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5 …to reassess the purpose, meaning and consequences of some testing concepts


7 Tragic case of schoolgirl who died suddenly after a vaccine jab

8  Website: and weekly column in Saturday  Daily Express report is one example of 1000s:  Alarmist and sensational interpretation of ‘scientific evidence’  Misrepresentation of the views of reputable scientists  Promotion of the views of disreputable ‘scientists’  All with the aim of …. what? Selling papers?

9  How many people read this headline?  How many parents decided not to let their daughter be vaccinated as a consequence?  How many will contract cancer in the future?  How many will die prematurely?  A dramatic and tragic example, but we accept such messages from ‘authorities’ all the time.

10  “Understanding and evaluating reasoning”  Reasoning: the act or process of drawing conclusions from facts, evidence etc.  Critical: we assess strengths and weaknesses of the argument; we are not just ‘being difficult’  We want facts, evidence, underlying causes  We study/analyse arguments, reasoning, claims and conclusions  We look out for vested interests, (in)credible sources, hidden agendas.

11  Test design techniques (test models)  Exit criteria  Independence Are they gospel, flawed, fake or folklore? What are the facts, reasons, agendas?

12 Why use them? What are they good for? Discuss

13 Level 3: Apply (K3): “The candidate can select the correct application of a concept or technique and apply it to a given context. K3 is normally applicable to procedural knowledge. There is no creative act involved like evaluating a software application, or creating a model for a given software. When we have a given model and cover in the syllabus the procedural steps to create test cases from a model, then it is K3.”

14  Test design techniques are merely procedures to follow – no creativity  Advanced testers do not choose or invent (or understand) models – they only apply them  Syllabus says:  Exploratory Testing is lightweight, effective, unpredictable, immeasurable, difficult to repeat  Its for experts only (p31)  And yet, Exploratory Testing is a K3 topic.

15  Creativity and skill exist where testers make choices about the test models they use  Testers need to understand…  The simplifications, assumptions, shortcomings and consequences of test models…  … as WELL as how to use those in the textbooks  Are certification bodies and trainers  Moulding testers to be drones?  Promoting repeatability above accountability?

16 Why use them? What are they good for? Discuss

17  Uncertainty:  Our sources of knowledge are fallible  We test because the behaviour and reliability of systems are uncertain  Designers, developers, and testers make mistakes  Because of this uncertainty, the plan for any test worth running cannot be relied upon  And yet we predict test progress, the status and number of incidents for a precise date.

18  Predictions of test status at any future date or time are notional – this our quandary: 1. One can predict test status, but not when it will be achieved; 2. One can predict when a test will end, but not its status  Exit Criteria AREN’T  They make testers hostages to fortune; they send the wrong message  They are just planning assumptions  … UNLESS we know stakeholders will allow slippage  … in ADVANCE.

19 Why is independence good? Discuss

20  “Developers are lousy testers”  Who says so?  Why?  Did we ever train developers in testing?  Do we ever ask them to test and hold them accountable?  Test-Driven is as old as the hills – but developers are gradually getting the hang of it  Are testers’ jobs threatened?  Is that why testers promote independence?

21  If developers do the testing, and do it well, where does that leave independent testers?  Do test managers have a role in Agile regimes?  Maybe Test Managers should…  Stop running teams, doing the testing  Oversee the test process as an independent assurer.

22  Bashing received wisdom and certification doesn’t move us forward  It’s fun, but not forward  If we don’t think critically about what we are told, advised and recommended:  We follow procedures without understanding them  We support hidden agendas and vested interests  We risk wasting time doing useless things  We advocate and argue for lost causes that make us obsolete and redundant.


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