YOU CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN FOR A GROWING NUMBER OF PEOPLE Promoting Ability not Disability Mental Health Issues 20 June 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "YOU CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN FOR A GROWING NUMBER OF PEOPLE Promoting Ability not Disability Mental Health Issues 20 June 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 YOU CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN FOR A GROWING NUMBER OF PEOPLE Promoting Ability not Disability Mental Health Issues 20 June 2013

2 Our Agenda Welcome and ice breaker Mental Health at Work – MIND What causes you concern? Seek first to understand - Dr Gavin Hendricks (Consultant Psychiatrist, Adult Mental Health)

3 Ice Breaker – dispelling the myths What proportion of adults in the UK workforce have declared they are currently suffering from a mental health issue? 1 in 6 based on an interviewed sample in March 2013 (MIND) The terms: mental, mad, nervous breakdown and unstable are all inappropriate when used to described mental health issues. It was agreed that we should talk about mental health rather than avoid doing so. Mental health issues are often related to an unbalance as mental just as physical health is a continuum. We are not here to diagnose but to offer support if needed. How many people committed suicide in Jersey in 2009? The official statistic is 25. Reports suggest that the suicide rate in Jersey is much higher than in the UK, but we must understand that in the UK suicide is only recorded when a note has been left, this is not the case in Jersey. Suicide rates are much higher in the male population and in particular in the age range 18 – 24. Do you believe disclosure of a mental health issue during the recruitment and selection process reduces the chances of being recruited? The majority of the attendees agreed that this was the case but also recognised that it shouldn’t be. It was very evident through discussion that employers needed to know enough information to be supportive but also to understand whether the decision to recruit would be commercially viable. Do you know anyone with previous mental health issues who feels that it will damage their career if others were to find out? Nearly all attendees said yes to this question.

4 Mental Health at Work Research commissioned by Mind has found that work is the most stressful factor in people’s lives. 1 in 3 (34 %) saying their work life was either very or quite stressful, more so than debt or financial problems (30 %) or health (17 %). Research reference: Populus interviewed 2,060 adults aged 18+ in England and Wales, in work between 6-10 March 2013

5 Struggling to cope Workplace stress has resulted in 7 % (rising to 10 % amongst 18 to 24 year olds) having suicidal thoughts and 1 in 5 people (18 %) developing anxiety.

6 Coping strategies Stress has often caused people to resort to alcohol and drugs to cope. Nearly 3 in 5 people (57 %) say they drink after work and 1 in 7 (14%) drink during the working day to cope with workplace stress and pressure. Other coping mechanisms cited were smoking (28 %), taking antidepressants (15 %), over the counter sleeping aids (16 %) and prescribed sleeping tablets (10 %).

7 Mind is urging managers and HR professionals to sign up to their free webinars and resources which will focus on creating mentally healthy workplaces in tough economic times and how to support staff who are stressed or have mental health problems.

8 Seek first to understand … Dr Gavin Hendricks (Consultant Psychiatrist, Adult Mental Health)

9 Indicators of Depression F – fatigue A – anhedonia T – time, continued symptoms for at least 2 weeks Additional indicators – change in levels of self esteem, feelings of guilt, changes in appetite/eating habits, difficulty in making decisions or changing mind afterwards, psychomotor changes, self harm which can be substance related, not caring for self or more significant

10 If your organisation takes no action other than to shout when in doubt, the lives of a significant number of people with a disability can be transformed. The world of work offers income but also status, a sense of well being, meaningful occupation and social networks that so many of us take for granted. Contact: Sally Gallichan – Chairman – 07797 712 435

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