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Interesting facts about Napoleon.. Fact 1 Died at the age of 51.

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Presentation on theme: "Interesting facts about Napoleon.. Fact 1 Died at the age of 51."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interesting facts about Napoleon.

2 Fact 1 Died at the age of 51.

3 Fact 2 Autopsy report concluded that Napoleon died of stomach cancer but some scientists believed he was poisoned with arsenic.

4 Fact 3 Forensic samples of Napoleon’s hair did show high levels which is 13 times the normal amount of the element.

5 The Rise of Napoleon

6 Napoleon Bonaparte Ruled from 1799-1815. Born on the Island of Corsica Son of a lawyer. His family came from Florentine nobility. Educated in French Military school. Rose through the ranks quickly, became a Lieutenant in the French Army in 1785

7 Napoleon Continued He was not well liked by his peers. –Short: 5’ 2” –Spoke with an Italian accent –Had little money.

8 1796, Napoleon, Commander of French Armies in Italy Won a series of battles using speed, deception and surprise. Napoleon defeated the Austrian’s in Itlay.

9 1797, Conquering Hero Given command of army in training to invade Britain. Realized his army wasn’t ready to invade Britain. Napoleon’s Proposal French army should strike Egypt. Also strike India, which was a major source of British wealth.

10 Coup d etat 1799 In Paris Napoleon took part in the coup d etat that over threw the Directory. Consulate: Controlled everything

11 Napoleon’s Power He controlled the government. Held absolute Power. Why is this ironic fro the French?

12 Consulates Powers Appoint members of the bureaucracy. Control the army. Conduct foreign affairs. Influence the legislature.

13 1802-1804 In 1802 Napoleon named himself consul for life. In 1804 Napoleon crowned himself emperor. Became known as Napoleon I.


15 Napoleon Crowns Himself Napoleon seizes the crown from Pope Pius VII and crowns himself.

16 Napoleon’s Domestic Policies First order of business was to make peace with the Catholic church. Catholicism would be recognized as the official religion of most of France. In return, the Pope, would not ask for the return of church lands taken during the revolution.

17 Domestic Policies Continued Codification of laws: Napoleon’s most famous domestic achievement. Most important was the Civil Code or Napoleonic Code. –All Citizens are equal under law. –Right to chose own profession. –Religious Toleration –Abolition of serfdom and feudalism. –Property rights protected –Trade unions and strikes were outlawed.

18 Napoleon’s Empire When Napoleon took power France was at war with Russia, GB, and Austria. Achieves a peace treaty in 1802. 1803 war resumes. By 1805 Napoleon’s Grand Army had defeated the Austrian, Prussian and Russian armies.


20 Empire: 1807-1812 pg: 349 Napoleon’s empire was composed of 3 major parts. –French Empire: –Dependent States: Ruled by Napoleon’s relatives –Allied States: Countries defeated by Napoleon and forced to join his struggle against Britain.


22 Why Napoleon’s Empire Collapsed 1.) Great Britain was never defeated. –Why? Sea power. As long as Britain controlled the seas they were almost invulnerable to attack. 1805: British defeat a combined French and Spanish navy attack. Continental System: Stop British goods from reaching the European mainland. –Stop Britain economically.

23 Continued 2.) Nationalism: Pride in one’s country. Unique cultural identity of people based on common language, religion and national symbols.

24 Fall of Napoleon 1812: Invasion of Russia 600,000 troops Russian forces refused to fight, and retreated deeper and deeper into the interior of Russia.

25 Fall of Napoleon Continued As the Russians retreated they burned their own villages and countryside to prevent Napoleon’s army from finding shelter and food. Napoleon marches his army to Moscow. Finds the city ablaze. Lacking food and supplies, Napoleon abandons Moscow.

26 Great Retreat Napoleon and his troops leave Russia during the middle of winter. Only 40,000 men make it back out of the original 600,000 French army is now crippled, other European states rose up against the French. Paris captured in 1812



29 Napoleon is Exiled Sent to the island of Elba. Napoleon gets bored and slips back into France. Troops sent to stop him, they end up joining his side. Napoleon is in charge of France for 100 days.


31 Waterloo, Belgium French army fights a combined British and Prussian army. French suffer a bloody defeat. Duke of Wellington gets credit for the defeat of Napoleon’s army. Napoleon exiled to St. Helena, dies their 6 years later.


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