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Presentation on theme: "RECRUITMENT WORKSHOP ALPHA PHASE – WEEK 1 to B ETTER the M AN."— Presentation transcript:


2 7 STEP PROCESS TO RECRUITMENT  Meet the Person  Make this Person your Friend  Introduce this Person to your Friends (Brothers)  Evaluate him against standards  Introduce this Person to your Fraternity  Ask this Person to be a part of your Brotherhood  Repeat the Process Alpha Sigma Phi

3 RECRUITMENT – STEP ONE Meet a Potential New Member  Where do we meet people?  Every person we meet is a PNM  Make sure we get their contact information and add them to the names list.  Activity: Create Names List  Goal – 5 names per member Alpha Sigma Phi

4 PLACES TO RECRUIT Alpha Sigma Phi Class Sorority Referrals Residence Hall Cafeteria Movie Theatre Campus Events Work Welcome Week Intramurals Friend of a Friend Gatherings Open Forums Lectures Courtyard Student Union Admin/Faculty Referrals Hallways Athletic Games Gym Student Organizations

5 RECRUITMENT – STEP TWO  Make a Potential New Member Your Friend  How did you make friends before the Fraternity?  Recruitment is all about one on one connections  Find something in common!  Activity: 30 Second Conversations Alpha Sigma Phi

6 QUESTIONS? What questions do you ask someone to learn more about them? Alpha Sigma Phi

7 4 F’S TO MASTER A CONVERSATION  Family  Favorites  From  Fun Alpha Sigma Phi

8 4 B’S TO AVOID IN CONVERSATION  Barack (Politics)  Bible (Religion)  Booze (Alcohol and Drinking)  Babes (Hookups) Alpha Sigma Phi

9 OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS  The best open-ended questions start with one of these 5 words/phrases:  How  Why  Tell me about  Explain to me  Help me understand Alpha Sigma Phi

10 OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS  Example  Q: Where are you from?  A: Michigan  Example  Q: Tell me about where you’re from?  A: So I grew up in this really small town in Michigan, which explains a lot about me, I guess. It’s called Buchanan, and it is known as the “Motocross capital of the world…” Alpha Sigma Phi

11 QUALITY QUESTIONS TO ASK  What do you expect to get out of the Fraternity experience?  Tell me about the activities you are/were involved in?  Why are you interested in joining a Fraternity?  How do you like to spend your free time?  How do your parents feel about you joining a Fraternity?  What have you heard about Alpha Sig on campus? Alpha Sigma Phi

12 STRONG CONVERSATIONAL KEYS  Remain confident by controlling the conversation.  Control the conversation by monopolizing the listening.  Monopolize the listening by asking open-ended questions. Alpha Sigma Phi

13 CLOSING A CONVERSATION  How to leave a conversation  Give cell phone #  Ask potential member if they have a cell #  Make plans for next: study session, meal, workout, etc.  Tell potential member to invite roommates, friends, etc.  Follow Up Alpha Sigma Phi

14 SOCIAL EXCELLENCE  Social Excellence – Best Practices  Introduce yourself to each potential new member with a firm handshake.  Be confident in yourself  Learn each potential new member’s name – try to use his name in conversation often  Be enthusiastic  Introduce potential new members to other potential new members and brothers but never with a naked introduction  Seek out more information from potential new members – “How so” or “What does that involve”  Actually bring the potential new member to activities or events – don’t just assume he will attend  Don’t ask yes/no questions – ask open-ended questions  Follow-up with PNM’s after meeting or event Alpha Sigma Phi

15 RECRUITMENT - STEP THREE Introduce the PNM to Your Friends  How would you introduce a potential new member to your friends?  Facilitate your new friends becoming friends with your current friends.  What do you currently do with your friends? Alpha Sigma Phi

16 RECRUITMENT - STEP FOUR Introduce the PNM to Your Fraternity  What events or activities could we invite a potential new member to attend?  What constitutes a chapter “recruitment” event?  Activity: Sell me Alpha Sigma Phi

17 BIG WINNERS v. BIG LOSERS  Differences between success & failure  Appearance  Body Language  Listen and Ask Questions/Be Positive  Give Introductions  Be Proud of Your Fraternity  Answering Questions Alpha Sigma Phi

18 APPEARANCE Alpha Sigma Phi BIG WINNERS  Dress to impress your potential Brothers  Clean Shirt  Sharp hair  Smells good  Good breath BIG LOSERS  Dress like they just got up or just got back from the rec. center  Dirty/smelly clothes  Messy hair  Smells like a locker room  Garlic breath

19 BODY LANGUAGE Alpha Sigma Phi BIG WINNERS  Smile  Stand up  Give a firm handshake but not overpowering  Make eye contact with your potential brother  Talk with an open pathway to the entrance of the room BIG LOSERS  Have no facial expression or look too serious  Sit down  Give a limp handshake  Look at the floor, ceiling or the composites  Talk in a closed circle or with back to the entrance of a room

