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If property-type = susceptibility, then inheres-in = organism (also if method = MLC, then inheres-in = organism)

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Presentation on theme: "If property-type = susceptibility, then inheres-in = organism (also if method = MLC, then inheres-in = organism)"— Presentation transcript:

1 If property-type = susceptibility, then inheres-in = organism (also if method = MLC, then inheres-in = organism)



4 If the specimen = serum, then inheres-in = plasma, and DirectSite = serum If component ends with “.RAST class”, then technique = RAST scoring RAST scoring




8 Population of erythrocytes vs erythrocyte



11 For fractions and ratios, the component is split into TOWARDS and RELATIVE-TO

12 When System = xxx, INHERES-IN has no value – it remains null, and DIRECT-SITE = specimen

13 Challenge information is extracted from Component, and put in PRECONDITION





18 Ratios are split, numerator goes in TOWARDS slot and denominator in RELATIVE-TO slot


20 Property type is a fraction, so the component is split Between TOWARDS and RELATIVE-TO

21 The test is: “narrative interpretation of study of distribution of concentrations of chemical subtypes of glycosaminoglycan in urine”

22 Ontologically, rates are characteristics of processes, not qualities of continuants. In this example, the rate is a property that characterizes the process “excretion into urine”, with output “cortisone”, with a duration of “24 hours”. Note that the “process agent” is not modeled because “excretion into urine” is sufficient. (With general concept inclusions, we could state a rule that the kidney is necessarily the agent of excretion into urine, but that is not required to be stated here, and this is simpler.)

23 Coagulation tests are often quite odd. Here we split out “INR” as a technique, because it is really a technique for mathematically transforming the prothrombin time according to the characteristics of the reagents used.


25 When system = dose, the property inheres in the ingredient, since it is the amount of the ingredient that is the measure of the dose given / to be given

26 The technique taxon property type combines with DIRECT-SITE to represent the observable.

27 When measuring the total of two types of cells, the TOWARDS value should be a single value representing that disjunctive category. It is not correct to have multiple TOWARDS values, one for each type, because conjunction would require that the counted cells be both monocyte and macrophage (not what is intended here).

28 Leukocytes have HLA antigens (HLA = human leukocyte antigen); of course most other cells also have them. But since this is a blood specimen, it is the leukocytes in which the HLA antigens inhere.

29 LOINC property “PRID” can be translated to Linnaean taxon in this case, since there are at least 4 organisms identified (the answer cannot be “negative”). The taxon inheres in a bacterium that was located in the pharynx.

30 Here we added a subtype of arbitrary concentration, called “arbitrary concentration (titer)” and also a technique called “immunofluorescence titration”.

31 If system = xxx, DIRECT-SITE = specimen, and INHERES-IN is null.

32 System generates two values, one for INHERES-IN and another (a specimen) for DIRECT-SITE.

33 If this test actually reports two values, one for Giardia, the other for cryptosporidium, then it is a panel and should be a procedure but not an observable. If it reports for either (without differentiating), the TOWARDS value should be Giardia lamblia antigen OR Cryptosporidium parvum ag – as shown.

34 Gene mutation analysis in the Component field is translated into a property called “gene taxon”. This observable can take values that name various mutations (thus the “nominal” scaleType).

35 Panels do not fit the model. A separate model is needed for panels.

36 The values in the “proc#” field are not always logically part of the sufficient set of defining characteristics. They are often informative additional information (necessarily also true). For example, NCCLS/f89 is the allergen code for mustard, so this is supplemental to the component field information.

37 Diameter inheres in the latex induced papule, which is located in the skin. The diameter is not a property of the skin as a whole. Here the DIRECT-SITE is skin itself, not a skin specimen.

38 System spec. = fPt (fasting patient) is translated to PRECONDITION = fasting

39 In this example, we use “dose” as the value of INHERES-IN, consistent with previous examples. The precondition is that the dose was administered per os, so the test is post administration p.o.

40 For fractions and ratios, we explicitly represent the RELATIVE TO. In this example, RELATIVE-TO = total LDH.

41 For PROPERTY-TYPE = relative substance concentration, where the same substance is compared in two different continuants (CSF vs plasma), the Inheres-in value is the first (numerator) continuant, CSF in this case. The substance value is repeated in TOWARDS and RELATIVE-TO, and the second (denominator) continuant is given in RelToPartOf = plasma.

42 T23:30 means PRECONDITION = 11:30 PM specimen

43 When the Kind-of-Property is a ratio, use RELATIVE-TO

44 Modeled as saying the mass fraction inheres in plasma, not merely in total plasma protein. Consistent with other fractions, this example shows plasma total protein as the value of RELATIVE-TO.


46 In this example, adhesion is a logically-defining value for TECHNIQUE

47 Rates are characteristics of processes. cNPU component = somatotropin secretion To accommodate general endocrine secretion concepts, Characterizes has a general value (endocrine secretion) and the PitGl value from cNPU System is represented via Process agent = pituitary gland.

48 Another rate property, where the property inheres in a process. The process is the general “excretion into urine”. Process agent is allowed to be null in the sufficient definition.

49 Pauciscale is used in NPU to specify a ratio scale with a very limited number of results. When the value is a concentration in micromoles per liter, this means that the accuracy is limited to what is achievable by that small number of accepted values.

50 This is intended to be used to specify the type of benzodiazepine present in the plasma. Note the use of Inherent-location.






56 Assume this code is used to report a single taxon. (The organism is assumed by the test to be either a bacterium or a fungus).



59 Here NPU System = Syst, but this is about the threshold concentration of tobramycin required to have the effect on the microorganism. The threshold is a quality of the organism being inhibited or killed, thus INHERES-IN = Organism

60 Here the system is not stated (Syst is any system), so INHERES-IN remains null.


62 Assuming this is a Linnaean taxon that is derived from DNA analysis, not a category of DNA in a fungus. (subtly different). If the latter, then the value of inheres-in would be Fungus DNA.

63 PROPERTY-TYPE = morphology is modeled like taxon The morphology inheres in the organism (Plasmodium), which Is located in the marrow erythrocyte



66 More coag test oddness. Is the volume fraction something that inheres in the coagulum, or perhaps the coagulum retraction process? - There’s not much mileage in getting this exact because so few other tests will be like it. (Best to just pick some model and go with it.)

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