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Baptism Chapter 14. Baptism Baptism is necessary for salvation. the water symbolizes that we die to sin and rise to new life in Christ. - we are purified.

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Presentation on theme: "Baptism Chapter 14. Baptism Baptism is necessary for salvation. the water symbolizes that we die to sin and rise to new life in Christ. - we are purified."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baptism Chapter 14

2 Baptism Baptism is necessary for salvation. the water symbolizes that we die to sin and rise to new life in Christ. - we are purified and renewed.

3 Through the Sacrament of Baptism, Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit, continues to include and welcome all those who believe in him. We are called to the mission of spreading the Good News of Christ and the Kingdom of God.

4 Jesus Jesus spread the Good News to everyone and invited all to join Him. He reached out to all people, including those who were discriminated against. Jesus gave his Apostles the power to continue his mission and make new disciples.

5 In Jewish ritual, water was a powerful symbol of salvation and purification from sin. Once we have been baptized, we are permanently marked with the sign of faith.

6 catechumenate- prayer and liturgy, religious instructions based on Scripture and Tradition, and service to others. catechumens- adults and older children that participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults celebrant- the bishop, priest, or deacon who celebrates the sacrament for and with the community.

7 Baptismal Symbols sign of the cross on forehead- sign of the new life Christ has won for us. holy oil- cleansing from sin. baptismal water- chrism- perfumed oil that has been blessed by the bishop amd is a sign of the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

8 white garment- an outward sign of the baptized person's new life in Christ and the universal call to holiness and purity. candle- sign of the light and goodness of Christ.

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