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Religious Wars have a political impact! War of three Henrys, Protestant Revolts, 30 Years War.

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1 Religious Wars have a political impact! War of three Henrys, Protestant Revolts, 30 Years War

2 Religious Wars 1550-1650 Religious Wars 1550-1650 War of Three Henrys in France 1572-1589 Protestant Revolts in Netherlands against the Spain 1566-1587 30 Years War in Holy Roman Empire 1618-1648

3 Religious Conflict in France More French nobles and commoners converting to Calvinism after the fall out of the Concordat of Bologna and the promotion of Calvin’s book (written and French and pushing a “reformed religion” Known as “Huguenots” 1/10 of French had become Calvinist and 40 Calvinist churches existed mostly in the cities. Violence had erupted at baptisms, weddings, and funerals!!!!!

4 St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre and Wedding! Henry Navarre (Prot.) marries Margaret Valois (Cath.) Admiral Coligny (Prot.) attacked by Catholic extremists. Violence grew to encompass three major cities and 12,000 Huguenots died This grew further into the “War of Three Henrys” Henry III, Henry Navarre, Henry of Guise

5 War of Three Henrys Continued Severe economic and political consequences on France + its agriculture Henry Navarre and “Politiques” want reconciliation After death of Catherine d’Medici, assassination of Henry III and Henry Guise, Henry Navarre becomes King! He converts to Catholicism. He passed the Edict of Nantes!!!!

6 Protestant Revolts In Netherlands, Calvinism gained popularity and emphasized “work ethic” Poor conditions and sermons incited riots against Catholic churches (that didn’t represent god!) Under Phillip II, Duke of Alva brings troops and sets up “Council of Blood” from 1568-1578 civil war continued William of Orange united the 17 provinces but one by one cities were falling to Spanish forces. Union of Utrecht ends the conflict: seven northern provinces remain independent and the 10 lower became known as the “Spanish Netherlands”

7 Protestant Revolts Southern provinces Catholic and the Northern “United Provinces” were Protestant The North contacted the Protestant Queen Elizabeth for assistance. She replied with troops and funds. C O N S P I R A C Y! Phillip II, Mary Queen of Scots, Pope Sixtus V 1588 Spanish Armada is defeated by English Fleet! 1609, Phillip III signed a truce but also recognized the independence of the United Provinces.

8 The 30 Years War 1618-1648 Peace of Augsburg was being ignored, Calvinism was making a move in H.R.E, Jesuits actively converting! “Protestant Union” and “Catholic League” 1608-1609. 1617 the “Defenestration of Prague” and Ferdinand of Styria. 4 Phases of the war –Bohemian Phase –Danish Phase –Swedish Phase –French Phase

9 30 years war Phases 1 and 2 Ferdinand vs. Frederick Catholics win the battle of White Mountain Elected emperor, Ferdinand forced Catholicism on Bohemia Christian IV of Denmark (Prot.)vs Gen. Wallenstein (Cath.) Wallenstein is power hungry and war no longer about religion Catholics push emperor to issue edict of restitution (1552)

10 30 Years War Phases 3 and 4 Gustavus Adolphus brings Swedes to battles in H.R.E. Cardinal Richelieu, French Minister sends funds to Swedes. Adolphus dies and Swedes lose battle of Nordlingen. French decide to enter the war. Armies now include French, Swedish, Danish, Catholics roaming. “Total War” employed Peace of Westphalia,October 1648

11 Peace of Westphalia Recognized authority of 300 German Princes, devastating the strength of Hapsburg authority as emperor. French took Alsace as new territory Sweden received indemnity Peace of Augsburg was permanent with the addition of Calvinist religion possible. Papacy was not allowed to interfere in H.R.E. religious issues. Acknowledged United Provinces independence internationally

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