Por vs. Para Grammar Cap 4. Por and Para have the same meaning in English most of the time. Por and Para can change meanings depending on usage. Por and.

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1 Por vs. Para Grammar Cap 4

2 Por and Para have the same meaning in English most of the time. Por and Para can change meanings depending on usage. Por and Para are easily confused if people dont pay attention to their usage. – it can alter your intent if used wrong. You may be wanting to say one thing, but actually say something else if you use por instead of para. Por and Para are not interchangeable– they have their own set of rules. Por vs. Para

3 A. Luciano canta para Plácido. B. Luciano canta por Plácido. Both translate as Luciano sings for Plácido. In sentence A. Plácido is listening to Luciano sing. In sentence B. Luciano is singing in place of Plácido. Ejemplos de las diferencias

4 Meaning by for on before Expresses a specific time limit or deadline in the future. I need the paper by Monday. (Yo) necesito el papel para lunes. Expresses a limited timespan in the future. We have a house reserved for two weeks. (Nosotros) tenemos una casa reservada para dos semanas. Usos de Para-Deadlines

5 Meaning for Used when someone or something goes outside the norm. For a fat dog, he runs very fast. Para un perro gordo, él corre muy rápido. For an old man, he dances well. Para un hombre viejo, él baila bien. Usos de Para-Unlikely Comparisons

6 Meaning for Tells for whom or where a person works. I worked for my dad last summer. Yo trabajé para mi papá el verano pasado. She works for Macys Ella trabaja para Macys. Usos de Para-Employment

7 Meaning for or to When discussing your travels around the world or around your hometown it refers to your final destination. I travel to Spain this year in a plane. Yo viajo para España este año en el avión. I walk to school every morning. Yo camino para la escuela todas las mañanas. Usos de Para-Destination

8 Meaning for Besides people receiving something, it can also be used when something/somewhere is receiving something. We bought the gift for you. (Nosotros) compramos el regalo para ti. The ring is for her. El anillo es para ella. This soap is for the bathroom Este jabón es para el baño. This telephone is for that office. Este teléfono es para esa oficina. Usos de Para-Recipient

9 Meaning in order to When using this, your verb after para must be an infinitive. I am studying in order to learn more. (Yo) estoy estudiando para aprender más. They work in order to pay the bills. Ellos trabajan para pagar las cuentas. Usos de Para-In Order To

10 Meaning for In _____ opinion Para mí, el español es hermoso. In my opinion (For me), Spanish is beautiful. Para Paco, Madrid es la mejor ciudad. In Pacos opinion (For Paco), Madrid is the best city. Usos de Para-To express opinion

11 Deadlines Unlikely Comparisons Employment Destination In Order To Recipient To Express Opinions Para DUE DIRT

12 Usos de Por

13 Meaning by, on, via. Refers not just to people but also information. Yo viajé por tren a México. I traveled by train to Mexico. Ella va a mandar el regalo por correo. She is going to send the gift by mail. Uses of Por-Mode of travel

14 Meaning because of reasoning being El partido teminó por la llovía. The game ended because of rain. Por el examen, yo me quedé. Because of the test, I stayed home. Uses of Por-Reason or Because of

15 Meaning for about around through during at Used when area and time are not specific. (Yo) te voy a reunirme por la plaza. I am going to meet you around the plaza. (Nosotros) comemos por el mediodía. We eat around noon. Tenemos clase por la noche. We have class at night. Uses of Por-General area/time

16 Meaning by This is used with passive voice constructions. The book is written by Ernest Hemingway. El libro es escrito por Ernest Hemingway. The dog was found by the police. El perro fue encontrado por el policía. Ernest Hemingway and el policía are called agents. Usos de Por-Agent

17 Meaning through along beside by Used with temporary stops that are not your final destination. (Yo) caminé por el parque ayer. I walked through the park yesterday. Ellos corrieron por la playa. They ran along the beach. Voy por el banco antes de ir al teatro. I am going by the bank before going to the theater. Uses of por-Motion

18 Meaning for Juan tiene mucho amor por su esposa. Juan has a lot of love for his loved one. Tengo respecto por mis amigos. I have respect for my friends. Uses of Por-Expressing like/dislike/ or emotion

19 Por can also be used in specific expressions. Por favor-Please Por fin-Finally/at last Por supuesto-Of course ¿Por qué?-Why? Usos de Por-Specific Expressions

20 Meaning for in place of in exchange of. Can also be used when we freely trade or purchase something. She is going to work for me because I am sick. Ella va a trabajar por mí porque estoy enfermo. Pagué cinco dólares por la pizza. I paid five dollars for the pizza. Juan cambia su manzana por una naranja. Juan exchanged his apple for an orange. Uses of Por - Exchange/In place of/ Price

21 Meaning for When thanking someone for something that he or she has done for you or gratitude for a gift. Gracias por las flores. Thank you for the flowers. Gracias por tu ayuda. Thank you for your help. Uses of Por-Thanks or Gratitude

22 Meaning per Used when speaking of times per day, minutes per hour, or the percentage of something. Indicates duration or an amount of a whole. Él lee tres libros por mes. He reads three books per month. El diez por ciento no habló en clase. Ten percent didnt talk in class. Uses of Por-Measurement

23 Meaning for Telling how long something lasts. Cada día trabajamos por ocho horas. Every day we work for 8 hours. Ellos van de vacaciones por dos semanas. They go on vacation for two weeks. Uses of Por-Duration of Time

24 Meaning to get to obtain to pick up Mom went to the store for bread. Mamá fue a la tienda por el pan. She left for ice cream. Ella salió por el helado. Uses of Por-Purpose or Goal

25 Mode of travel Reason/Because of General area/time Agent Motion Expressing like/dislike/or emotion Specific Expressions Exchange/in place of/price Review of por-When do you use it?

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