20 LISTEN, ASK QUESTIONS, BE POSITIVE Alpha Sigma Phi BIG WINNERS  Know potential Brothers names  Ask open-ended questions  Ask follow-up questions  Allow potential Brothers to talk more  Give non-verbal feedback  Don’t ask the same tired questions!  Talk positively about Brothers BIG LOSERS  Don’t remember potential Brothers names  Ask yes/no questions or worse, talk about themselves  Don’t ask follow-up questions  Do all the talking  Ask same-old boring questions  Use sarcasm, tell inside jokes, or ridicule and embarrass Brothers

21 INTRODUCTIONS Alpha Sigma Phi BIG WINNERS  Give appropriate introductions  Example: “Jeff, this is Joe. Joe was telling me that he played soccer in high school, and I know you did too.”  Don’t use speed dating!  Potential Brothers don’t need to meet everyone the first time they come around  Quality conversations over quantity BIG LOSERS  Give naked introductions  Example: “Jeff, this is Joe. Joe, this is Jeff. Yo, Matt save the chicken wings!”  Handoff potential Brothers from person to person  Value quantity over quality

22 BE PROUD OF YOUR FRATERNITY Alpha Sigma Phi BIG WINNERS  Show pride in their Fraternity through actions and words  Encourage potential Brothers to visit other fraternities  Talk positively about the Greek community  Avoid tired clichés that every fraternity uses BIG LOSERS  Apologize for their Fraternity or don’t show pride in it  Talk poorly of other fraternities  Use the same tired clichés every other Fraternity uses

23 ANSWERING QUESTIONS Alpha Sigma Phi BIG WINNERS  Honestly answer questions about time and financial commitments and what it means to be in a Fraternity  Talk about what the Fraternity does well and what they can improve  Ask “what questions do you have,” not “do you have any questions”  Ask at the end of the night  Invite potential Brothers to contact the Brothers if they have any questions  By phone, e-mail, Facebook or IM  Respond to questions in a timely manner  Follow-up with the potential Brothers that he talked with at recruitment BIG LOSERS  Minimize the time commitments  Apologize for standards  Imply that the Fraternity is perfect  Assume that if potential Brothers have a question, they’ll contact the Brothers  Don’t encourage potential Brothers to contact the Brothers

24 RECRUITMENT - STEP FIVE Evaluate the PNM Against Your Standards  Bid voting: Deciding who to extend bids to/ask to join  What are your membership standards?  How will you evaluate the potential new member against your standards? Alpha Sigma Phi

25 RECRUITMENT - STEP SIX Ask the PNM to Join Your Fraternity  One simple question will ensure 100% bid acceptance  If I were to ask you to join right now, would anything stop you?  2 options:  No (Extend him a bid)  Yes (Find out his excuse and refute)  After Bid Voting – ask to join! Alpha Sigma Phi

26 DEALING WITH EXCUSES Excuses should be expected. People make excuses all the time. The key is learning how to deal with them. Here are a few of the most common excuses  It costs too much  I don’t want to buy my friends  I don’t have the time  I don’t want to be hazed  My parents don’t want me to join  I don’t want to be told what to do Alpha Sigma Phi

27 REBUTTAL IN 4-STEPS HERE’S AN EFFECTIVE 4-STEP MODEL TO WIN AN EXCUSE-GIVER OVER Step 1 - Ask a question Too often, when someone gives an excuse, our natural reaction is to flood the person with a lot of information. This leads to stuttering, a rigid delivery, and an uncomfortable situation for all. The easiest way to combat this is to simply ask a question.  Why do you think it would hurt your grades?  How much do you think it costs to join a fraternity?  Why don’t your parents want you to join? Alpha Sigma Phi

28 REBUTTAL IN 4-STEPS Step 2 – Provide Information Now is the time to give the necessary information that will ease his apprehensions. Be prepared to give the correct information, don’t make things up! Make sure every active member of the chapter knows information about the chapter. It’s also a good opportunity to introduce him to a brother who had similar fears.  Semester and National dues  Size of Chapter  Chapter GPA  Chapter events and activities  Chapter accomplishments and goals Alpha Sigma Phi

29 REBUTTAL IN 4-STEPS Step 1 – Get him to say “Yes” Get him to say “Yes.” – Before you spring the question of asking him to join, get him to say yes to other questions first. Ask him questions that will guarantee a yes response. What questions can you ask that would guarantee a “yes” response?  Did you come to college to have fun as well as get a degree?  Do you wish there was more to do here?  Don’t you want to get the most out of your college experience?  Do you like to meet new people? Alpha Sigma Phi

30 REBUTTAL IN 4-STEPS Step 1 – Ask him to join Asking someone to join after steps 1-3 are completed should be easy. By this time, the potential member should know most of the brotherhood, feel comfortable asking questions, and be interested in joining. Explain to him that you truly believe that he would benefit from membership and that he would make a great addition to your chapter. In this instance, there is no clear-cut answer on how to ask him to join. Each person joins for a different combination of reason. You should know what that combination is, reaffirm it, and ask him to join. Alpha Sigma Phi

31 RECRUITMENT - STEP SEVEN Repeat the Process  People join people, not organizations  Recruitment is about relationship building with new connections  Recruitment occurs 365 days a year  Activity: Plan and Execute a Recruitment Event Alpha Sigma Phi

32 to B ETTER the M AN.


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