DO NOW Write whether the dependent clause came first or second in the sentences below: 1.If you want to, we can go get ice cream. 2.I sneezed 17 times.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW Write whether the dependent clause came first or second in the sentences below: 1.If you want to, we can go get ice cream. 2.I sneezed 17 times."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW Write whether the dependent clause came first or second in the sentences below: 1.If you want to, we can go get ice cream. 2.I sneezed 17 times while I was driving. 3.My mother brought me a tissue because I sneezed. 4.I was driving while I didn’t have insurance. 5.Because I wasn’t paying attention, the teacher called on me. 6.Since I ate before I swam, I threw up in the pool. 7.Although I have been watching what I eat, I am still gaining weight!

2 KEY WORDS FOR TODAY’S LESSON Tone - the author’s attitude toward the subject Similar to tone of voice Recognized by the language/word choices the author uses Language will reveal the author’s (positive/negative) opinion about the subject You can't hear the narrator, so you have to infer the tone from his or her words.

3 EXAMPLE OF TONE The bright rays of the warm sun cheered us. VS. That big stupid sun is giving me a headache.

4 WHAT IS THE TONE OF THE TEXT? If we were to read a description of a play date that included words and phrases like “dreaded” and “my mom forced me to go,” we could infer that the individual didn’t really want to go. So, the tone would be… gloomy, frustrated, pessimistic, and angry rather than happy, excited, and optimistic!

5 WHAT IS THE TONE The treadmill began to whir, and I gripped its handlebars as the belt started moving me backwards. All I could do now was run -- or begrudgingly barrel forward -- toward an outdated screen that showed me the terrain I was supposed to be running on. It was made of red squares stacked up, one on top of another: the higher stacks were supposed to be steep hills, and the lower ones, valleys. I tried to picture them as burning coals to see if that would make me speed up or at least feel like this exercise was somehow connected to nature -- even one of its cruel parts. What is the author’s attitude toward the treadmill?

6 CONSIDER THIS! The author must have a negative view of running on a treadmill. How do we know that? Consider the specific details, comparisons and word choices the author uses: “Treadmill moving me backward“ and imagining that the red squares as burning coals That does not sound pleasant Word Choice Begrudgingly, outdated, "... run -- or barrel forward,“ "... one of its cruel parts“ All of these verbs, adverbs, and adjectives have negative connotations. Words to describe the author's tone include sarcastic, pessimistic, and critical.

7 WHAT IS THE TONE? The treadmill began to whir, and my heart sped up faster than the belt could go. Instead of pressing "select" on my remote control to escape into a TV show, I had just selected "Power Run." A sleek screen with a simple set of red lines showed me the terrain on which I was running. Those red lines looked like a pulse, and they got me to run farther and faster than I could ever run when I'm outside, worried about weather, cars, or other people. It may not have looked like I was going anywhere that night, but I had just broken out of a ten-year slump. What is the author’s attitude toward the treadmill?

8 CONSIDER THIS! The author must have a positive view of running on a treadmill. How do we know that? Consider the specific details, comparisons and word choices the author uses: I had just selected "Power Run.“ and " I had just broken out of a ten-year slump.“ Word Choice "farther and faster" and "sleek“ These adverbs and adjectives show a positive view of the subject's progress and one of the treadmill's main features. Words to describe the author's tone include energetic, enthusiastic, and excited.

9 STAND UP AND PUSH YOUR CHAIR IN! You don’t need to take anything with you. You have 30 seconds to create a large circle around the desks.

10 GP – TONE GAME The way a person feels about an idea, event, or another person can be quickly determined through facial expressions, gestures, and in the tone of voice he or she is using. Every other person is going to get a slip of paper. Those who don’t have a slip of paper are going to guess the tone the person is using to communicate to you, the listener. The speaker will go into the middle of the circle to act out their slip of paper.

11 GP – TONE GAME Now, those of you who didn’t have to act aren’t off the hook! You have one minute to come up with a sentence that you are going to perform. You will stand in the middle just like everyone else. You may write your sentence down on your guided notes if you need to.

12 MID-UNIT 6 REVIEW Look over all of your notes from lesson one to now. What questions do you have?

13 EXIT TICKET DIRECTIONS: Read the passage and determine the tone of the text. Use a complete sentence to explain your reasoning. The girls were playing in the pond, splashing each other and trying to catch fish with their hands. They were having fun, but kept looking over their shoulders at the looming forest. The long grass of the field kept moving and they sort of felt like they were being watched… About a half hour passed and still the girls kept checking the field for movements. It seemed like a pair of dark eyes was on them. They even considered going back inside, but that would mean homework time. So they continued splashing, but with caution now. Their eyes hardly left the field.


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