A Strategic Agenda for Pinellas County’s Future Growth Whit Blanton, FAICP Pinellas Planning Council & Pinellas Metropolitan Planning Organization August.

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Presentation on theme: "A Strategic Agenda for Pinellas County’s Future Growth Whit Blanton, FAICP Pinellas Planning Council & Pinellas Metropolitan Planning Organization August."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Strategic Agenda for Pinellas County’s Future Growth Whit Blanton, FAICP Pinellas Planning Council & Pinellas Metropolitan Planning Organization August 2015

2 Some Context Limited vacant land Well-developed and constrained road network A need for more resilient and higher wage employment A focus on: Higher density and mixed use redevelopment Improving connectivity Strengthening non-auto travel Enhancing operations of the existing network Reinforcing character & culture of place

3 The Role of the PPC & MPO Mission To align resources with a compelling vision to improve our community and the Tampa Bay region Tools Policy framework Communications Long range and specific area/corridor/modal plans Technical assistance, special projects, programs and grants Federal funding sources and numerous public agency partners

4 Countywide Land Use Plan 36 Categories Current

5 Countywide Land Use Plan Proposed 16 Categories

6 Transit Oriented Land Use Vision Map Areas appropriate for higher densities/ intensities Recognizes existing centers/corridors Provides direction for future centers/corridors Enables streamlined Countywide Plan Map amendments

7 Projected Growth Socioeconomic Data Forecast 20102040DifferenceGrowth(%) Population916,500980,44863,9487.1 Employment516,900566,36649,4669.6

8 Cost Feasible Transit Networks

9 Management & Operations Intelligent Transportation Systems Completed Complete by 2015 Complete by 2018 State System Complete by 2019 Other Advanced Technologies Set Aside Funding

10 Trail and Bike Facilities Trails and Bike lanes Existing Trails (101 miles) Planned Trails (146 miles) Existing Bike lanes (173 miles) Planned Bike lanes (346 miles)

11 Cost Feasible Roadway Projects Programmed Projects - 2019 State, County and Municipal Cost Feasible Roads Bridge Projects Unfunded Projects

12 ALIGNING THE PPC & MPO Integrated Land Use and Transportation Planning


14 ADVANCING THE ROLE OF MULTIMODAL ACCESSIBILITY IN TRANSPORTATION DECISION MAKING INTRODUCTION Policy Context Transportation funding remains the most effective way to guide growth and shape development form, but… Tight budgets – funding is more competitive Complex environment / partnerships to get things done Communities, policy makers need good sense of outcomes and economic implications Development interests need a predictable process and clear expectations

15 My 4+ Week Pinellas Observations Well-developed sense of community Strong value for the importance of planning Good inter-agency collaboration and communication Creditable and effective staff Lack of clear vision and strategic implementation Missing the role of an independent champion

16 PPC/MPO Initiatives Communications plan and agency branding Countywide Plan implementation – Special projects – Evaluation in 18 months Technical assistance and funding partnerships Reshaping our planning process – Define strategic countywide areas of emphasis – Emphasize outcomes and align project funding criteria – Streamline project approvals

17 PPC/MPO Initiatives Incentive funds for catalyst projects – Complete streets – Corridor/area redevelopment plans Pinellas SPOTlight – Strategic Planning & Operations Topics – Priority emphasis areas next two years – Plan for a desired set of outcomes – Storytelling

18 Key Topics & Potential Areas of Focus A Vision for the US 19 Corridor Enhancing Beach Access Improving Safety for Vulnerable Users Assessing the Economic Impacts of Climate Change Gateway District Master Plan A Framework for Multimodal Accessibility and Connectivity Clearwater US19 Plan

19 Next Steps August 4 adoption of Countywide Plan – Initiate work on additional topics – Continue working on streamlining – Technical assistance with local governments September 21 PPC/MPO Board Workshop – Define SPOTlight areas of focus – Policy on flexible federal transportation funds (STP) – Federal, state and regional project priorities for funding Review and refine our project funding criteria and process Complete branding and carry out communications plan

20 Questions and Discussion Whit Blanton, FAICP Pinellas Planning Council & Pinellas Metropolitan Planning Organization (727) 464-8712 wblanton@pinellascounty.org

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