear that future lies with MCP Will work with regulators to overcome hurdles of new organisational form Your health, in your hands, with our help.

18 The benefits Your health, in your hands, with our help.

19 For people using services, families, carers and citizens More straightforward access to a wider range of care via your local GP practice or primary care hub Better outcomes based on what’s important to you More advice and guidance to help you make the right choices and manage your own health and care Better access to local voluntary and community groups More involvement in design of care services near you In short, Better Local Care.

20 Your health, in your hands, with our help. For health and care professionals Being part of developing new services that better meet the needs of local people Working as one team with a much wider group of professionals supporting the same people Access to team and leadership development and talent management More time to support people who need your specific expertise

21 Your health, in your hands, with our help. For the health and care economy More tailored, better value services co-produced by the people who use them and commissioned based on outcomes rather than activity Reduced acute hospital activity (admissions and ED attendance) More focus on primary care, education and prevention More sustainable services (esp. general practice)

22 Transforming care in Hampshire Our multi-specialty community provider

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