Welcome to Mrs. Schnatz’s Class 2015-2016. All About Mrs. Schnatz Teaching at St. Mary’s for 5 years Prior to St. Mary’s, I taught in Half Hollow Hills.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Schnatz’s Class 2015-2016. All About Mrs. Schnatz Teaching at St. Mary’s for 5 years Prior to St. Mary’s, I taught in Half Hollow Hills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Schnatz’s Class 2015-2016

2 All About Mrs. Schnatz Teaching at St. Mary’s for 5 years Prior to St. Mary’s, I taught in Half Hollow Hills & Lindenhurst Graduate of Sacred Heart University Masters in Childhood Education (1-6) & Certification Professional Certification: Childhood Education & Students With Disabilities 2 children: Lilliana & Jake

3 Classroom Policies: Homework & Planners Students copy their homework in the beginning of each class into their planner. The homework will also be on e-chalk. Please check daily! If an assignment is not completed, a missing homework slip will be sent home to be signed. The student will need to complete the assignment. 3 missing homework assignments = 1 demerit

4 Policies All tests will be sent home in a test folder, that is to be signed and returned the next day. In addition, all tests need to be signed and returned. Behavior Chart: Rewards as you go up the ladder: Consequences going down. Positive: tickets earns a prize & whole class “I like what I see”. Warning: verbal & visual Consequence: child fills out behavior log during recess Parent Contact: Demerit/Conduct

5 Policies Absences: If your child is absent, they are required to make up the missed work. Band Lessons: It is your child’s responsibility to find out and make up all the work that is missed when they are out of the room.

6 Extra Learning If your child is struggling with a concept, please have him/her come in. Extra Learning: @ 7:40am on Tuesdays Please be on time! Those children who are unable to attend in the morning, will be provided with extra learning during recess as needed.

7 Class Pet: Coco Sign up sheet with dates of availability. Taking home Coco is a privilege that can be taken away. All materials & food needed to care for Coco will be sent home. Let me know if you are available on short notice.

8 Important Dates: NY State Math Assessment: April 13-15 NY State Science Assessment: Performance: May 23 Written: June 6 Field Trip: Center for Science Teaching & Learning (TBA)

9 Units of Study: Math Operations and Algebraic Thinking –Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems. –Gain knowledge with factors and multiples. –Generate and analyze patterns

10 Numbers and Operations in Base-Ten –Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers –Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.

11 Numbers and Operations: Fractions -Extend understanding of equivalence and ordering. -Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of operations on whole numbers. -Understand decimal notation for fractions, and compare decimal fractions.

12 Measurement and Data - Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit. - Represent and interpret data - Geometric measurement: understand concepts of angles and measuring angles

13 Geometry - Draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles.

14 Welcome Parents to your Go Math! Resources on ThinkCentral.com! Welcome to Think Central, a website where you can access your Go Math! textbooks and fun interactive activities! Go to http://www.thinkcentral.com/index.htm. http://www.thinkcentral.com/index.htm 1.) Click on “Mathematics” from the list on the left of the screen; 2.) click, “Go Math” 3.) Use the dropdown boxes to log on State: New York District: Diocese of Rockville Centre School: St. Mary’s Elementary School. I have assigned your child a username and password. Please see the list up front.

15 Go Math: Resources “Things to Do” will list current assignments I have created. “My Test Scores” will list scores of online tests IF your class is taking online assessments. Once you are in the system, you simply click on Library to access your Student Edition (it may take awhile to load). Note you can go to any page in your book, and access iTools (eManipulatives), Animated Math, etc. You can also access some printable resources in the Student Library by clicking on items such as the Go Math! Standards Practice Book. Don’t forget to investigate the Real World Videos!

16 Units of Study: Science Scientific Method & Science Tools Use lab materials and resources properly Completes lab requirements Most labs will be graded. Physical Science: Matter, Electricity & Magnetism

17 Units of Study: Science Life Science: Ecology, Plants & Animals * Project Demonstrate an understanding of content Review of K-3 Science Units in preparation for NY State Assessment

18 Goals For each student to love coming to St. Mary’s. To provide a challenging, exciting and loving environment. For all students to have the drive to succeed.

19 Thank you for attending!!! Please email me at jschnatz5609@stmary11030.org with any additional questions you may have.

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