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Erica Benjamin Director of Children’s Ministries Severna Park United Methodist Church

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1 Erica Benjamin Director of Children’s Ministries Severna Park United Methodist Church

2 What are reasons children should be in worship? What are the reasons children shouldn’t be in worship? Reasons you’ve heard, believed, read about…

3 My kids don’t get anything out of it It is boring They are distracting In and out and in and out and… Children are messy, Snacks are messy I can’t hear the sermon Only have one hour, Sunday School is better

4 They get something our of church, even if it isn’t what adults get out or adults think they should get out of it, they can provide a new model for us- awe and wonder, sense of play They get seen, they are part of the Christian family, they are accepted, they are the Body of Christ, they get to stay with their family They get to see what the church is Sunday so they can be the church the rest of the week

5 Church is sometimes boring- church is not entertainment, it is different and that is good– entertainment fills our time, worship fills us- “be still and know that I am is God.” They get to experience- communion, baptisms, reading the Bible, offering, prayer, hearing God’s word, liturgy God might speak to them through worship Rejuvenates older people in congregation

6 We need to expect more from our children- difficult things are worth it in the end- Worship is a discipline- God taught the Israelites how to worship Exposing them now so they can make connections and grow deeper later- conversations later in the week with family Worship is something you can do forever.

7 Routine and ritual- children thrive on routines Children are special to God, Children are especially blessed and affirmed by Jesus

8 Mark 10:13-16 Jesus Blesses Little Children People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.’ And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them.


10 “A generation who is unknown, disengaged, and separated from the larger Body of Christ.” Embree “Kids who attend Sunday School but never attend church are more likely not to attend church as adults. And kids who attend worship and never attend Sunday School are far more likely to attend worship as adults.” Wright (A mix of Sunday School and Worship results in adults who attend worship as well.)

11 “Though much effort and expense had been expanded to making them into little Christians, nobody has taught them how to be grown-up, church Christians.” Aigner No touching point, no memories, no understanding

12 Children have different reasons They are your disciples, they are following you Learning what being a Christian looks like Watching the adults

13 Set the Tone- Led by Pastors & Staff Smile & eye contact Pray- grace and love for child Build a relationship with the family ABCs of Children in Worship Provide guidance for families and congregation

14 Worship Music- hymns are for adults and often challenging for children Choirs- children’s choirs are not preforming but offering love to God Bulletins A Children’s Guide to Worship Worship Bags- purpose, age group Leaders- Ushers, Acolytes, Readers, Communion Servers Special Services for Kids- Christmas Eve, Good Friday Some services are not for kids- long meditative silence- be honest (never Sunday mornings)

15 Children’s Sermons Learn & Admit you need help there is no training in seminary on relating to children or planning children’s sermons don’t use bad or watered down theology do give it lots of thought and preparation, not an after thought Is this your pastoral gift Love the children Devote time to think and pray for them Why you do children’s sermons Engage the children on their own level Different learning styles Keep metaphors to a minimal Do not put children on display Don’t embarrass children, do not laugh at the children- redirect laughter if necessary Do not put the children on “stage” Be relevant Give them something to listen for in the sermon or look for in the service Be authentic

16 Sanctuary Children in the front Area for children- move some pews

17 Welcome- Ushers, Greeters, & Congregation Give offering plate to child Introduce yourself at their level & learn their names Don’t expect children to sit still What’s in their hands? Be a model Point out interesting things Draw a picture of worship or Bible story for child Hold the baby Treats- stickers are great

18 Guardians Sunday morning starts on Saturday night Jesus is excited for us to worship What to wear- pick your battles, be prepared Sit in the front so you can see and hear Quietly explain what is going on Sing the hymns Participate in the liturgy Leave if you need but come back in Let them doodle and color some Don’t expect them to sit still Help your children tithe

19 “Parenting in the pew helps you pay attention to the most important thing you can ever train your child to do: worship. Worship is the one very important thing we actually get to do forever.” Castleman

20 Online Articles My kid doesn’t “get” anything out of Church by Christina Embree, March 10, 2015, Refocus Ministry When Church is Boring by Christina Embree, April 5, 2016, Refocus Ministry Sunday Schooling Our Kids Out of Church by Tim Wright, August 9, 2016, Six Seeds Killing the Church with Sunday School by Jonathan Aigner, March 13, 2016, Patheos Including Kids in Worship by Ian Doescher, March 11, 2011, Ministry Matters What to do When a Noisy Family Comes to Church by Karen Jackson, February 22, 2016, Karen Ware Jackson Children’s Sermons: 6 Essentials by Sarah McGivein, May 28, 2012, Ministry Matters

21 Books Parenting in the Pew by Robbie Castleman A Children’s Guide to Worship by Geneva Press Come Worship with Me by Ruth Boling Including Children in Worship by Elizabeth J. Sandell

22 Websites Ministry Matters- weekly worship for kids

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