Organic Chemistry Introduction. Organic Chemistry Historically: The chemistry of compounds that come from living things Today: The chemistry of the compounds.

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Presentation on theme: "Organic Chemistry Introduction. Organic Chemistry Historically: The chemistry of compounds that come from living things Today: The chemistry of the compounds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organic Chemistry Introduction

2 Organic Chemistry Historically: The chemistry of compounds that come from living things Today: The chemistry of the compounds of carbon (except a few simple carbon compounds such as CO 2, Na 2 CO 3, KCN…)

3 Organic molecules present an enormous diversity in size, shape, complexity, properties, and reactions. Why? C atom can be covalently bonded to other C atoms and to atoms of other elements in a wide variety of ways. Organic Chemistry

4 InorganicOrganic 1.High melting points Low melting points 2.High boiling points Low boiling points 3.High solubility in water; low solubility in nonpolar solvents Low solubility in water; high solubility in nonpolar solvents 4.Nonflammable Flammable

5 InorganicOrganic 5.Solutions are conductors of electricity Solutions are nonconductors of electricity 6.Chemical reactions are rapid Chemical reactions are usually slow 7.Isomers are limited to a few exceptions (e.g., the transition elements) Exhibit isomerism 8.Exhibit ionic bonding Exhibit covalent bonding 9.Compounds contain relatively few atoms Compounds contain many atoms

6 Number of inorganic compounds: over 10 000 Number of organic compounds: over 5 000 000 Unique features of Carbon:  Having a covalency of four  The bonds are equivalent  Ability to form multiple bonds

7 BondBond enthalpy  H°/kJ mol-1 Bond distance nm C -3480.154 C -6130.134 C -8370.120

8  Ability to catenate form chainsform rings of identical atoms

9 EE lectronegativity: 2.5 (ability to combine with other elements to form predominantly covalent bonds)

10 Hetero atoms Elements of carbon compounds H O N S F Cl Br I

11 Hybridization sp 3 hybridization: C: [He]2s 2 2p x 1 2p y 1 4 hybridorbitals with 1 electron each: 4  bonds Geometry: tetrahedral Bond angle: 109 o 28’

12 Hybridization sp 2 hybridization: C: [He]2s 2 2p x 1 2p y 1 3 hybridorbitals with 1 electron each: 3  bonds 1 atomorbital with 1 electron: 1  bond Geometry: trigonal Bond angle: 120 o

13 Hybridization sp hybridization: C: [He]2s 2 2p x 1 2p y 1 2 hybridorbitals with 1 electron each: 2  bonds 2 atomorbitals with 1 electron each: 2  bonds Geometry: linear Bond angle: 180 o

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