Student Org Advisor Brown Bag Leadership Transitions.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Org Advisor Brown Bag Leadership Transitions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Org Advisor Brown Bag Leadership Transitions

2 Advisor as the Bridge Leadership of student orgs changes almost every year New leaders and members limited scope of the history of the org Need assistance in accomplishing their goals & objectives within framework of the institution

3 Common Activities New Student Recruitment (Vandal Fridays) Volunteer Opportunities (Vandal Community Tables, Days of Service, Service Saturdays, Blood Drives) Advisory Boards & Committees (ASUI) Awards – Alumni of Excellence, Student Achievement Awards

4 Pass on Important Details Officer Binder (virtual or physical) – Job description – Governing documents – Forms – Frequently used contacts – Summary of all events and notes, Contacts Costs What you wish you had known Survey results and recommendations for events

5 Tickler Calendar Chart listing responsibilities and tasks in which a position would regularly participate and complete in any given week or month – Meetings – Reports – Tasks to complete for annual events – Deadlines – Retreats – Room reservations

6 Let the New Train the Old Terms overlap for one month Guiding Questions: – How can we develop an environment of teamwork and spirit among new leadership? – What resources does our board need to know about? – How will outgoing leadership be recognized? – What are necessary pieces of information to hit the ground running?

7 Transition Report Checklist Group History Group Challenges Group Resources Budget Policies and Procedures Events Future Recommendations

8 Incoming Officer Questions 1. Things specific to this position I want to know about (forms, duties, etc.) are… 2. Things I should do over the summer are… 3. People that I should get to know are… 4. Services I need to know about are… 5. Things I need to know about are… 6. Other questions I want answered are… 7. One of my personal goals while in this position is…

9 Outgoing Officer Questions 1.What I liked most about my position was… 2.What I liked least about my position was… 3.The most difficult decision I made was… 4.What I could have done to make the experience better was… 5.Obstacles to performing my job effectively were… 6.People or things that assisted me in handling my job were… 7. Things I wish I’d known before I took the position were… 8. Our constitution, history, files, books etc…are located… 9.Our past and future budgets and plans are located… 10.The best qualities of and best ways to use our advisor are… 11.The things I hope I never forget are…. 12.Things I wish I’d discovered sooner were…. 13.Things I still need to learn… 14.The most helpful people/resources have been…

10 Tuckman and Jensen Model of Group Development Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning

11 Forming Members determine their place in the organization, go through a testing or orientation process, and are more independent – Develop ice breakers to help the members become acquainted – Coordinator a retreat or workshop for the executive officers or organization members – Review mission and purpose with membership – Identify the expectations of members and officers – Share organizational history and tradition – Provide info on policies and procedures – Have individual meetings with the president – Discuss effective meeting management, planning programs and team building with officers. – Provide support to the executive officers – Provide initial “to do” list for officers

12 Storming An organization in the storming stage has members who react negatively to the demands of whatever tasks need to be accomplished; conflicts arise as members resist influence, and there is a high level of emotion Provide mediation resources when conflicts become difficult to manage. Teach confrontation and communication skills to the officers and members Hold a roundtable discussion on issues with which the organization and membership are involved Review mission statement, purpose, and expectations in order to redefine the organization’s actions plans. Conduct a group decision-making activity Discuss and review the officer roles Develop a “rebuilding” team activity Remind everyone that the storming stage is a natural part of the formation of the group.

13 Norming In the norming stage, in group feelings and cohesiveness develop, and members accept the rules of behavior and discover new ways to work together. Schedule a more in-depth team building activity that includes greater self-disclosure Have members design T-shirts, pins, or some other emblem with which to identify themselves and the group Assist the group in starting a new program that will create a tradition Review and possibly establish new goals for the organization Maintain officer and member relationships so as to avoid reverting back to the storming stage.

14 Performing In the performing stage, the group becomes quite functional in dealing with tasks and responsibilities. Members have worked through issues of membership and roles; they focus their efforts and achieve their goals. Ensure that the organization and membership have a task Support the members and executive officers by giving feedback about what is going well and what can be improved upon for the next year. Step back and allow the organization to perform

15 Adjourning In the adjourning stage the group brings finality to the process, tasks are closed, and members anticipate a change in relationships. Develop a closure activity to help members determine what they learned and benefited during the year. Conduct an assessment or evaluation of the year. Develop transition reports for new executives. Ensure that a plan of recognition is in place for the close of the year. Coordinate a closing banquet with awards and other expressions of appreciation. Encourage the executive officers and members to assist the group for the next year in training, orientation, or other responsibilities. Identify how the organization contributed to the history or tradition of the organization. Ensure that the minutes, reports, and correspondence are properly stored and maintained in an archive Record the addresses and phone numbers of graduating and other departing members for future correspondence. Give the members gifts of appreciation for their involvement in the organization.

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